Crown of Silence

Chapter 131 Who is the most annoying person?

Chapter 132 Who is the most annoying person?

In the myth of Tianzhu, the demons who fought against the gods built three metal cities of gold, silver, and black iron, and smelted them into one body, creating irresistible power and indescribable terrifying images.

The demon's rampage aroused the anger of the god. The god opened his bow and shot three arrows towards the three cities. Where the arrow landed, gold rusted, silver turned to ashes, and black iron melted... The fire of destruction burned away all the demons. The god stared coldly as the earth burned into glass, and finally destroyed the fire of destruction he had sent down.

This sentence is the last language left by the God of Destruction.

This shows the power of the Eye of Thunder Emperor Indra. It seems that it is really a treasure of transformation!

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan's hand holding the Eye of Indra tightened, and he didn't notice the cold smile on the corner of Pusu Po's mouth.

"I'll try it first. Who knows if you're trying to frame me?"

As he expected, Ye Qingxuan held the Eye of Indra and recited the secret language.

"——Don't turn the three realms into ashes!"

The moment the tongue-twisting Indian language came out of Ye Qingxuan's throat, Ye Qingxuan only felt numbness in his hands, and the Eye of Indra suddenly released a blazing thunder light.

It was as if layers of dust had been brushed away, and the ball that felt like it was carved from stone suddenly cracked and a gap appeared, and the gap was filled with violent light.

The stone skin gradually peeled off, revealing the gem-like material inside. Within the gems, there was an eternal light of thunder and lightning.

The faint sound of thunder lit up from the gem, and Ye Qingxuan felt his eyes blur. In its induction, huge amounts of ether gathered from all directions and fell into his control.

Immediately afterwards, like a herd of out-of-control wild horses, angrily draining Ye Qingxuan's energy, they started to move on their own.

Countless silver light spots appeared around the young man from all directions.

In an instant, in Ye Qingxuan's perception, the whole world seemed to have lost its color. Only the black and white conceived in the ether remain.

It was like the end of the world. The clear air that rose to the sky in the opening fell, and the turbid air that sank under the nine earths rose.

At this moment, the two unspoken forces merged in the same place, rubbing and colliding with each other, intensifying the lightning of destruction.

"It, it started on its own..."

In the light spot, Ye Qingxuan's expression suddenly became panicked, and he was at a loss to control the music that was far beyond his own limit.

But nothing can be done.

The palm holding the Eye of Indra suddenly shook, and a rich blood flowed into the gem. Ye Qingxuan's expression became more and more panicked: "Help me! God, it's drawing my blood... With such a powerful force, I'm about to..."

Bai Xi was stunned, and subconsciously reached out to grab the damn thing from Ye Qingxuan's hand, completely forgetting that the lightning wrapped around it would turn him into charcoal.

But Pusupo burst into laughter,

"Ahahaha, Holmes, go to hell!"

When the drum beat started again, he manipulated the ether and turned into the shadow of King Ming in the air. King Ming suddenly opened his eyes, showing an angry look!

He just said so much just to induce Holmes to recite this secret word.

The secret language is correct, but not everyone can use the power of the Eye of Indra! That is the sacred object of destruction that summons the power of the Thunder Emperor!

Otherwise, he would not use this relic of the saint as a medium to call on the Holy Spirit.

The Thunder of Destruction is indeed very powerful, but even a resonance-level musician cannot control that powerful power if he is not careful. As long as you relax for a moment, the thunder of God's wrath will turn the musician into charcoal first.

Now Holmes is almost dragged down by its power, as if he is standing on the edge of a cliff. He doesn't need to fight with this damn black musician, just give him a gentle push... and he will fall into the bottomless abyss.

"Do you feel the price of greed?"

Pusupo laughed and controlled the shadow of King Ming to shoot Ye Qingxuan head-on: "You will die in the thunder of greed that you cannot control!"

In an instant, King Ming took over!


Someone sneered.

At that moment, Pusupo was stunned. He saw that behind King Ming's open fingers, the dark musician wearing a deerstalker hat slowly raised his head, his eyes full of ridicule and ridicule.

He smiled and opened and closed his lips: "...I lied to you."

The next moment, he opened his five fingers, and the red gem embedded in his palm lit up, bursting out with a destructive rainbow light!

The wild electric current turned into a giant dragon, which spanned a long distance in an instant, split the night, and released an unparalleled majesty.

In an instant, the lightning tore apart the shadow of King Ming, fell on Pusu Po's body, and swallowed him whole.

There was only a tragic scream, and Pusu Po, whose body was charred, twitched and fell to the ground. The originally sacred white hair and long beard were all scorched into a ball, the skin was broken, and the whole body was numb.

Ye Qingxuan slowly walked over and looked down at him.


Pushu Po spoke with difficulty, her eyes full of confusion: "Why...can you control..."

"Yeah? Why."

The young man shrugged his shoulders and slowly filled the groove of the cane with the Eye of Indra. With a click, the gem was perfectly placed on the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant.

There is no doubt that from today on, this guy's surname will be Ye.

Ye Qingxuan bets that this guy Pusu Po has never thought that there are musical instruments in the world whose operating precision can even control Indra's thunder.

And that instrument is still in his hand.

As early as when Pushupa said that she would give him the Eye of Indra, he knew what kind of medicine this old bastard was selling in his gourd.

Originally, he was afraid of being chased by Pusu Po, so he planned to cut his flesh ruthlessly, throw the Eye of Indra in the opposite direction, and then he and Bai Xi jumped into the sewer to escape... Anyway, this was not the first time.

Unexpectedly, this bastard is so smart. Not only did he chase him out without even bringing his own musical instrument, he was even hit by a bolt of lightning and was on the verge of death without any preparation.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was unharmed, Pusupo's eyes were full of unwillingness and anger. If he hadn't been seriously injured, he would have even wanted to bite this bastard to death.

"I, I'm not willing to give in!" He murmured hoarsely and roared: "I'm not willing to give in! That should have been mine!"

"Yeah." Ye Qingxuan sneered: "I shouldn't have been hunted down by you for no reason.

If everything in this world develops as it should, wouldn't there be no market for regret medicine? "

"By the way, you are a monk, right?"

As he spoke, he put his cane on Pusu Po's head: "After violating the asceticism and the creed of the sect, have you ever lost the bad karma you created by your own hands?"

Pusuba was stunned, her eyes full of despair: "Don't kill me! I will give you the secrets of our school that are not taught. I have the music scores of the six chapters of the Mahabharata, and I will give them to you!"

Don’t you want a holy object? My uncle still has Indra's right eye. I wrote you a letter to cheat him and give it to you! "


Ye Qingxuan just smiled and ignored it: "Since you have the theory of six paths of reincarnation, then try to be a good person in your next life."

Pusupo was about to say something when her words suddenly stopped.

A wailing melody sounded in his ears.

That desperate, manic, maddening sharp melody occupied his mind, turning into a black river.

"Evil consequences! Bad consequences! Bad consequences!"

In his ears, it seemed as if there were Asuras in hell cheering. In his memory, the cries of those people resounded, and those dead faces just emerged with the black river, drowning him.

Submerged bit by bit.

He struggled hard, but in vain, and in the end he was swallowed up by the bad karma he had created.

Just under the cane, Pusupo's body twitched and suddenly stopped moving.

"he died?"

Bai Xi was stunned.

"of course not."

Ye Qingxuan hit her forehead angrily: "Although I am a minor, how can I know the law and break it?"

He paused for a moment, looking down at Pusu Po's dull eyes, with no mercy in them:

"I'm just sending him to Arkham Asylum to be with his friends."

With that said, he stood up and prepared to leave, but his feet softened and he stumbled, almost lying next to Pusu Po. Bai Xi quickly supported him:

"What’s wrong with you?"

"I think I'm anemic."

Ye Qingxuan's face was pale. He looked down at the gem on his palm, and his expression suddenly became complicated: "This bastard thing really extracts the musician's blood and turns it into thunder and lightning... It can't be used more in the future."

Bai Xi curled his lips: This guy should be lucky that he has dragon blood, otherwise if he had any other bloodline, he would have been drained long ago.

She helped Ye Qingxuan and followed him on the way home.

But just after walking out of the alley, Ye Qingxuan paused, turned back, and looked at the end of the street... Under the cold moonlight, a black figure stood there silently.


He didn't seem to be preparing to attack him, but just looked at them quietly. When he noticed Ye Qingxuan looking over, he snorted coldly.

"Listen, no matter who you are, don't plan on a 'bloody road'."

He warned coldly: "——Otherwise you will regret it."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and shrugged helplessly: "To be honest, I don't really want to get involved in this quagmire... It's a pity that people can't help themselves in this quagmire."

The professor stopped talking, as if he no longer had the strength to fight anymore. He just glanced at him one last time and turned around to leave.

Ye Qingxuan watched him leave, turned around, and walked away from him.

Bai Xi looked into his eyes, then looked back at the professor's last figure. For some reason, his eyes became confused:

"Hey, cousin, I always feel like you two look alike."

"Is there any?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

"Yes." The girl nodded, her expression became worried: "You promised to hang out with me. You won't run away with that guy and get into trouble, right?"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help but hit her forehead.

"Bai Xi, do you know who a person hates the most?"

Bai Xi thought for a while and shook his head.

"It's me."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and looked into the darkness:

"——The more it looks like me, the more annoying it will be."


Manna City Backyard

Sheila Yiduo looked at the charred old man on the stretcher in silence, with cold eyes. The attendants and slaves all knelt on the ground, not daring to breathe.

"Already an idiot."

The chanting musician from the underground hospital skillfully checked Pusupo's condition, and finally shook his head: "The serious external injuries are not bad, they will heal over time, but they will only shorten their life by a few years.

Unfortunately, the brain has been completely sealed, and even if he wakes up, he will be a madman. "

"Is there any hope?"

The chanting musician shrugged: "It's harder than rebuilding a new body. You can't afford that price."

Sheila Yiduo remained silent for a long time. After a long time, he waved his hand, and his entourage carefully carried three lapis lazuli gold bricks out, offered him medical treatment, and took him away.

At the exit of the basement, Vasina stumbled out with a pale face and shook his head towards Srivastara: "They are all dead."

"How did you die?"

Posina was silent for a moment and whispered: "They all turned into mummies, as if they had been weathered for many years. The monks hired by Master Pusupo from the Tianzhu Sect also died, leaving only a set of bones. ”

"Isn't the professor injured?" Sheila Jita said coldly: "You can't stop an injured person. He deserves to die."

"Yes." Posina could only lower her head.

"Tonight, all sentry posts must be washed away. There is no need to keep this group of rubbish." Sheila Yiduo said calmly: "Isn't there a shortage of many slave workers in the Mandala Workshop recently? Send them all there... to die. Send them to be used as flower fertilizer.”

Posina lowered her head, sweating profusely: "Yes."

"Go and contact the robin."

Shirayita turned and left: "Tell him the news about the professor and the vengeful evil spirit...

Tell him that if he wants us to work for him, we need the heads of Emperor Moriarte and Sherlock Holmes! "

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