Crown of Silence

Chapter 111 The nightmare comes

Chapter 112 The nightmare strikes

In front of the corpse, Samro had an expressionless face. He threw the crossbow in his hand to the bodyguard Sandru beside him, then took out a handkerchief from his arms, covered his nostrils, and vigorously washed away the mucus.

Finally, he threw the dirty handkerchief on the body and turned to leave.

After taking two steps, Samro suddenly reached out and snatched the crossbow from Sandro's hand, turned around suddenly, pointed at the corpse, and pulled the trigger frantically.

"Fuck, their, fuck..."

boom! boom! boom! boom!

While everyone was trembling in fear, he fired a box of crossbow arrows, smashed the crossbow on the ground angrily, stretched out his hand to pull Sandro's collar, pulled him in front of him, and roared in his face:

"Dig an extra hole here, and then find that damn guy! Tomorrow night, I will see him in the pit, do you understand? Otherwise, I will see you in the pit..."

Sandro looked at his gloomy face, swallowed, and nodded stiffly.

Someone chuckled in the wind.

came from behind Sam Luo.


He turned around suddenly and glared at the darkness dancing under the dead trees behind him: "Who is there! Get out!"

He roared angrily, staring at this and that vague figure. The figure was laughing softly, and Sam signaled his men to go over to investigate, but Sandro swallowed and shook his head: "Boss, there is nothing there..."


The Rat King raised his crossbow and fired the arrows in the box toward the shadow under the tree in front of everyone's blank gaze. Until finally, the dancing darkness in his eyes finally broke, revealing his original appearance.

He panted, dropped the crossbow, grabbed the torch, and headed there.

But there were no bodies there, just a broken tombstone.

The Rat King looked at the tombstone in astonishment and put the torch close to it. The torch illuminated the name on the tombstone and turned his face pale.

Beside him, Sandro screamed and staggered back, as if he had seen a ghost.


Under the firelight, the handwriting on the tombstone was hideous.

——Sam Rowe is buried here.

There are also a few short epitaphs written below: Here is buried a betrayer, a greedy fanatic, and a mouse.

"Anta? It's Anta who's back!"

Sandru seemed to have remembered something, and his face suddenly turned pale: "Boss, Anta is back! He is back to report..."

"Shut up, Anta is dead."

Sam looked at him expressionlessly, and his eyes were full of death, which made Sandro's voice stop abruptly.

The name Anta is no stranger to the old people in the Rat Club.

The Rat Club wasn't called the Rat Club when it first started, just like Sam wasn't the leader when he was born. At that time, this place was still called the 'Brothers Gang', and the leader was Anta. All admired him and were united under his will.

Anta was a wanderer from Romulus and was born with werewolf blood. No one in Xiacheng District can defeat this man with the demon mark on his body. He is taciturn but not greedy. He distributed all the money he earned to those who claimed to be his brothers, thinking that he would have a family this way.

Sam was one of his 'family'.

Anta protected the bankrupt businessman, regarded him as a brother, and pulled him out of the quagmire of loan sharking. Sam also felt like he was his brother. He is so kind to himself and does not ask for anything in return. Even his biological father cannot be better than this brother.

But gradually, eventually, Sam no longer wanted to regard Anta as a brother.

Antar is a hindrance, the nobles told him.

Then Anta died.

Died in an alley, shot with a crossbow bolt by his brothers. He fought all over the lower city and won the admiration of his brothers for his strange strength and martial arts skills, which were of no use until his death.

Surrounded by what he considered his 'family', he was humiliated and turned into a hedgehog, but he still did not die, roaring angrily like a real wolf.

"Aren't we brothers?" Anta finally asked Sam, who planned all this, with blood-red eyes: "We are family, why do you do this to me?"

"I also treat you as family."

Sam was a little unhappy and dug out his heart with a dagger: "Can't you sacrifice something for your family?"

In this way, Anta dedicated his heart to his family's success.

"I won't let you go."

He said this, and then died with his eyes open.

In order to appease people's hearts, or to appease himself, Sam gave Anta a grand burial.

But Anta's grave was dug open. Some people say that tramps dug up Anta's grave for his burial objects. Others say that the tomb was dug from the inside.

People who had been to the scene vividly told others about the numerous scratches on the coffin, which formed various names. Those claw marks were covered with blood and minced flesh, and they all had the same name.

Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam...

"I won't let you go..."

That murmur suddenly sounded from his ears again, making Sam's face turn pale and he suddenly turned around.

But under the pale moonlight, there was no rotting skeleton looking at him, there was nothing there. Just a bunch of newcomers to the Mouse Society.

They looked at Sam in astonishment, whispering to each other in an expression of overwhelming fear.

"Anta? It's really Anta!"

Sandro looked into the darkness in despair and stumbled back: "You're back?! How could you come back..."


"Calm down, Sandro."

The Rat King slapped him across the face, knocking him awake. He looked around, his narrowed eyes full of viciousness: "Someone is causing trouble."

"Boss, I, I heard someone's voice."

"That's 'Phantom Sound', the most common trick used by musicians to pretend to be gods and ghosts."

Sam forced a sneer and suppressed the fear in his heart.

After hanging out in Xiacheng District for so long, he has come into contact with those legendary high-ranking big shots, and those big shots will do dirty work for money.

He hired them several times, and even killed a few... No matter how powerful the low-level musicians were, they were still human beings, and they would die if their blood was drained.

"If he wants to influence us, he must be nearby. But there is no place to hide people here..." He murmured to himself, his sinister eyes locked on the subordinate in front of him:

"He is hiding among you!"

For a moment, the gangsters started to stir. They stared at each other in astonishment, not expecting that there was a demon hidden among them.

"Everyone who comes here is a familiar face," Sandro said. "There's no reason to sneak in a musician."

Sam spat, becoming more and more convinced of the answer: "For those musicians, changing a face is easier than changing a pair of pants!"

Following his order, the men who followed him raised their crossbows and prepared the crowd. The gangsters in the crowd were stunned and suddenly became noisy. Some people looked gloomy and directly pressed their hands on the handles of their knives.

"Sam, what do you mean!" someone shouted, "Everyone comes to you to beg for food, and you do this to us!"

"Don't move at all!"

Sam looked at him coldly: "There is a traitor among you! No one is allowed to move until we find out who it is! Otherwise, even if I die, I will drag you to be buried with me.

When the time comes, don’t blame me for being cruel! "

In the crowd, Bai Xi subconsciously took a step back. I couldn't help but start to regret in my heart: I obviously came here because I cared about that guy, but that guy tricked me to death!

But what she had just experienced made her a little suspicious: Is the person who tricked these thugs really her cheap and soft-hearted cousin?

Or is there someone else?

There are even more dangerous guys hiding here...

She subconsciously looked into the darkness around her, staring at every pale face. But she could not find Ye Qingxuan in the crowd.

Suddenly, she remembered something. Looking around at the surging darkness beyond the firelight, she suddenly realized that she knew exactly where Ye Qingxuan was hiding.

This bastard...

At the same time, a faint melody rose.

It was as if the hatred sleeping deep in the cemetery had awakened, and it echoed in everyone's ears.

That kind of melody filled with countless crazy breaths seemed to converge into a black river and flowed into everyone's heart.

As a result, the painful memories that had settled in the deepest part of people's hearts awakened, bringing with them unspoken fears.

"There's a ghost! There's a ghost!"

In the crowd, Bai Xi lowered his voice and screamed to help him create panic: "Run, the Rat King wants to kill us!"

As soon as the words fell, some people couldn't stand the weird atmosphere anymore and ran away. But the Rat King's men raised their crossbows coldly.

After several sharp screams, a tragically large hole was opened in the running figure's body by the exploding arrows.

——The crossbow hit the crossbow arrow with the note of ‘explosion’ engraved on it!

In just a few snaps of his fingers, the twitching and mutilated corpse on the ground stopped moving. The foul-smelling blood flowed from the wound, dyeing the broken stone slabs on the road red, and silently seeping into the soil.

"Sam has already taken action! He wants to kill us all..." Bai Xi changed his position and shouted in another person's voice: "Kill him! He has gone crazy..."

There was a disturbance in the crowd, a hint of evil flashed in everyone's eyes, and their palms unconsciously pressed on their weapons.

But what greeted them was a row of crossbow arrows aimed at the crowd.

"I told you, don't move at all!"

Sam roared, looking around, looking for where the music was coming from: "Get out! You damn thing, I know you're here!"

But the sharp melody still echoes, like blades rubbing together, venting the unparalleled mania and depression, like a vengeful evil ghost crawling out of the coffin, roaring.

"I told you, I'll come."

In the miasma and darkness of the cemetery, a dark melody echoes.

A deep voice sounded, like a gentleman, polite, but with indescribable mockery: "Thank you for preparing such a unique welcome ceremony for me.

In return, I also bring you greetings from an... old friend. "

At that moment, the music in the darkness suddenly became louder, pouring into his ears like a sea wave. The shrill voice sounded like an angry roar, like the evil spirits in hell singing.

Every note hits the most vulnerable part of his heart, and every melody digs into his most miserable past.

The dark melody echoed in his consciousness, and he gradually unearthed the lingering nightmares entangled in his memory.

In the eyes of the Rat King, the flowing blood flowed out from the rot on the ground.

In front of him, the body that was shot dead by his crossbow arrow raised its eyes again, and the eyes that were still open in death shone with resentment, which was a deep hatred.

His face gradually changed, becoming rough, furious, and like a werewolf. His body was full of arrows, and he was obviously shot into a hedgehog, but he still struggled and refused to die.

He just stared at the Rat King, staring at this former brother.

"Sam, Sam, Sam..."

The Rat King suddenly recalled the past, and recalled the moment when this guy was dying. He was in the blood, and Anta was staring at him, uttering a resentful whisper: "I will not let you go, Sam!"

That was really... a nightmare that lingered for a lifetime!

"It's really you..."

The Rat King staggered back, unable to accept what was in front of him, so his face was pale: "You are dead! You should have died!"

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