Crown of Silence

Chapter 110 Will it be dark?

Chapter 111 Is it going to be dark?

"Boss, what do you do for a living?" the man guarding the door bent down and asked.

"Stand up straight!"

Ji Zi suddenly raised his voice, which frightened him: "What? You think I'm short?!"

"No, no, no!" The man waved his hands quickly: "I'm just a little tired, a little tired..."

Zizi narrowed his snake-like eyes and looked at the two of them quietly, twirling his fingers as if he was itchy. Those eyes that look like poisonous snakes can make people feel chilly.

Soon, he lowered his hand, as if he had lost interest, and just stepped into the door. "I just came out. I have something to say to the Rat King. Please take me in."

"Okay, okay." One of them hurriedly followed in, regardless of breathing.

In the darkness behind the door, figures in the cemetery followed.

The dilapidated cemetery is full of incomplete tombstones, and torches are lit in some places. People gather in groups and talk in low voices.

Bai Xi glanced at the number of people and found that there were only about a hundred or so. He frowned and said in a somewhat contemptuous tone: "You have so few people? Where are my 'old friends'?"

"We're just dealing with a traitor tonight. All the newcomers are here." The man guarding the door replied, "Boss Luo said, let them see the fate of the traitor."

"Oh?" Bai Xi saw the big hole dug in the center of the cemetery out of the corner of his eye, and understood why they chose this place.

"Boss Luo hasn't come yet. Please wait a moment. I'm going to announce that Brother Sandro is here to catch up with you." The man rubbed his hands and sent him to the corner, then turned and ran towards the crowd.

"Wait a minute." Bai Xi stopped him and suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

The man was stunned: "Love, Edward..."

"Oh, thank you for showing me the way."

Seeing that no one around him was paying attention, Bai Xi's face changed and his original voice returned. The man seemed unable to understand what was happening and froze on the spot. Then he saw the little girl reaching out her hand and pressing it on his heart.


There was a muffled sound of the bucket falling into the well, and the man's face suddenly turned red, then turned pale, and his body fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Bai Xi was not as kind as Ye Qingxuan, so she released a "flowing" note directly to his heart, causing part of his guarded blood to vaporize in the violent rush. So he instantly lost the ability to resist, couldn't even speak, and fell into a coma.

As for whether his heart bursts, whether he is alive or dead, it all depends on his own destiny.

Then, a big dog jumped out of the shadows and dragged him into the grass in the corner. Bai Xi stroked his face with his palms, and his face turned into Edward's.

After realizing that no one was paying attention around him, Bai Xi whistled proudly, took a few steps back, and stood in the shadow of the corner where no one was paying attention.

"Old Fei, have you found where he is?" She looked at Lao Fei, only to find that after he sniffed the air, he became irritable and made a confused sound in his throat.

"Where can't you find him?"

Bai Xi was a little stunned. Before he could figure it out, he saw a commotion in the crowd. Surrounded by two people, a rickety man walked out of the darkness.

It was the Rat King.

He looked around at the crowd gathered around him and nodded with satisfaction: "Is everyone here?"

Next to him, the muscular man who looked like a thug nodded, Fu Er whispered to him, and his expression became satisfied.

While everyone was staring at him, he stepped on a tombstone and stood at a high place, overlooking their expressions. Looking at the awe in their eyes, his expression was full of joy:

"We are all newcomers who have just joined the club. Logically speaking, there must be a period of trial before officially joining... But I called you here today to give you a reminder."

He paused, his expression becoming more and more peaceful: "A kind and gentle reminder."

Amid the murmur of the crowd, he clapped his hands and the crowd parted. The muscular man who was standing behind him just now dragged a person in with two of his men.

The man was lifted up by two people and moved close to the torch so that the group of people could see his face clearly. There was a commotion in the crowd, and there was a faint sound of taking a breath of air.

Some people shouted in a low voice: "That's Hudson..."

In front of everyone, the old man, covered in blood scabs and with his face covered in his own blood, raised his head with difficulty and opened his bruised eyes. An indistinct sound came from the mouth where the teeth were almost pulled out.

"Sam..." His eyes were filled with drowsiness: "I want to see Sam."

"Oh, dear Mr. Hudson. I'm right here, don't be afraid."

The Rat King stepped forward, raised his chin with a dagger, looked at how well he was being 'entertained', and nodded with satisfaction:

"Long time no see, old friend."

A hoarse sound came from Hudson's mouth, as if his lungs full of water were inhaling, like a broken bellows.

"Let me go, Sam, please."

He struggled to make a sound: "I just want to be an ordinary person now...I didn't betray you..."

As he spoke, tears mixed with blood flowed from the corners of his eyes. Sam Rowe stared at him with a strange expression, and suddenly made a burst of laughter.

"Puch! Hahahaha... you are still so funny, Hudson." The Rat King patted him on the shoulder: "Hahahaha, ordinary people? Mr. Hudson, are you kidding? You betrayed me and didn't say a word Disappear and go to Wales just to be an ordinary person?"

"I just, just want to stop..."

Hudson defended in a low voice: "I have been working for you for so many years, Sam, and I am very tired. I just... just want to quit. Why do I have to go to this extent?"

Bloody tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and he almost suffocated.

"Hudson, it breaks my heart that you said these words."

The Rat King stared at him in frustration: "You have worked for me for so many years, and I thought I knew you deeply. I didn't expect that you would still lie to me now."

He sighed, then suddenly pulled up his hair and roared in his ear: "No one can betray me! No one!"

"How many years, how many years have I kept you, this old dog! After that bitch Shaman came back, did you think of changing your master?! Let me tell you, there is no place for that old antique in this city! "

He flew up and kicked Hellaison into the dug hole, then jumped down and stepped on Hellaison's face one by one.

It wasn't until the poor man was unconscious, making weird noises in his throat, and looking like he was about to die, that he stopped angrily.


He took his subordinate's hand and came out of the grave pit and issued an order: "I want to build a fountain in this pit. Come and help me open a hole. This will also allow these new cubs to take a bath." …”

In the grave pit, Hudson closed his eyes in despair, but for a long time, no one responded to the Rat King's voice.

Sam was stunned. He raised his head and raised his voice: "Kruger! Kruger! Where did you son of a bitch go?! Get out of here!"

No one responded, there was a commotion in the crowd, and everyone looked at each other.

The Rat King frowned and looked back at the bodyguard behind him: "Where's that bastard Kruger? He's not here? I clearly told him to come here!"

The bodyguard also looked at him confused and shook his head blankly: "He said he would be back in the afternoon. He should have arrived early."

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the crowd. Everyone looked behind them in astonishment, and the crowd slowly separated.

Exposing those late men.

Under the moonlight, the faces of those who were late were pale, as if they had seen ghosts, and an ominous aura emanated from their bodies.

But the Rat King's eyes fell on their feet. The man they moved here... On the ground, a thick man with muscles all over his body and covered with tattoos was twitching, as if he was suffering from some terrible disease. , making a vague gurgling sound.

Hearing that sound that sounded like laughter, everyone couldn't help but feel chills running down their backs.

"Boss! Something happened to Mr. Kruger..."

The man with a dejected expression came up tremblingly and reported in a low voice, his voice hoarse: "An hour ago, we encountered an ambush on the way here."

"How many people? Are they those sons of bitches from the Luso family?" Sam Luo frowned.

"Only, only one..."

The man swallowed and recalled the nightmare: "Like a monster."

"The man stood in the shadows, blocking the road, asking us if we were from Boss Sam, and wanted us to help. Then...and then..."

He turned back stiffly and looked at Kruger's face: "Then Mr. Kruger became like this..."

Under the pale moonlight, the strong man on the ground twitched and twisted his body to a weird angle, as if he was possessed by some evil spirit.

On his face, there was a sweet and innocent smile like a little girl. Staring at Sam, he chuckled.

Sam's face became more and more gloomy: "How did he do it?"

"I, we don't know... He was like a shadow, and suddenly Kruger went crazy. Kruger seemed to be crazy and wanted to kill us... Then, he fell to the ground, Started to laugh...

I swear, we must have encountered a demon. Everyone who was looked at by that man went crazy. I was glanced at by him, and my vision went dark, and I didn’t know anything anymore..."

The Rat King stared at him silently, and that hollow look in his eyes was so chilling that the man took a step back in fright.

He stared at the subordinate and asked softly: "In other words, there is a person who attacked you, scared you into a group of screaming women, and turned Kruger into a psychopath. You But you can’t even see his face clearly?”

"No, no, we originally wanted to kill him...but..."

The man trembled. He tried to explain incoherently, but he couldn't. At the end, I suddenly remembered something, as if grasping a life-saving straw, I hurriedly said:

"He, he also said, let me bring you a good one!"

Sam froze.

"What did you say?" he asked: "That guy asked you to bring me a good one?"

The man trembled, and said all the words like pouring beans from the bamboo tube: "He said he would come back to visit you tonight and asked you to light more candles..."

"Candles? What candles?"

The man couldn't help swallowing, his voice trembling: "He said: People like you have done a lot of bad things, have evil thoughts in their hearts, and are always... always afraid of the dark, right?"


A dull thud.

The man fell backwards.

There was a big hole on his forehead, and half of the tail of the arrow emerged from the blood plasma. The tail of the arrow trembled in the mashed mass, scattering water droplets.

He stared blankly at the moonlight in the sky, and the pale moon was reflected in his pupils.

He died with his eyes open.

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