Crimson Servant

Chapter 85 Nora’s Purpose

A sudden impact woke John up. In a daze, he heard the restless neighing of the horse, his body shaking uncontrollably, and then his face hit the wooden board. The warlock covered his head and subconsciously searched for support with his palms, but found that everything around him was shaking.

"Sorry! I can surrender this guy right away!" Karl pulled the reins hard. He was not unskilled in riding, but this was the first time he was a groom rather than a knight. The Paladin took it for granted that dragging a carriage was as easy as riding a horse, until the board bit his butt.

The warlock regained consciousness and quickly found his balance in the bumps. The bruises on John's face quickly dissipated. He stuck his head out and looked at the scenery on both sides that quickly disappeared backwards. Between the hills and the woods, only the ruts now bear traces of human effort.

"Where are we?"

"On the way to the Grenada Fjords, or rather, on the way to the Pearl Sanctuary!"

John breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down, falling into silence.

Carl concentrated on driving the carriage. He spent dozens of minutes getting familiar with the animals in front of him and maintaining a fast and relatively stable balance.

The paladin's attention glanced behind him, where his warlock friend seemed like a silent shadow.

"I got slapped twice for you."


"Maybe you think now that I deserve it, but I don't feel regretful, although I haven't figured out the situation yet."


"The reason why you became like that, the reason why you wanted to go to the Pearl Sanctuary... I will raise my sword for you, John. But if you can say something that I can know, and make my confused mind understand the situation, I’ll slash a little harder.”

Karl stopped speaking. He listened to the voices behind him and counted silently in his heart. When he counted to "fifteen," he got a response.

"The reason why I went to the underground city of Optitdam was to follow the traces of a person. That was my adoptive mother, Nora Sebas, a shapeshifter druid. When I learned about her disappearance and a group of She has something to do with the fanatic followers of Vertis, so she has a sense of urgency in her heart that she is bewitched by the fanatics."

"My emotional bias toward people close to me interferes with my judgment. I always think that they will take risks and be on the receiving end of persecution. But in fact, although my friend is not a heinous bastard, he is definitely not a heinous bastard. Be kind.”

"I always thought that Nora Sebas could be deceived, but always ignored that she was a cunning master of deception. It was not long ago that I realized what she had done."

"She lied to everyone."

"She led me here, and also bewitched a group of fanatical believers to become her minions, pushing both the enemy and ourselves to help her complete the ritual."

"Nora Sebas is that Wendigo. She used my hatred to achieve her own goals."

Carl was surprised by John's conclusion that the terrifying Wendigo was John's adoptive mother. Karl followed this basis and reflected on the previous battle process, and he found a clue as expected.

He remembered that during the battle with the Wendigo, the tall monster was verbally aggressive towards John, constantly irritating the warlock with contemptuous and insulting words, but never took the initiative to attack John. Yes, the Wendigo's abundant force was all vented on herself. It was obviously a battle between two people, and there was a spell caster with an obvious target, but she grabbed the paladin in the front row and beat him to death, completely ignoring the spell caster. attack.

Before, Carl thought it was the crimson corruption eroding the brain or the arrogance of the Wendigo itself, but now Carl has more ideas.

Nora Sebas, if she was the one who guided all of this, her wisdom and strategy seemed to predict everyone's every move, which made people shudder.

"Wait, don't tell me! That victory, our defeat of the Wendigo was also part of her plan. She..." She guessed that John would throw herself into Juantris.

"Well," John covered his face, thinking of his attack on Nora and his hatred of killing her at all costs, now all fermented into pain. When he discovered all this for the first time, John was also controlled by regret and pain.

"Although I really want to refute it, I am afraid that all Nora did was to prepare for falling into that deep red. She used the red dragon to induce me to perform a ritual, took the opportunity to get my blood, and used the sacrifice of the fanatic believer to transform herself He became a crimson monster and obtained the identity of a favored one through ritual..."

"Juantris is undoubtedly a dead end for others, but for one of the four people who have ever left that land, Nora still has a chance of survival there. No, she will definitely survive in that land, She must have been prepared because it was part of her plan."

All the inferences before this still have a certain element of surprise, and John may also think that Nora will take risks. When he heard Francis' name from the halfling Chara, he realized that all this had been planned.

The dark elf, Francis Blade, with his stargazing eyes, can see fragments of the future from the fog. With the help of a foresighted mind, a flawless and shocking plan will be formed in the hands of a few people.

John Kemp's mood took a turn for the worse.

Yes, those three people must have made a complete plan and kept him in the dark.

"Then shouldn't we go to Juantris to rescue your adoptive mother? Why is our goal the Pearl Sanctuary."

John looked at the road ahead and said calmly: "Because that is the hometown that Nora often mentioned. No matter what she did in Juantris, her ultimate goal was to return there, to her beloved hometown."

Karl looked a little anxious, "Ephesa is planning a war there."

John leaned against the carriage.

"That may be why Nora is eager to return, to a war that is about to persecute her homeland. She once mentioned in the mouth of the Wendigo that she needs an army. She can find the world in Juantris... The most dangerous and vicious force."

"An army of corrupted Crimson Servants."

Karl blinked and looked at the warlock in surprise.

"Crimson Servant? I thought this was a humble title for you followers of the Crimson God."

John sneered.

"I named the Crimson Servant. This is not a title, but the name of a species."

"Maybe we'll see that soon."

John's words made Karl worried. Eversa was his own country. Although the aggressive war led by his country made the Paladin disdainful, Karl was also worried about the lives of his compatriots who were about to be consumed on the battlefield.

He began to consciously avoid such thoughts by making witty remarks that changed the subject.



"It hurts when your mother hits someone."

"Shut up."

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