Crimson Servant

Chapter 84 Wendigo Transforms

After leaving the camp, Evelyn Claudius never said a word again. The slight magic entangled in her body formed a low-pressure cyclone invisible to the naked eye. Even looking at her would make her feel chilly.

Karl took off the disguise on his body. The so-called sealed object on his back was just a cowhide bag with fine fabrics that had been used to enlarge the magic. Several invalid runes were randomly rubbed on it. The real magician was invisible after being invisible. The knight clasped one hand in his arm. Thanks to Karl's long years of strength training, he was able to carry an adult with one hand, with a sullen face, without revealing too many flaws.

The trouble in the camp was solved. Karl looked at the back of Evelin who was walking in front. He had a premonition that he had new troubles.

Walking outside the camp, on a sparsely populated path, Evelin stopped, and Karl, who was holding John, stopped at the same time as her. The breeze blew the female mage's hair, and Karl realized that she was waiting for him to speak.

"I'm going to Grenada Sound."

Evelin turned around, walked a few steps quickly and came to Karl, raised her hand and slapped the paladin. The graceful aristocratic temperament could no longer be seen on her face, only the irritability of gritted teeth.

"I didn't hear it clearly, Lord Karl, please repeat it!"

The left side of his face was burning, and the paladin looked at Evelin who was right in front of him, with an unconscious warlock between them.

"I'm going to the Pearl Sanctuary."

Another slap.

Evelin stared at him fiercely, as if she wanted to eat someone.


"My friend needs to go to the Pearl Sanctuary."

"Let him go by himself!"

"Don't be like this, Evelin. You have also seen that his condition is as bad as if his bones have been broken. He cannot reach the Pearl Sanctuary alone. There will be a big battle there. He... I can't just watch. He went into deep danger.”

"So you decided to die with him?! This is the solution you came up with! You idiot! You knew the empire was concentrating its forces, and you knew that place would become the center of the battlefield! You promised me you would stay! But now you want to ignore the plans of the family elders and ruin Demiras’ future!”

"My friends need me, Evelyn. Plans can't keep up."

"I need you too! You bastard! You will understand what I mean only if I grab you by the collar and shed tears and scream like a resentful woman!"

"...I understand, Evelin."

Carl hugged John and said with shame.

"But that's who I am. I don't want to let anyone down. I am kind to my friends, close to my family, merciful to the weak, not afraid of strong enemies, respect ladies... It is not the plan that guides Carl Demiras, I follow my own wishes. Punishment. Eliminate evil and sow justice.”

"John Crenzo was my comrade through life and death, and I would not abandon him."

Evelin grabbed his collar and held on tightly.

"You've done enough. Isn't this enough?"

Carl Demiras looked down at her eyes, the affection in those eyes was a little sad, like sunlight falling into an ice-blue lake.


Karl's silence made Evelin take a step back, she shook, raised her staff and started casting spells.

The gem at the top of the staff became turbid under the influence of magic, and there seemed to be fluid moving slowly inside the gem.

After some slight noise, a human voice came from the staff.

【...Evelin? I dragged the damn sack back. 】

"Lewen, come to me."

【...My legs are about to break...】

"Also, prepare a damn carriage filled with supplies that can hold two people to death." Evelin interrupted the message.

Dozens of minutes later, noisy dust rose behind Karl.

Lewen Akela got off the carriage, walked to the roadside and squatted down, his eyes as if dead.


The paladin placed his unconscious companion in the carriage, climbed into the front seat and took up the rope.

"Lord Karl." Evelin came to the carriage. She had adjusted her mentality and turned back into the calm and calm noble lady.

She even smiled, took out a detailed map from her pocket, and carefully plotted the locations of the troops deployed by Eversa's side, and handed it to Karl.

"As the heir representative of the eight major families, I must set an example and be responsible for all nobles. I must stand in the position of Claudius and the position expected by the eight major families. Please forgive me for only providing these meager help."

The guilt in the Paladin's heart increased even more.

"Please don't say that, Evelyn. The help you have provided is beyond my reach. I will always remember your concern..."

"Then please Lord Carl, swear to the gods that you will come back safely from Grenada."

Karl looked into Evelin's eyes and engraved her appearance into his heart.

"Great notary Mithras, please bear witness to my oath. I, Carl Demiras, will return from Grenada and appear safe and sound before Evelyn Claudius, the daughter of Claudius."

After receiving the promise, Evelin smiled with peace of mind. She watched the carriage drive away and return to her friend Lewen Akela.

Evelin held her hand and said affectionately: "Forgive me, Lewen, I panicked before and made very excessive demands on you. You are my most precious friend, please forgive me regardless of the past grudges." 's fault."

Lewen Akela rolled her eyelids and let Evelin play with her fingers.

"Don't do this to me, Evelin. I won't believe your lies anymore after I'm ten years old."

The rhythmic sound of the wheels woke up the man. He opened his eyes tiredly. He was so tired that even his thinking became slow and drowsy.

The man found that his body could not move, and his too weak life force had deprived him of his ability to move. He could only breathe lightly, raise his eyelids, and look at the driver in front of him.

That was his familiar figure, a calm and secure dwarf.


The dwarf druid turned back and looked at his dying son.

"You're awake, Saiman."

"I lost?"

"Yes." Jurgen turned his head to prevent Saiman, who had turned into a vegetative state, from seeing his red eyes.

"Your life has been integrated with the tree mother. I cannot allow that kind of magical life to destroy the balance of nature uncontrollably. I eliminated your symbiont and destroyed your source of life. You are right, Saiman, it was me... I killed you with my own hands."

Jurgen was right, Saiman felt as if his body was empty, as thin as a piece of paper. I won't live long, maybe tomorrow will be my death anniversary.

Saiman recalled everything he had experienced, right and wrong, success and failure turned into nothing. Tired, he thought about countless possibilities, but never thought that death would be so peaceful. All he wanted now was to sleep and sleep forever.

He, soon to die, died beside Jurgen Mercer, just as the dwarf had been beside him for as long as he could remember.

"Yeah." Saiman snorted, quietly listening to the sound of driving towards death.

But the dwarf would not let him enjoy the tranquility so easily. He knew in his heart that the old man was afraid of loneliness, and he would definitely seize the last opportunity to have a good talk with him.

Even until death, he still couldn't get rid of Jurgen's nagging, which made Seman Mercer feel slightly unhappy. But in this blur of sleepiness, this emotion won't have much effect.

"Saiman, you are a proud man, I never thought about who you would surrender to? Do you really think that disgusting Wendigo is the ultimate form of life? Do you really think that the Crimson God will be Your savior?"

Saiman spoke slowly.

"You...can't you feel it..."

"What do you feel?" Jurgen's reply let Saiman know that he really couldn't feel it. The dwarf was not a person who liked to lie. Saiman guessed that the feeling came from the book of Shadow that he had secretly learned. The Druid Forbidden Book finally understood why the dwarves turned a blind eye to that miracle.

"...vitality...twisted vitality...the power of shadow..."

"That... Wendigo... was... a..."


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