Crimson Servant

Chapter 83 Calming down the riot

Karl and Evelin were walking back to the Violet Hotel, and the purchasing task was simpler than Karl imagined. They went to the warehouse where the merchant stored supplies. When Evelin personally exchanged the details of the supplies with the wealthy businessman, the rich middle-aged man was a little flattered. He smiled innocently the whole time and nodded frequently to the female noble's questions. The purchased food would be delivered to the hotel in a special carriage. They went there empty-handed and almost came out empty-handed.

The Paladin felt uncomfortable with his idle state, but Evelin couldn't resist him and made the Paladin carry a sack of fresh fruits and vegetables.

They talked and laughed all the way, and when the woman took the initiative, they could always find interesting topics in their exchanges.

"Efusa is gathering his forces to march east towards Quito Benbasha."

"The kingdom with the vastest desert? I didn't expect that the battle line has advanced there. So, will Eversa encounter those sand-dwelling knife wielders next? I don't know who is stronger than the imperial knights."

"Before advancing to fight the direct army of Quito Benbasha, Eversa still needs to cross the Grenada Fjord that separates the kingdom, where there is a lightly developed dense forest along the water. Eversa is making preparations."

Carl expressed surprise.

"They stopped for a wooded area?"

"It's not because of the woods, but because of the secluded druids in the Grenada Fjord. It's a druid forest. The number of druids in it is already large enough to directly conflict with the army."

Carl thought of Jurgen.

"Ephesa can be bypassed. Those hermits who are not attached to the world will not take the initiative to intervene in the war."

Evelin shook her head.

"The druids have a natural harbor, and they named it [Pearl Sanctuary]."

Karl sighed, he knew that the place had attracted the covetousness of the empire.

"What about Ephesa itself? How do the people feel about the emperor's war?"

"The people all hope that their lives will be better, and those propagandists help them equate this concept with the emperor's war. Negative public opinions about desert bandits have been circulating among the nobles for a long time, and the druids ...I think you also know, Lord Karl. The royal family of Ephessa does not like these people who hinder the felling of timber. The people's understanding even remains that the druids are the uncivilized savages in the forest."

Karl lifted the sack in his hand a little.

"I have also heard the ridiculous statement in China that 'Druids love to eat rats.'"

Evelin looked at the tall paladin and said with a smile: "I think that after getting to know a druid comrade, Lord Carl will be able to express more authentic opinions."

Karl nodded seriously and said solemnly: "Yes, if it is Jurgen, his roasted mouse must also be delicious."

Evelin paused, she couldn't tell if this was a joke from the Paladin.

"It seems that I will have to ask the chef to prepare some special desserts for you in the future."

"forgive me."

Evelin was so amused by Karl that she covered her mouth and laughed, and Karl was also affected by this atmosphere and laughed.

The sudden commotion disturbed the harmonious atmosphere between the two.

Screams were heard not far away, and groups of guards hurried past the two of them. People around them also stretched out their heads to watch the excitement, and they whispered and spread rumors.

A nervous figure ran up to the two of them.

It's Levine Accra, the female wanderer.

"What's going on? Dear Lewen."

"An attack broke out in the camp, Evelin. The scene was too scary. Some people were rumoring that monsters ran out of the dungeon. There were traces of blood and evil magic everywhere!"

The heavy object fell to the ground, and the scattered cabbage rolled out of the sack. Evelin and Levin looked to their sides, and the paladin was gone.

Evelin stared at Levin, which made her feel scared.

"Did I do something wrong? Miss Evelin."

"You did a good job, Lewen." The female mage grabbed the staff and patted Lewen's shoulder. "Please help carry this bag of food back to the camp. I have more important things to deal with."

Le Wen looked at the sack that was built up to the height of his chest, and looked at his thin arms and legs.

"But, miss..."

"You won't let me down, Levine."

Evelyn left in the direction of Karl, no longer paying attention to the wanderer and her mission.

Carl rushed towards the center of the commotion, his instincts warning him, and he strode across the street, heading in reverse direction from the fleeing crowd.

He saw the center of the chaos, saw the monster.

The blood-red tentacles hung down next to the hem of the clothes, probing around, leaving traces of corruption. The red mist blurred the figure, and a swift current emerged from the mist, violently destroying the surrounding buildings.

That was John, that twisted, monster-like figure was no different from the comrade in the Paladin's memory.


The paladin's cry caused the monster to convulse strangely. All of 'John's' attention turned to the Paladin.

This reaction filled Cal with hope, and he raised the Shield of Loti and whispered a prayer to the raven spirit that resided on the shield.

"Lotti, that's my friend, maybe we can wake him up."

"Don't worry, he's as strong as a baby dragon now."

Karl rushed forward. The unconscious blood-red tentacles and red mist could not stop him at all. The red lightning showed a certain degree of aggression, but it was useless.


The glowing shield shot into "John"'s body, and Karl felt the blow in his hand, as if he was punching a piece of rotten meat. There was no sound of bone cracking, which was very good.

The sun's brilliance was released from close range, and the crimson magic monsters burrowed back into John's robe one by one like photophobic beasts. He transformed back into the cunning warlock the Paladin knew so well.

Karl released the Holy Healing Technique, and the energy of the Holy Light was like a tonic that made those scarlet eyes open suddenly.

"" John's voice was extremely tired.

The paladin was stained with blood and smiled casually.

"You actually caused me trouble one day."

The warlock didn't respond. The fatigue after the rampage made John pass out. He whispered softly, as if he was talking in sleep.

"I...must go to...Pearl Sanctuary..."

The commotion subsided, and Karl heard the movement of armor approaching behind him. It was the camp guards who had previously chosen to wait and see in fear of the power of the evil sorcerer. Now they saw that the crisis was over and came forward one after another.


A raging wall of fire separated the paladin from the escort.

The guard captain looked at the magic that appeared in front of him, and his eyes moved to Evelin who appeared next to him. Everyone noticed the light flashing on the staff.


Evelyn Claudius interrupted the guard captain with an anxious expression. She held a silk handkerchief over her mouth and nose while shouting at the others.

"Be careful of the poisonous gas hidden in the air! Those guards who are close to the monsters, ask them to go to the temple! Maybe there is hope!"

The female mage's serious reaction shocked everyone. The sudden attack made everyone slow to react. Evelin's quick decision and obvious superior temperament instantly became the backbone of everyone.

Evelin's warning made the guards dare not neglect it. After carrying out her order, the guard captain stepped forward with a respectful look on his face and asked: "Mr. Master, do you know the origin of that monster?"

Ordinary people rarely face Veltis fanatics, and it is even harder to see them going crazy.

Evelin looked solemn, looked directly behind the wall of fire, and nodded solemnly.

"That is an evil corpse poison puppet. I have dealt with this kind of monster with my teacher. You must have seen the destructive power of this monster. But the most terrifying thing about the corpse poison puppet is the corpse after destroying it. If it explodes, the destructive power of rash handling will be a hundred times greater than it is now! By then, the entire camp will be dead!"

The guard captain was frightened by the terror in Evelin's words. His first priority was to maintain the safety of the camp. If there was no mage to stop him at that time and he insisted on going his own way, the consequences would be...

"What shall we do? Master."

Evelin nodded, "Go and maintain order on the scene, captain. Set up a defense line to prevent idlers from approaching. The highly skilled paladin and I will try to seal this corpse poison puppet. The most important thing now is to let it leave this camp to avoid Our lives have been affected.”

"Okay, Master, but..."

Evelin raised her staff.

"Now, I'm going to take down the fire wall. The poisonous gas in the air should also be burned down. Captain, the safety of the others will be left to you!"

Evelin accurately calculated the time when the crystal magic power on the staff would be exhausted. The wall of fire disappeared, and she rushed into the middle of the black smoke without hesitation.

"Why are you still watching me do it! Just do what the master says!"

When the guard captain established a protective zone, Evelin and Karl walked in front of him. A human-shaped sack locked with several runes was carried on the paladin's back. The paladin had an indifferent expression and looked like he was not easy to get in contact with at first glance.

Evelin stepped forward under the long-awaited gaze of the escort team.

"Now, this monster has been sealed by us. Don't worry, we will handle everything properly."

"Okay, but..."

"The defense line still needs to be maintained. Please seek the purification of the temple priests for those traces of monster damage. I understand the hardships of you guards. Let's do this. After I deal with this trouble and come back, I will donate a donation to your managers. , used for the post-disaster reconstruction of the camp. Those frightened ordinary people need the comfort of you guards who are loyal to your duty. I am temporarily staying at the Violet Hotel. If I am not here, you can get the money by asking the people there directly for instructions. "

The guard captain is worried about the destruction of these camps. Evelin's financial support can be said to have solved his urgent need. The money may be able to seal the lord's mouth and prevent him from pursuing his negligence. This mage is really his great benefactor.

"We will complete the task you assigned, ma'am."

The guards moved out of the way, allowing Karl and Evelin to leave.

Evelin walked behind and said one last word to the guard captain.

"The crisis has been resolved. Continuing to spread rumors about monsters attacking the camp will only intensify people's panic and allow lawless people to take advantage of it. Captain, please put these rumors to rest and, of course, hide our traces."

The guard understood what Evelin said and nodded knowingly.

"Yes, I will post an announcement immediately to announce that the invading monster has been defeated by the unknown adventurer. I will not let those meddlesome people disturb you two."

"Thank you, Captain."

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