Crimson Servant

Chapter 81 Belated News

John opened his eyes and saw everything in the dream vividly. They were memories of the past, his precious memories. Propping up his body with both hands, the magician looked around. He was still within the Stonehenge area of ​​the Philosopher's Gate, and his body had recovered. The red mist accumulated by the crimson power has dissipated, and the traces of destruction left by the spell still remain in this magic device. He shouldn't have been asleep for too long, as the next transmission from the Philosopher's Gate hasn't happened yet.

I was so exhausted that I allowed myself to faint in this unsafe place. Whether he had other ideas at that time, John himself couldn't tell. With bright red fibers tangled around his body, the warlock put on a brand new red robe and left the Philosopher's Gate.

Whatever the thought was then, it's over now.

Nora died, and she also completed her revenge on the Wendigo. Accepting the reality that Nora had passed away made John's heart still hurt, but he had done what he should do. Just as he had promised Mariana, he was not controlled by hatred, planned rationally, and completed his revenge.

Thinking of another woman he cared about, some of the sadness that had dissipated came back again.

The Mind Flayer's transformation completely ended the possibilities for both of them.

John now understood the meaning of the kiss.

That was goodbye.

Mariana's exposure to the Crimson Corruption on Juancrit freed her spirit from the control of the mind flayer Tadpole, but her transformation did not stop. She must have known this at that time. That kiss was a farewell to her appearance and to herself. Mariana was a good reader of people's hearts, and she obviously sensed John's feelings, so she did not leave any regrets to those who loved her. The transformed Mariana was indeed a big blow to John. After seeing the form of the Mind Flayer for the first time, the Warlock almost cried.

John was careful to maintain his feelings for the mind flayer Mariana so that she wouldn't feel strange after her transformation. But after the transformation, Mariana deliberately avoided John, using her mature spiritual talent and speaking skills to maintain a sense of distance.

They still dance together, exchange some etiquette skills, and have interesting stories between them. John knows that something has changed.

Mariana will not accept him, and after transformation she will not accept anyone, including herself.

Leaving that disaster place, John Kemp finally understood Mariana's pain.

What about everyone else? What about the pain of Nora and Frances? Maybe I have no chance to know.

The crisis was over, and there was no obstacle between John and the Philosopher's Gate. He had enough time to study and master this ancient device.

But it would be later, and he had to go up quickly to find his teammates from the Sun Team. They were waiting for him, waiting to say goodbye.

This elite team of adventurers will also disband after the adventure ends.

Lightning Speed ​​was the first to leave the adventurer camp. He couldn't wait to return home and end the oppression of his people. After John returned, he just hugged a few people and left alone.

Jurgen Mercer moved Seman into the carriage. The trailer and horses were provided by the female noble Evelyn Claudius. She accepted the old dwarf's thanks and stepped aside to give a few people space to talk. . When Jurgen took the reins, the stubborn dwarf still shed tears of dissatisfaction. Before leaving, he left most of his medicinal herbs to John, and also cooked a special dish for the paladin. When the carriage started, Jurgen kept waving goodbye until he disappeared from the sight of the two.

Carl Demiras was already ready to join Evelyn's noble group. If the warlock hadn't been there, he would have definitely checked into a single room at the Violet Hotel.

When John Kemp was packing his suitcase, the Paladin came up behind him.

"John, you should know that I am the eldest son of the Demiras family."


"My father Qadian is an earl of Ephessa. I am an adult and will definitely inherit a fief when I return."


"I will become a lord. You know, every qualified lord needs a good magic advisor."

"That noble lady is qualified enough."

"Evelyn has no intention of doing this, even if everything about Claudius is inherited by her brother. Well, let me tell you the truth, come to my territory, John. I will always leave a place for you, my friend."

Karl stretched out his palm and swore in the name of Mithras what kind of generous salary he would provide, and at the same time hoped that his enthusiasm would impress the warlock.

"You want to add a Wiltis Warlock to your territory?" John glanced sideways at him.

"I'll shut everyone up, John, and they'll know the price of offending my friends."

John packed everything and placed the suitcase next to him. As he passed Carl, he patted him flatly on the shoulder.

"When did you have the illusion that you and I get along well? I appreciate your kindness, young Sun Warrior."

"But it's actually quite bad for me. I have my own things to be busy with, and I don't intend to participate in your lord game."

"Let's get together and part ways, Bugbear. I'm going to study the Philosopher's Gate. I may stay in Optitdam for a month, and then I will go home."

"do not bother me."

Shortly after the warlock left, the female mage Evelin walked into the camp.

"That is a man with an unruly temperament. You should have known that your recruitment was impossible, Lord Karl."

The paladin spread his hands and smiled.

"Just giving it a try, I have nothing to lose."

"Allowing others to belittle one's reputation is a serious humiliation for a noble. You should value yourself more, Lord Karl."

"He saved my life, Evelyn. And being aristocratic will only arouse more cynicism. I know him."

The female mage looked at the smiling paladin, puffed up her cheeks, and rolled her eyes at him.

"If Mr. Karl has nothing to do, please come and help me go to the market to buy some daily necessities. We consume them very quickly and may not be able to eat tonight."

The paladin nodded in agreement and followed Evelin out of the tent.

"Do you need to make a trip in person for the purchase?" Karl had not forgotten the attitude of the noble heirs towards Evelin.

Evelin looked ahead and replied calmly, "Lewen has been feeling unwell recently, so he can only leave these tasks to me. Moreover, those noble children are my friends, not servants."

The warlock did not go to the dungeon immediately. Ever since he left the tent, he had noticed the hidden sight.

Someone is observing me.

It didn't take much effort for John to find the Peeper.

It was a hooded man standing at the entrance of the alley across the street. He was dressed simply and stood next to the stall. He seemed to be picking through the rags on the stall, but his attention was always focused on this side. John noticed a piece of rag tied around his wrist, stained with dust and dirt, and the color and material were somewhat familiar.

That's the mark of the Ogre Gambling House.

That was Charla, the halfling, an intelligence merchant. The sneaky thief quickly walked into the depths of the alley and glanced at John.

That halfling who is greedy for money has something to do with him. Does he have new information?

To be honest, John Kemp felt that the wretched halfling thief just wanted to use false information to defraud him of more gold coins. After all, his enemies have been dealt with, and the trivial information has lost its value. The fanatic followers of Wiltis either died in that sacrifice or died under the sword of the Sun Team. What use could the late information from the halflings be?

The warlock weighed whether the halfling's information was worth his time.

Soon, John made a decision.

Maybe it's because I'm unwilling to accept it, and I still have anger that I want to release.

John Kemp felt that he needed to confirm the information about Nora Sebas, whether it was useful or not. If something slips through the net, deal with it. If you disappoint him, let the negligent information dealer suffer some pain.

Warlock John Kemp followed.

His fate was also chosen at this moment.

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