Crimson Servant

Chapter 80 Dancing Together

Team Sun knows all about Warlock's plan, but this doesn't stop them from worrying about their partners. When the bloody man who lost his arms walked out from the middle of Stonehenge, his bloody smile was something the Paladin would never forget. After the dragonborn's transformation was released, the pseudo-dragon filled with mana emerged from behind John and lay in a depressed state on the sorcerer's shoulder.

Karl strode forward and reached out to support John's frail body.

"Roar!" The pseudo-dragon released lightning and used intimidation to force the paladin back.

Karl stared back at the damn little lizard without fear, with many thoughts of killing him again.

"Cough...cough..." John spit out two mouthfuls of blood and slowly knelt on the ground.

He raised his head and gave Carl a bloody smile.

"I'm fine, Carl, go back. I need to rest here and repair my body." John shifted his gaze and nodded to Jurgen and Lightning, who were both fine.

The arakkoa who recovered from the paralysis patted the paladin's shoulder armor and picked up the long bow he had dropped. "Leave him alone, let him be quiet." The lightning finger pointed at the dwarf who was weeding on the other side. , "Your help is needed more over there."

Jurgen thrust the long stick into the root system of the plant, trying to pry apart the tissues of Saiman and the tree mother. He was sweating profusely, and two streaks of water passed right by the corners of his eyes. The roots are too tightly wrapped, making many attempts in vain.

Before Karl snatched his long stick, Jurgen had been venting his energy selflessly.

"I have to take him back."

"I'll help you, Jurgen."

The separation work was very difficult. The druid and the plant were completely entangled. In the end, the Paladin just dug out a part of Saiman's body based on vague memories, as well as the face with barely distinguishable facial features. .

Jurgen refused the paladin's help and stubbornly carried the wooden sculpture, which was almost twice his size, on his back.

"Thank you, Carl, I have to do this myself."

Having solved the crisis and saved a certain place, Team Sun packed up their belongings. Karl sheathed his sword and glanced at John, who was kneeling there. The red mist gathered around John, swallowing his friend completely.

After completing his revenge, he sat there paralyzed, like an abandoned puppet that had lost power.

I wish this was over, and I wish he had sweet dreams.

I'm almost getting used to the blood all over the sky. Even in the red mist, I could discern the amount of divine power and thus the fragile spectrum.

After regaining consciousness, I tried to distinguish where I came from, the quiet countryside that loomed in the memory fragments, or this layered deep red. What surprised me was that I recognized this disaster place far better than the misty phantom. This may be what she meant by recognizing reality.

The burning sensation under my feet was always there, and I was almost used to it. Following the memory to that location, a barrier appeared in front of me.

The boundary that maintains this enchantment is a series of evil and gloomy magic light sigils. Its painter said that this magic light enchantment will weaken the divine power and block the perception of other worlds. I have never been able to figure out where Francis learned this mysterious knowledge. He has always been a mystery to me.

I stepped across the barrier, resisting the weird feeling of the dark force gnawing at my intestines.

The presence of red mist decreased significantly, and I could see the rough grains of dead earth beneath my feet and distinguish the burning red and gray clouds above me. I also heard music, the melodious and beautiful sound of the piano, which made me feel full of joy.

I was led by the music through the ruins. I couldn't help but beat the rhythm of my steps, kicking away the stones happily. The sound of the piano was getting closer and closer, and when I rounded the last broken wall, I saw the source of the music.

She was sitting on the cracked stone steps, leaning against a sloping stone pillar, holding a beautiful lute in her arms, running her slender white fingers across the strings, playing the most beautiful music I had ever heard.

Those white palms seemed to have magic power, and they plucked my heartstrings while playing. I tried to suppress my increasingly excited heartbeat, but before I could calm down, the music stopped abruptly.

She looked over.

Her bright blond hair resembles waves of wheat blown by the autumn wind. She wears a black flip-brimmed hat with white feathers, gorgeous turquoise clothes with gold thread, and high leather boots that highlight the slender and perfect leg curves. She sat there as if she had stepped out of a painting.

Not to mention her straight nose and plump and glossy lips, her eyes were like two golden-brown gems, shining with wisdom and agility.

I was already captivated by her gaze and fell into a humble emotion of self-loathing. I am very grateful for the tingling pain that occurs in my body from time to time. The pain rescues me from the confusion and prevents me from being rude in front of her.

I stood with my legs still, my left hand behind my back, my right hand touching my chest, my elbows hanging in the air at an angle of 20 degrees away from my abdomen, and I bowed to her.

"Your brilliance eclipses the sunset, teacher."

She put down the lute, stood up lightly, twisted the hem of the void skirt with her hands, and responded to my courtesy.

"You can't see the sunset here, Mr. Kemp." The corners of her mouth raised, and she praised encouragingly, "But I'm very happy that you memorized the praise in "The Poems of Celine". Compared with the initial stuttering, it has improved a lot. Big progress.”

Her praise inspired me. I suppressed my excitement and came to her. I stood at the foot of the steps and looked up at her face.

"What are you going to review today? Teacher."

“Eastman’s Ball Etiquette.”

I stepped back with my right leg, bent down, and extended my palm to her.

"May I have the pleasure of dancing with you? Beautiful lady."

The test of the etiquette course has begun. I smiled from the bottom of my heart and kept my face calm without leaving any trace.

She did better than me. An elegant aristocratic temperament emerged spontaneously. When her fingertips touched my palm, I was very sure that I was holding a noble princess, princess or even a queen. .

"That's what I expected, Mr. Kemp."

I held her hand and danced together in the wasteland to the beat in my heart. There are no gorgeous lighting, no fine wine and food, no gorgeous clothes, and even the floor is not even. We only have eyes for each other, and our steps are just right, as if we were a match made in heaven.

I know this is just a deliberate pandering by both parties, but I still can't help but feel joy in my heart. I carefully guided her to avoid the exposed stones, so that the dance could continue perfectly.

She gives compliments when appropriate.

"Taking careful care of your dance partner is the embodiment of a gentleman. Mr. Camp, you can do better and try to figure out the other person's heart and true feelings."

I understood what she meant.

The dance continued, and I lowered my head, like a passionate lover leaning against the side of her face, whispering in her ear.

"Nora told me she didn't like the name 'Camp' because it sounded a little too serious."

She laughed, and the clear laughter echoed in my ears. Her body pressed against my chest, giving me enough support without making me feel heavy.

"I would not compare you to my lover or pet. The surname Camp means 'restraint'. This is what I expect from you, John Camp."

I didn't listen carefully to what she was saying. My mind was always thinking about the homework she assigned.

Feel the mood of your dance partners. This can actually be smelled in the perfume they wear. The fragrance is their truth. She once taught me this. Get closer with the help of teasing quips and sniff the scent in a subtle way.

Pay more attention, John Kemp, and analyze your work carefully.

I should have smelled this smell.

Asmara, a perfume popular from the Eastman court. The first smell is a mixture of rose essence and gooseberry, which is a bit pungent. But when Asmara drips on the skin or clothes, the irritating smell will magically disappear and turn into a charming and charming fragrance. It will become lighter and lighter, and in the end, there will only be close intimacy. You can smell this fragrance only by touching it.

Because of its special properties, Asmara was once popular among court ladies. It also has an alias called Secret Expectation. This is a special perfume with hidden meanings, often used by some open-minded ladies to have affairs...

My mind exploded.

She drops asmala on her body.

My face turned red quickly, and in my excitement I completely forgot the purpose of this exam. My palms began to be shy about touching her body, and my steps began to become chaotic. To make matters worse, I stepped on a stone in my panic.

When I came back to my senses, my slumped body was already leaning in her arms. The teacher changed her movements, changing positions between men and women, and she hugged my waist.

"It is rude to expose yourself as a baby in front of a lady, even if you really are, Mr. Kemp."

My face felt as hot as fire, and I forced myself to face her gaze.

"I'm sorry, teacher."

"Raise your head." The finger that played the strings had already hooked my chin. Her eyes were empty and full of reason. My shame quickly calmed down under her gaze. There is a magical power in her eyes that makes people surrender. I can't tell whether she used some suggestion spell.

"You need to master these manners, John Kemp, for the future."

"I will, teacher, I won't let your teaching be in vain..."

"No, John, it's for yourself."

Her hands cupped my face and held me in place, in what I'm pretty sure wasn't any form of etiquette. Her eyes were filled with some kind of worried emotion, covering her rationality like a tide.

I had a twisted secret of joy at such sensual eyes. I was secretly happy that her change was because of me.

"You must remember these etiquettes, John Camp. You must 'restrain' your heart and emotions, and keep everything rational. These red tapes will become chains that bind you."

"...Why?" I had this question when I was first taught etiquette.

Mariana Dahl stared at me, her beautiful jewel-like eyes looking only at me. But I could feel that she was looking at more than just me.

"Restrain, John. You must not lose control."

"Your body no longer belongs to you alone."

"Don't forget my words, John."

"When you give up restraint, [Viltis] will snap out of your madness."

I nodded, and despite her somewhat worried mood, I promised again and again that I would never let myself lose control of my emotions.

"No matter what, John, not even about us..."

Mariana, Nora, Frances...

"Yes, I will." I promised her at that time.

Before she said goodbye, she gave me a kiss. I wasn't sure if it was some kind of reward, but I knew it made me feel emotional again.

I loved her and was obsessed with her beauty, her elegant soul, and her worried heart.

I didn't say it out loud, afraid that it was just a misunderstanding on my part, that Mariana's special feelings for me were the same as Nora's.

One more foster mother would definitely break my heart.

In the end, my tongue was just a clumsy expression of concern.

"Nora... Nora said you have been having a headache..."

Mariana smiled.

"My headache has gone away a bit."


She nodded.

"In this land of despair, you are not the only one to be saved, John Kemp."

I felt reluctant to leave her and looked back at her sitting on the steps again.

"Next time, I will dance better, teacher."

She held up her piano, as perfect as it was at the beginning.

"Next time, don't call me teacher, John."

"Your etiquette class is over. There is no distinction between us."

"After you leave Juan Treat, I want you to call me by my first name."

I opened my mouth.

"Okay... Mariana."

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