Crimson Servant

Chapter 17 Fireball and Holy Slash

Karl was smarter than those spiders. He lay down instantly, and a wave of heat passed through his back. The temperature almost ignited his hair. The fireball technique that John had prepared for a long time exploded with terrible destructive power. Two spiders were instantly torn apart in the explosion, and the remaining one rushed towards John. Its two hind legs were broken by the aftermath of the explosion, and its running posture was somewhat imbalance.

Karl seized the opportunity. He rolled up from the ground, pulled out the family heirloom sword, and with a tearing sound, the sharp blade with divine brilliance swiftly cut through the spider shadow flashing beside him. The spider was chopped into two pieces by Karl, and the cut surface where the acid flowed out made a hissing sound of burning fire.

The only deformed spider whose path was blocked by the flames saw that its own kind died instantly, and let out a shrill roar at the two people who were getting ready again. The humanoid's abdomen swelled like a balloon, and long legs emerged from the ribs. The shape-shifting spider returned to its spider form, which was larger than other spiders, with twisted gray patterns on its white back.

"Do you only know this trick?" Carl stood in front of John, raised his shield, and faced the deformed spider directly. "Or am I misunderstanding that you are actually a 'Fireball Warlock'."

John held his palm empty, and a burning fireball reshaped itself in the palm of his hand. The small fireball flew towards the spider, and John responded to his companions without showing any signs of weakness: "As long as it is easy to use, I will always use it, 'Holy Slayer Knight'."

The shape-shifting spider is not small, but its movements are quite agile. It bypasses the ash area left by the fireball spell, dodges the flying small fireballs, quickly moves its legs towards Karl, and spits out corrosive acid at the same time.

Karl received it accurately. The paladin's shield completely blocked the splashing acid. He pressed his knees down and leaned forward. The moment he resisted the spider's bite, he changed from blocking to sweeping. The long sword in his right hand saw the right moment and flowed towards the spider. Acidic mouthparts prick away.

The injured roar of the deformed spider made the two people's minds sink. The spider raised its upper body, and its raised front legs were filled with anger, like two spears piercing down hard. At this time, Karl had just withdrawn his strength and had not yet adjusted his posture after receiving the mental attack. Looking at the attack in front of him, he thought to himself that he was unlucky. He prayed that the armor would be strong and he was prepared to endure the pain.

John did two things at this time. He instantly released the Flash Technique. The dazzling light temporarily blinded the Deformed Spider's eyes, and then kicked Karl on the buttocks. John's body is very weak, but the kicks blessed by the Sin Chain have surpassed those of ordinary high-strength professionals. The paladin, affected by this gravity, almost ran into the soft abdomen of the deformed spider, avoiding the stabbing attack and attacking the monster at the same time. Caused secondary damage.

While Karl was yelling, with his excellent fighting instinct, the paladin's sword emitted dazzling sunlight, drew a crescent moon in the sky, and cut off the spider's two left legs. Stopping as soon as he saw it, Karl raised his shield to protect his head and escaped from the deformed spider's frantic counterattack.

The situation has become clear. The deformed spider whose left leg was cut off lost its ability to move. Even if Carl no longer pursues the victory, the insidious warlock can still throw fireballs and kill it alive.

"No need to thank me for saving my life, we are companions." John smiled and threw the fireball, blowing off the remaining left leg of the deformed spider.

The paladin glared at him and said through gritted teeth: "Thank you, no matter what the method, you still helped me."

John likes the Paladins, a group of self-proclaimed righteous warriors who always put morality first. As long as he is reminded, he can hold back his dissatisfaction with himself.

"Don't waste time, come together. We need to leave here quickly to meet them. I hope it won't take too long to unlock the secret room." As John spoke, a sense of crisis rushed into his forehead. Several bulges appeared in the robe woven with the sin chains of Veltis in an instant, and the next moment he was about to shoot a spear of blood at the source of danger.

John turned his head and looked into the eyes of Karl, who was holding his sword high towards him.

The fiery warning gave up John's thoughts, and looking into Karl's eyes, he understood that the paladin was as frightened as he was.

Karl sheathed his sword and turned his body to face the enemy with John. His voice no longer maintained the hostility towards the warlock, and the fear of the monster overshadowed the hostility. Their eyes shifted to the shape-shifting spider, the lamb ready for slaughter that almost turned the two adventurers against each other a few seconds ago.

"Be careful, this monster can [charm humans]. Fortunately, we have an oath not to betray each other."

Yes, I almost won’t be able to see the sun forever. If you suffer a loss in the hands of such a low-level monster, Francis will laugh at you.

"No problem, I'm immune to [Charming Humans]."

"Because you're not human?"

John paused.

"You must express your unexpendable sense of humor at such a critical moment?"

"I'm not kidding."

"That's ridiculous. I'm a warlock, and warlocks are highly resistant to psychic attacks."

John stopped chatting with Carl. After three or two fireballs took away the life of the deformed spider, the two began to search for mechanisms in the secret room. Karl walked to the three bones and finished comforting the unfortunate ones with a short prayer.

"The monster that killed you has been laid to rest. May your souls rest in peace."

After praying, the paladin sorted out the three people's belongings. There were no dog tags or gold coins. Carl took off his boot from the left skeletal foot. There is magic flowing on these boots, which were not damaged by John's fireball bombardment, and will emit a faint light when Carl touches them.

Spider Walking Boots, leather goods. The wearer is able to roam freely among the webs and has a slightly increased jumping ability. While imparting magical effects, the weak layer of wind magic can also give more protection and a certain degree of agility.

"I found a pair of shoes for Lightning! I hope the arakkoa can fit this in my size." The arakkoa's clawed toes have prominent toe bones, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Under normal circumstances, winged people are accustomed to walking barefoot, and the thick leather on the soles of their claws is much stronger than ordinary shoe soles.

John is collecting the liquid from the spider eggs in a glass bottle he carries. The spider egg liquid of the shape-shifting spider is a material for making disguise scrolls and camouflage potions. The unprocessed liquid can also mask the smell. John himself often uses this kind of paint to cover the smell of blood on his body. It is of course great to get some raw liquid without poaching the Dark Elf's pet spider.

John also collected some spider venom before Carl prodded him.

"You can put it on your sword. Although the spider venom is not strong, it is better than nothing."

Carl refuses John's poison bottle.

"The noble Paladin will never allow such despicable methods, and I will not put dirty venom on Demiras's family heirloom sword!"

"Okay," John shrugged, keeping the venom for himself, "When you fall to the ground with poison, I can use these to refine the antidote for you."

Finally, John found the hidden mechanism that opened the stone door on the wall closest to the three corpses. It was disguised as part of the cross ring decoration and was found because of the different dust coverage compared to other parts.

"I should have thought of it earlier, pay attention to the parts with different colors." The paladin, who was annoyed that he did not discover the mechanism first, was still complaining before leaving, "Why don't the damn ancient Ashites make the mechanism more obvious!"

"One of the purposes of the existence of these institutions is to keep secrets. In addition, the ancient Asht people have become extinct."

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