Crimson Servant

Chapter 163 Stone Tunnel

John and Raven took Crow away, and Barnes took the land deed that the village chief put on the table when leaving.

"Wait a minute, that's my land deed!" The village chief, who had always been shy, regained his courage when he saw his property being taken away, but soon shrank back under Raven's cold eyes.

"Yours?" Barnes put the land deed in his pocket and picked up the other land deeds that fell out of Crowe's body. "It's mine now."

The village chief's eyes widened and he lost control of his emotions and said, "Aren't you... specially looking for this liar?"

"Yes, but that doesn't stop me from taking your land deed. We are not good people, old man."

True to his style, Barnes waved goodbye to the insensitive village elder before closing the door.

"Go tell me! It was Barnes who robbed you of the land deed that you forcibly confiscated! The great captain had the last laugh!"

John and his party left the village overnight. Now that they had found Crowe, there was no reason to stay.

They slept in the wilderness, and the unprepared Crowe only got a thin blanket. For this, he paid all the land deeds and transferred them to Barnes. Crow, who had everything taken away from him, was wearing his baggy and ill-fitting coat, huddled in the blanket, his face was livid, and he was shaking with anger. Although he has resentment in his heart, the situation is stronger than others.

Just spent the night like this.

The next day, before dawn, Crowe quietly opened his eyes. He glanced at the still sleeping Knights of the Round Table and the small ball of light in his arms, and then looked at the three sleeping figures on the other side of the campfire.

Crowe realizes this is a good time to escape.

He took his hands out of his long sleeves and used his fat coat to pretend that he was still sleeping. Crowe lay down and avoided the light of the campfire, avoiding touching the dry and brittle branches and dead leaves when moving.

Crow now had two paths in front of him.

One is the path on the other side of the trio, and the other is the corridor where the Knights of the Round Table sleep soundly.

The latter is closer, but the Knights of the Round Table are all warriors with superb martial arts. Their combat intuition is usually very sharp, and passing them means taking great risks.

Crowe looked to the other side. Everything he experienced last night had become the most exciting part of this thief's life. He had never experienced such a disastrous and unreasonable failure, which made Crowe feel a little evil, especially when he saw Barnes's face that was exactly like his own, Crowe felt like he had been seen through.

If he followed his past habits of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, Crowe would definitely pass by Galahad, the Knight of the Round Table. But this time, Crowe's dangerous instinct told him to do the opposite.

So he chose the path closer to the three strangers, away from the powerful warrior, and away from the middle-aged man with the same face as his who had seen through him many times. Crowe chose the young wizard.

With magic out of control, Cameron rarely sees wizards anymore. This thief has long forgotten how terrifying the wizard is.

As soon as Crowe took a step forward, a blood-red chain sprang out from John's body, tightly wrapped around the thief's foot, and hung him up.

The three people who were pretending to be asleep opened their eyes one by one. Barnes looked at Crowe's embarrassing appearance while he was hanging upside down, pointed at him and said to his companions: "I told you a long time ago, this old boy will ask for trouble. "

Crowe is not panicking about being discovered now. The situation cannot be worse. His timid appearance cannot cause his opponent to be careless. He just wants to find out the answer now.

"So, is the knight's side the right answer?"

"It's the lesser of two evils," Barnes said with a smile. "Your sense of danger is actually pretty easy to predict."

Outside the corridor where Galahad was standing, blue flames ignited from the darkness, and Arlington stepped out of the shadows, his evil eyes filled with bloodthirsty desire.

"It's not in my contract to show mercy to a pirated Barnes."

The Hell Guard struggled to move his eyes away from Crowe's face and looked at his contractor.

"I lost a chance to tear that face apart, but I might still get a chance to torture him..."

"I'll do it! I'll tell you everything honestly! Ask me quickly!" Crowe shouted excitedly. The high temperature of the hell guard's approach made the thief's face heat up, and the devil's greedy eyes made Crowe's eyelids twitch wildly.

Under Arlington's gaze, Crowe told everything about the secret passage. Because of the passage of time, the thieves could not recall the information about the secret passage very accurately, but it was much better than a few adventurers searching around like headless flies. .

Barnes patted Crowe on the back and introduced him to Galahad, who had just woken up and was wary of the Hell Guards.

"Meet our new guide who will take us to explore the secret passage."

Crowe resisted returning to the secret passage. Maybe he was not charmed, but he was full of fear of Queen Morgan. Under such an obvious threat, he still struggled.

"Do you have to go?"

"I've always been democratic, and they all know it," Barnes said to Crowe with a smile.

"You have two choices. You can choose to go in with us." Barnes pointed at Arlington, who was on fire. "Or stay with him. The choice is yours."

Crowe felt ridiculous for believing in Barnes' lies for a moment.

They set off at dawn and followed the direction directed by Crowe until noon, when the sun hung above their heads, Crowe led everyone to a cliff.

They stood on the cliff and looked down. There was a height difference of nearly thirty meters, and hot wind was blowing on the desolate cliff.

Raven looked around and saw a deserted area with no covering rocks or hollows. It did not look like a terrain with a hidden entrance.

Crowe continued to lead a few people down the cliff top along a hidden, man-made path. Their backs were against the earth wall, and the cliff was on the other side. The path was barely wide enough for one person to turn around.

John controlled the balance of his body. As several people moved forward one after another, the road under his feet occasionally dropped some gravel and fell to the bottom of the cliff after several pairs of feet stepped on it, causing uneasy sounds to the adventurers who were running amok.

There must have been no dwarves among the workers digging the tunnel with Crowe.

As Crowe advanced, his fingers groped on the rocks. His head was tilted forward, so that the people behind him could not notice his increasingly nervous expression, and he cursed silently in his mouth.

"Has it been this far before? I remember it seemed like this..."

Crowe didn't dare to turn around and tell them the fact that he couldn't find the hidden entrance. Since escaping from the royal city, he never went back or visited this secret passage again. The memory of that time has been blurred by time. If he told the evil gang behind him truthfully, they might just kick him down.

He confidently suppressed the complaints coming from behind, and continued to move forward with a murmur in his heart.

As long as I don't tell you, the entrance is right in front.

Finally, Crowe's fingers found a crack in the rock. He suppressed his excitement and risked raising his body to look at the full view of the crack, a natural crack with no artificial traces.

Crowe knew he had found it.

He reached into the dark crevice and touched the mechanism in the rock crevice based on vague muscle memory.

A hidden stone door slowly opened. Crowe wiped the cold sweat on his head and said to the people behind him with some satisfaction.

"Fortunately, I'm here, otherwise you wouldn't have discovered this secret passage."

John didn't refute, just nodded, and the team members entered the secret passage one by one.

The secret passage was exactly the opposite of what John had imagined. It was not a narrow tunnel for only one person to crawl into. Its interior was wide enough for four people to stand upright and parallel, and it was high enough for the hell guards to straighten their backs.

There is a little dust in the cave, but there is no sense of suffocation. There should be hidden airways, and there are lighting from luminous ores on the sides and top of the head.

Raven immediately grabbed Crowe, while Barnes and John stared at him with sinister expressions.

"This is by no means a secret tunnel that a few ordinary humans can dig. Crow, are you really sure that you dug this tunnel?"

Behind him was the heat released by the Hell Guards, the trickster stammered.

"It''s me, I..."

John's eyes narrowed, and the crimson chains in the red robe showed their evil original form in front of Crowe.

"It's a project I... brought in."

"With whom?" John forced Crowe to tell the names of those unlucky people.

"A group of Eriads, earth genasi. Among them is an earth genasi prince who also admires the beauty of Queen Morgan and is eager to propose marriage to Cameron. I proposed to him that if these earth genasi can marry the beautiful Queen Morgan, Excavate and develop the relics beneath Cameron, and maybe the Queen will accept his love."

Even Raven couldn't help but contort his face, thinking how many bad things this liar had done.

"So, where is the earth elemental prince?"

Crowe's eyes turned to the side.

"When the secret tunnel was dug, he hurriedly went to propose marriage to Morgan."

Poor guy, Morgan is still single, and even the Knights of the Round Table have never heard of the elemental creatures proposing marriage. You can imagine the fate of that prince.

"Why didn't you follow?"

"Why are you following? I'm not really Cameron's foreign ambassador. I found an opportunity to escape."

Galahad analyzes the current situation.

"Those Eriad lost their leader in this secret passage, and the person in charge of the joint, you, is missing. According to the stubborn and vengeful nature of the earth element, and the condition of this tunnel we saw."

"The earth elementals have been occupying this secret passage leading to the royal city. They are waiting to deal with you, Crow."

Bella flapped her wings and stared angrily at the Trickster.

"You are an irresponsible guy, and you sold the clues to this secret passage to Galahad. Those elemental creatures that are angry and out of control will definitely think that the Knights of the Round Table were sent by you!"

Crowe looked at the three Johns. There were not many excited expressions on their faces. Their long-term experience with Barnes made them quickly accept the trouble brought by Crowe. They must enter the royal city, and this secret passage is undoubtedly the best choice, even if there is a group of elemental creatures inside.

Crow breathed a sigh of relief and said shamelessly to the angry Pixie.

"Am I here now? If those stone lumps want to settle accounts with me, they have to ask my elder brother if he agrees, right? Brother!"

Crowe grabbed hold of Barnes and looked at the captain with a determined look, reminded of what they had in common.

Yes, they look exactly the same. Even if Crow is left behind, the earth genasi with old grudges will not let go of Barnes.

Otherworldly Barnes cheated on Barnes.

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