Crimson Servant

Chapter 162 The Survivors are Caught

They slipped out of the village two hours after dark.

Barnes lowered his head, holding a torch in the dark night, searching for traces of burial on the uneven mounds; Raven brought a shovel, and when Barnes waved his hand, he dug the shovel in hard. In the soil, the lifted up grave soil quickly built up a dirt bag; John stood on the pit, and after Raven pried open the coffin, he immediately prepared the spell to entertain some living corpses who were awakened and a little excited. The world lacks priests, and the sleepless in the mass graves can only wait for the part-time services of the Veltis Warlock.

Galahad and his timid little friend were driven aside to look out because of their inability to do business. The Knights of the Round Table watched the three people working together enthusiastically in the cemetery, gently caressed Bella's trembling body, and comforted her.

"It's okay, Bella, they are foreigners. Those who save the world must have something special about them."

John and others stood next to a newly unearthed corpse. Barnes brought the torch closer and looked at the bones that were almost completely decomposed. They couldn't identify the deceased from his appearance, but there was a hanging noose hanging on the neck of this body, so it was most likely that it was Crowe.

"He doesn't look like me," Barnes said.

John looked at the skeleton and Barnes in the firelight, and the captain put his face next to the toothy skull to make it easier for his companions to compare.

"I don't know, skeletons all look the same to me."

Raven watched Barnes and John discuss their appearance after death, thinking that time was precious, and interrupted them.

"Can't you just wake him up and ask?"

John and Barnes looked at each other.

"Who's coming?"

"You." John pointed at Barnes, "I can't control magic other than crimson magic in this world."

Barnes nodded and rolled up his sleeves, revealing a necklace wrapped around his left forearm. The black rope was wrapped around the forearm several times. The pendant was a talisman with a black skull engraved on it. This is a magical item capable of conversing with the dead.

Barnes bit his finger and rubbed the bloody finger in circles on the surface of the amulet. He muttered two incantations that others could not hear. He lifted his finger from the amulet and drew circles on his own eyes. The skull in the amulet began to emit a faint green light, and the blood stains on the edge of the eye sockets smeared by Barnes' fingers were not dark red, but black and green. Finally, Barnes pinched the lower end of the amulet so that it just covered his lips.

Barnes blew a breath, and the skull in the center of the amulet shot out a green light, blowing onto the skeleton on the lanyard.

The corpse moved, and the stiff finger bones held the edge. He sat up, and a pale spiritual light came out of his two eye holes. The skeleton made a slight breathing sound, and his vocal cords had long since rotted, so this miraculous sound seemed to come from the underworld, making people feel chilled. If you listen carefully, you'll notice that the corpse's breathing matches the rhythm of Barnes' breathing.

"Have you dug a secret passage leading to the ruins of the royal city?"

Move the skull.

【No. 】

Barnes' eyes changed and he asked his second question.

"Were you hanged for theft?"

【Yes. 】

Barnes asked the third question.

"Are you Crow?"

【no. 】

The fourth question.

"What's your relationship with Crowe?"

[Thieves Guild Alliance. 】

Barnes seemed to understand everything and asked the fifth question.

"Are you willing?"

【no. 】

The body fell back into the pit with a bang. Barnes took off his necklace, rubbed his hair in trouble, and said to his companions: "Damn it, as expected of me, buried here is a scapegoat to take Crow's guilt. Crowe must still be alive, and the clues are broken. Leave, there should be no clues here."

John and Raven looked at each other, John shrugged, and Raven took out the shovel again and filled the hole completely.

The village chief's house.

The village chief is entertaining a distinguished guest.

A tax official from the royal city, with a big beard and a small round hat, looked wealthy. This gentleman was a gentle and elegant gentleman, who made the village chief's wife laugh out loud.

If he were a tax collector in the past, the village chief would appear to be respectful, but he would never invite him to his home and entertain him with a sumptuous dinner. But this one is different, because this noble man also brings a profit.

This gentleman is not one of those fat-headed and domineering fools. He has an idea and smells the smell of gold coins from this small village near the royal city.

He provided the village chief with the news that a noble in the royal city was going to build a private estate. Every inch of land could be exchanged for extremely high remuneration, and this village happened to be within the consideration of that noble.

These days, the village chief has been sparing no effort to trade land deeds from those villagers. Some die-hards who hindered the development of the village were naturally punished. However, for the sake of the noble lord, the village chief gave him generous compensation to calm down the bad rumors. .

Tonight, the village chief will hand over these land deeds to the tax collector. This generous nobleman swears in the name of Queen Morgan that when the nobleman arrives, he will return unimaginable wealth to the village chief, and even the identity of a noble steward.

The village chief and his family were ecstatic until a group of thugs broke into their home.

The tax official was kicked to the ground by the leader. His clothes exploded, and rolls of land deeds leaked out from under his clothes. He is a thin man, a thin man who uses many land deeds to disguise his fatness.

Raven took control of the village chief's family by force. Barnes walked towards the tax collector and pulled off the tax collector's fake beard. The face under the disguise was exactly the same as Barnes's. He was Crow.

"We worked hard digging graves in the dark, and you sit here and enjoy your dinner." Barnes' eyes widened.

John looked at Barnes' angry expression and asked, "Do you want to beat him up?"

"No!" Barnes sat in the seat in front of Crowe and began to devour. "I don't want to see such a handsome face get hurt."

John glanced at the frightened Crowe at his feet, feeling sorry for not being able to beat him. The magician rubbed red lightning in his hands, making the liar Crowe's expression even more nervous.

"Do you know how we found you?"

Barnes nibbled on a lamb rib.

"I have a habit of reminiscing about the past. If I cheated any brothers before, I will definitely come back and see the scenery here again. I like to make friends with not-so-good people, so that I can forgive my shamelessness more easily. "

"As soon as I inquired with the villagers and found that they all resented the village chief, I came immediately."

"You old...handsome guy, you will definitely have your share of the trouble!"

Galahad walked into the door and looked puzzled when he saw the figures on the ground.

"John, are you sure you've found the right person? The Crow I know doesn't look like this."

John nodded, "Really? That's because we found the wrong person, Raven, let's kill this irrelevant person."

The warrior silently raised his sword and approached, staring coldly at the liar on the ground.

Crow was startled by the warrior, and he threw his arms around John's legs and shouted at Galahad.

"No, I am Crow. I remember you, Knight Galahad. I borrowed a sum of money from you and I haven't paid it back yet. You don't know me because I was wearing a human skin mask at the time. This is mine. So beautiful! I’m so beautiful!"

Crowe began to cry loudly, clutching the warlock's red robe to wipe away his tears, and kept begging for mercy.

"Spare my life! I came out to cheat because I had no choice. I am the father of two lovely girls. My wife is seriously ill. My parents are old. Now the whole family depends on me to support them. Please let me have a dog." Damn it, I won’t dare to do it next time.”

"Okay." Barnes put down his knife and fork and wiped his mouth.

"John, let's capture his family, use them as hostages, and let him make money for us. Each head has a thousand gold coins, and if he loses one gold coin, you will sacrifice one. What do you think?"

John didn't answer, but Crowe was frightened.

He stared at Galahad, who was also confused, with eyes that said, 'Oh my god, where did you provoke these beasts?'

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