Crimson Servant

Chapter 106 Destined Lone Star

Dip the goat's blood into an outline on the floor, place a few bones with weird tooth marks, write summoning runes on the edge of the circle, and most importantly, write a precious name.

The man hummed a light tune, completely ignoring the chaotic noise outside the cabin. He threw a soul coin and watched the cute little thing jump several times in the pentagram. Every time it bounces, the originally rough surface will become as smooth as a mirror, and a horrified face sealed in the coin will appear.

In the end, it did not escape the scope of the pentagram.

The man took off his three-cornered hat, reached into his clothes with his right hand and took it out. His index finger and thumb were together, and there was some light yellow powder with a smell between the two fingers.

He looked at the material in his hand, and his calm expression began to change due to the lack of weight. One of the man's eyebrows was raised, as if it was contagious, and the last two eyebrows were raised at the same time.

"Ha! It's doomed now." But he didn't intend to give up just yet.

"Come Assa, Camenzas, Endon Kashmas... Hybassen Marton..."

Reciting a spell, he threw the sulfur powder into the summoning circle that gave off an evil luster.

The blood quickly dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the pattern quickly seeped into the floor, as if it had been there for decades. The hot purgatory flames rushed out of the magic circle, and the roaring flames rubbed the man's scalp and rushed to the ceiling to explode.

"Ha!" Barnes put on his three-cornered hat again and cheered as he watched the summoning array come into effect, "I am truly a genius like no other."

Using nearly impossible materials, Captain Barnes completed a devil-summoning ritual.

Barnes stood up and slapped his knees, which were stained with goat's blood. He folded his hands and looked at the big demon appearing in the magic circle, and couldn't help but whistle.

"Hey! Devil, you will work for the great summoner Tobot Kahn! You must obey me!"

The doomsday guard didn't answer. He stepped on the magic circle that restrained him with his hooves, looking at the spell under his feet and spinning leisurely in circles. In the ever-worsening tones of his diminutive summoner, the doomguard grinned a bloody grin as the high devil found a stupid loophole in the poorly crafted spell drawn by a human.

"The contract is established." The devil's hoof stepped heavily on the spell, and he felt that the power of the contract was connecting him to this inconspicuous existence. The devil did not hesitate and immediately released more power to get into that inconspicuous loophole. This idiot named Tobot Kahn placed his name in the wrong place. Now, they are about to sign an unconditional master-servant contract, and this human being will become a devil's toy.

"Wait! This is not right?!" the Doom Guard roared angrily. He noticed that his power had changed direction along the contract. His power moved towards the human being, then turned around and turned behind him.

A blazing boiler burning with green flames.

"You tied me to a stove?!"

The devil felt unimaginably insulted, and was even more surprised that this humble human being had actually used a false name to defraud the devil of the contract.

His eyes filled with purgatory flames stared at the smiling face under the three-cornered hat, and the devil thought of this despicable human being.

"Barnes! You are Captain Barnes! That escapee from hell who deceived the Archduke!! You bastard!!!" The Doom Guard screamed, but the powerful contract restricted its actions, and he felt his own The power is being withdrawn from the body, and is continuously being thrown into the boiler behind him, becoming fuel.

The devil's body continued to turn into flames, and the deceived devil cursed this daring soul in the most evil and malicious tone.

"Barnes! You devil in human skin! Don't try to hide all the time. The Dukes have noticed you! I'm waiting for you in hell! Waiting to tear your soul into pieces and put it in the hellfire. When you are burning! I will enjoy listening to your wails of pain, forever!"

Barnes stood there, watching his fuel burn completely, straightening his dusty hat with some boredom.

"Aha, then you have to line up."

"Captain!!! Captain!!!" A sharp cry opened the door, and a little devil with a spiked tail and small wings rushed into the room in horror. Two of its horns were broken and it was wearing a A pirate hat with a skull painted on it, sharp claws were twitching on his body at this time, and every scream was accompanied by a shaking and a heart-wrenching sound of the hull shattering.

"Kraken!!! Kraken!!! The bad guy threw all the sailors in! But Kraken still hasn't had enough to eat!!!"

Barnes watched the disgusting little thing smearing snot bubbles on his coat. He quickly rushed out of the boiler room and walked to the deck.

Huge tentacles stretching out of the sea had surrounded his ship, and the churning waves crashed against the hull, making a light rain fall above Barnes. The shaking became more and more violent, and Barnes could feel something huge rising from the sea.

He tore Bad Bad off him and threw it against the mainsail mast.

"Now, Bad Bad, I promote you to the position of Vice Captain! As an important crew member of the Purgatory Shut Up, dedicate everything you have to the great Captain! Go furl the mainsail! Hurry!!!"

The appointment of Barnes made Bad Bad go crazy with excitement. The huge promotion from maritime mascot to deputy captain inspired this little guy to have great courage. Bad Bad flew to the highest point of the mast and bit all the traction ropes of the canvas. Bad, it grabbed the bare rod and screamed excitedly among the approaching tentacles.

"The Bad Vice Captain is not afraid of Kraken!!! Go to hell!! Kraken!!!"

While the little devil continued to go crazy, Barnes jumped to the upper area in two or three steps and grabbed the rudder.

Staring at the shrinking gap between the giant tentacles, Barnes counted down silently in his mind.

Like the squirming bowels, now, it's time.

The devil's fuel furnace made an uncomfortable loud noise, and the explosive gas spurted out through the special pipe. The strong inertia pulled Barnes into a horizontal strip. The Silence of Hell broke out of the sea monster's circle and clung to the water. water flying.

"Haha, go ahead and eat the devil's exhaust, fill your belly with hell's farts, monster."

"Captain Barnes escapes again!"

a week later.

Holding a half-drunk bottle of rum, Barnes stood blankly on the shore, watching the Hell's Silence that originally belonged to him shrink into a small dot on the sea level. He rubbed his tired eyelids after a hangover, took a closer look at the departing ship, raised the bottle and took another sip.

Yes, that's my ship.

All his belongings were on that ship, but he was not on the ship.

Under the influence of alcohol, Barnes felt numb, and his bones began to tremble when the sea breeze blew.

"Bao Hua, you... hiccup... bad thing..."

On the Hell's Silence, the little devil, who was promoted again, turned the rudder tiredly but happily.

"Captain Badass kicked idiot Barnes into the water, and now Badass is the boss!"


The drunken and dizzy Barnes lay on the stone, looking down at the ship completely disappearing on the horizon. His mind felt as if he had been beaten by four or five drunkards, and he did not want to move at all.

The devil's flame propulsion is a one-time use. The powerful destructive power of the purgatory flames will cause irreparable damage to the boiler. The ship will probably sink to the bottom of the sea within a short distance of sailing, taking all his belongings with it.

Barnes raised the glass, but forgot that the bottle was not corked. The alcohol poured onto his face and clothes due to gravity, and the pungent smell poured into his nose. Barnes' consciousness became even more hazy.

"Once again, Captain Barnes lost his entire crew."

"To the great Captain Barnes, to myself, hiccup."

"Respect, damn destiny lone star!!!"

He no longer had the strength to pick up the bottle, and the bottle slipped from his hand and hit him on the forehead.

Barnes's eyes darkened and he fell asleep completely.

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