Crimson Servant

Chapter 105 Father and Son (Cardemilas)

Chapter 105 Father and Son (Carl Demiras)

Count Cadian Demiras walked into his study, and the servant who followed him stopped outside the door and closed the door for his master. His temples are gray and his lips are gently upturned. The handsome and elegant nobleman from that time can still be seen in his face carved by time. There is a lion hidden in his sea-blue eyes.

Cadian walked towards his chair, leaning his straight upper body against the soft backrest of the chair, and picked up the letter on the desk. The Earl's sharp eyes glanced at the person opposite him from time to time, and his polite smile soon faded. Go down.

Carl Demelas took off his armor and sat upright opposite his father in a luxurious dress. He was in his own home, his body stiff as if he was uncomfortable.

"I've been waiting for an hour," Carl muttered.

Cadian stared into his eyes, watching his son look at him without any sign of weakness, and secretly cursed the damn clergy training. Faith gave him courage, and only courage.

"Managing a territory is a tedious and troublesome job. It is more boring and boring than praying in a secret room, but it is more valuable."

Earl Cadian has completely memorized the frontline battle report in the letter. He handed the letter to Karl and said while he read it.

"The battle failed. A cultist force that believed in the Crimson God caused immeasurable damage to our army. The retreating general swore in front of the emperor that it was the demon god who destroyed his easy victory." Kadian crossed his fingers. , said expressionlessly, "More than 100,000 Eversa soldiers died in the Corruption. What a pity. The followers of Veltis really deserve death."

There was a complex and sad expression on Karl's face, which was in sharp contrast to Kadian's indifference.

The Count gave his son no more sentimental time.

"Now, let's talk about your 'great achievements', Carl Demiras."

"Slaying a dragon, going to the front line alone, defeating a squad of Imperial Knights... Oh my god, Karl, how can you be so good?"

"The Demiras family is really blessed by our ancestors. Your deeds outside are comparable to those of the founders of Ephesa."

"It's a good thing I didn't tell your mother these things, otherwise she would have gone crazy with excitement for you."

In response to his father's sarcasm, Karl knew that he was wrong.

"...I have my own principles."

Cadian babbled and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Are you referring to the reason why you killed the Imperial Knight? I know that the professional training of the Paladin has had a certain impact on your values, but I still have a doubt. My son, why did you... stay A living person?"

"He has to atone for his sins, and by comparison he is not incorrigible."

"Raedel Assert is dead," Kadian calmly announced the fate of the Paladin. He saw Karl's eyes becoming bloodshot and red, "Demiras will not leave a voice that is unfavorable to him, compared to you. childish decision, the eldest daughter of the Claudius family is undoubtedly much more mature and outstanding. Stop your anger, Carl Demiras, if you still can't understand my decision and can't control your ridiculous sense of justice, then only It will embarrass our father and son.”

The paladin lowered his head and placed his hands into fists on his knees. Karl's rationality fully understood Kadian's behavior as the patriarch of the family, but his inner sense of justice tore his rationality and sensibility apart. This conflicting contradiction accumulated in his heart, and he felt helpless that his bravery and fighting skills could not resolve. Arose quietly, but both were suppressed by his own will.

Cadian nodded slightly.

"Your activity has attracted the attention of Ephesa's top brass, so the defeat on the front line is actually a good thing for us. The emperor will look away from us in a short time. Be careful, my son, These are turbulent times, but they are also an opportunity for us.”

"what chance?"

Karl saw his father smile meaningfully and changed the topic.

"What do you think of Evelyn Crowdy? Is she suitable as the future lady of the Demiras family?"

The paladin's face suddenly turned red, and the outspoken young man became hesitant in front of his father, and not a single word came out of his mouth for a long time.

Kadian had already figured out what Karl meant from his unusual reaction.

Although the marriage partner of Carl Demiras has been bound by the elders of the two families for the sake of the family's next arrangements and to strengthen the connection with Claudius, it is undoubtedly a challenge to be able to make the plan go smoothly without distorting the child's personal wishes. A good thing. His son has grown crooked, but Kadian is very fond of the alertness and meticulousness of Claudius' eldest daughter. He looks forward to the children born from their union. The grandson of excellent blood will definitely allow him to regain his strength and wipe out his education problems. s failure.

As for Karl, let this unfilial son roll away to some unobtrusive corner after successfully sowing seeds and let him do whatever he wants. Karl's actions in this adventure have made Kadian understand his son's nature. He no longer has any vain expectations. Now the Earl has begun to exercise in a planned way to maintain a good attitude and cultivate a grandson who suits his heart. Be prepared for adequate conditions.

Abandoning those self-imposed expectations and adjusting his mentality, Kadian looked at Karl's talents without any subjective color. Some traits that were once disgusted by the earl now seemed like surprises that were enough to treat him differently. He sighed in his heart that Demiras's bloodline was so excellent that he could grow into a hero.

Kadian deliberately controlled the atmosphere between father and son, talking harmoniously with his son who had been away from home for many years like a guest.

They mentioned their companions on the adventure and talked about some of the trophies Carl had brought back. Except for John Camp's identity as a warlock, the information about other adventurers was revealed by Karl under the careful guidance of the Earl.

"The magical armor you brought back. The craftsmen in the blacksmith shop said that the thing would eat the metal by itself. They reported that an evil spirit lived in the armor, and they tried to hire a priest to purify it."

Karl laughed and continued.

"Yes, the funniest thing is that the guard who sent the order found me in the temple. When I arrived at the blacksmith shop and saw what they called evil things, you don't know how embarrassed I was. I was mumbling under their noses. I made several exorcism gestures and finally blessed the armor with a holy light.”

"Karl, I thought you would tell the truth and continue your truth and justice."

"It is also justice to defend my personal dignity."

"Being engaged to Evelin, it's time for you to try to take over some of the jobs under the lord, starting as the guardian of the territory. This adventure has made you grow a lot, and you now have the experience and emotional intelligence to deal with your own lord. People, don’t cause me too much trouble. Put your family first, don’t always think about seeking justice, be nice to Evelin, swear to me, child.”

Carl Demiras looked at the Earl's father with a serious expression and nodded.

"I swear by the name of my father, Cadian Demiras, that I will refrain from justice. I swear by the name of Mithras, the god of the sun and judgment, that I will treat Evelyn Claudius well."

The strange oath of the paladin made Count Cadian narrow his eyes.

"Swearing by different objects to compare the weight of oaths? What an unpleasant way of expression. Who taught you to swear like this?"

"a friend."

"I don't like that friend of yours," Kadian said.

Carl replied: "Me too."

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