After eating the delicious seafood soup, he and Taylor felt warm. Not only their bodies were warm, but their stomachs were also warm, and Taylor's pink cheeks became more rosy.

It was getting dark, but "Despacito" was still playing on the computer in the living room. He hugged Taylor and swayed slowly to the rhythm of the music.


I want to slowly take off my clothes with kisses

Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto

Paint your puzzle on the wall

Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito

The atmosphere and environment were good. He followed the instructions in the lyrics and kissed Taylor, preparing to carry the romance to the end.

But after returning to the bedroom, Taylor was too nervous. His body was tense, his eyes were closed tightly, and his hands were clenched into fists, like a death row prisoner about to be hanged.

Link looked speechless and had no choice but to hold Taylor and pat her back gently to help her relax. Then before he could regain her composure, Taylor was leaning in his arms and fell asleep sweetly, clinging to her like an octopus. he.

Link had no choice but to hold her and fall asleep.

When he got up the next day, Taylor walked up to him like a child who had done something wrong, full of apologies and guilt, "Link, I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen. It's not that I didn't want to be with you, I was just too nervous. "

Link handed her the hot milk, "Is this the same with you and your ex-boyfriend?"

Taylor looked at him, lowered her head slightly, pursed her lower lip and said, "We kissed, but we didn't go that far." Then she raised her head again and looked at Link nervously, "Do you feel that Am I not cool? There are many boys pursuing me in school, but I prefer music and am not interested in their topics, so we can’t talk to them.”

Link was a little surprised. 19-year-old Swift could still be so green? He touched Taylor's hot cheek and said: "Of course not, you are the coolest and coolest girl I have ever seen, and it's cool to be like this now."


Taylor looked up at him, as if interested in what he was thinking.

"Of course, I am the uncool person. I am your boyfriend, but I don't understand your situation. This is my responsibility. Believe me, I will do better next time."

"No, you're the coolest and I'll never do that again next time."

Touched, Taylor leaned on his shoulders, held his arms, and kissed him good morning thoughtfully.

Link hugged her and sat on the counter.

The two of them ate breakfast for nearly an hour. They had such a good time that they didn't feel it was a waste of time.


Because he was thinking about Taylor at home, Link only practiced at the training ground for six hours that day before preparing to go home, which surprised several sparring partners in the training ground.

"Link, you don't want to practice anymore? You used to train for more than eight hours a day, but today you only practice for 6 hours and you stop practicing?"

Mario asked, looking at him in surprise.

"Yes, I still have something to do, you continue training."

Link put a towel over his shoulders and walked into the locker room.

Mario looked at his back and sighed, "The last thing West wanted to see happened."

"What doesn't Coach West want to see?" Morales asked.

Mario curled his lips, "Coach West is worried that Link will slack off after winning the gold belt, start eating, drinking and having fun, and his condition will decline. Then in the boxing championship challenge, he will be defeated by the challenger, and then lose the gold belt and become To become an ordinary person, West said it all.”

"Bullshit, although Link has shortened the training time, the amount of training today has not decreased. It is still two or three times that of others. How can this be considered slacking off? If Coach Brooks hears that Link leaves the game early today, he will definitely be happy. applaud."

Morales also took off his gloves and walked out of the ring.


Mario pumped his fist and continued to hit the sandbag.

He decided to practice secretly and try to get a gold belt after changing jobs. After getting the gold belt, maybe Link would be defeated by someone and become an ordinary boxer. At that time, Link and Morales would be able to compete with each other. Become a sparring partner for yourself, hehehehe.


Link drove home and rang the doorbell twice. There was a sound of brisk footsteps in the house.

The door opened with a click, and a slender girl appeared at the door, with a fleshy round face and big eyes. She was wearing a blue printed dress with a fluffy braid hanging diagonally on her shoulders. She was pretty and cute.

She was obviously Selena. Before he could say hello, Selena closed the door behind her back, pulled him in the hallway, pointed to the room and asked softly: "How can she be one of your girlfriends?"

Link smiled softly, "How was your chat?"

"Is she really your girlfriend?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Link asked confusedly when he saw her little expression was a little confused.

Among Taylor's friends list, Selena should be ranked very high. Every time Taylor encounters black trends and Internet exposure, Selena is one of the first friends to stand up and publicly support her.

Selena was also one of the few friends featured in Taylor's documentary "Ms. America."

Link thought that the two of them would have a pleasant conversation sitting together, but Selena's face was wrinkled and she was not as happy as he imagined, which made him a little confused.

"Don't you think she's too tall? I've seen the rumors about you and Emma Watson, and I thought you'd prefer petite girls."

Selena frowned and said.

"No, I don't have strict requirements for my girlfriend's height."

Link laughed.

"Well, how could this happen."

Selena stamped her feet unhappily.

This afternoon she said she wanted to visit Link, and called Link in advance. Link asked her to come first, because someone was at home. She knew Link was at the training ground, and she was curious about who that person was at home.

She ran over and knocked on the door with curiosity, and when the door opened, she saw a familiar face, who was the 'brainless fan of Link' that she had teased in the Havana qualifier.

Afterwards, she saw the news about the girl again, and then she knew that her name was Taylor Swift, the most popular female country singer in the music industry. She had released a country music album, which sold more than 2 million copies worldwide and ranked 19th on the US Billboard 200 Album Chart. Several singles were also in the top 20 of the Billboard. This year, she was nominated for the Grammy Best New Artist Award.

After seeing these news, she realized that the other party was also in the circle.

Since she had never met the other party in real life, she didn't have to feel embarrassed, but today, as soon as she opened the door, she saw Taylor again, and she wanted to escape at that time.

After seeing her, the other party seemed to have forgotten what happened in the audience that day, and greeted her enthusiastically, saying that she knew she was Link's sister, and had seen their reports in the newspaper, and claimed to be Link's girlfriend.

Selena couldn't believe it. How could she be Link's girlfriend? She was so tall, and after becoming a relative, she also liked to hit her head. What should I do?

She waited for Link to come back and confirm with a little bit of luck. Now that it was confirmed, she would be the shortest one in the family and would be bullied by them. It was sad to think about it.

"Are you performing pantomime?"

Link saw her eyebrows twisted and the expression on her cute face kept changing, and asked with a smile.

"Humph! I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Selena rolled her eyes and walked back heavily on the floor. She pulled the door handle at the door and found that the door was closed by her. Her cheeks turned red and she pointed at the door with her finger as if nothing had happened.

Link shook his head and opened the door with the key.

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