Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 107 Daily life together

Ding dong~ding dong~

The doorbell rang, and Link stood up to open the door. Taylor stood at the door, carrying his guitar and holding a lot of food and drink in his arms, shouting "Hurry up and pick it up."

"I just bought it in the supermarket, why did you buy so much again?"

Link said as he took the thing from her hand.

"All the songs in the "Fearless" album have been recorded. I have no other arrangements for the next period of time. I can stay here and teach you how to play guitar."

Taylor said to him with a smile.

"So we can live together?"

"You do not want it?"

Taylor asked with a blush on his cheeks, blinking his blue fox eyes.

"Of course I do!"

Link lowered his head and kissed her. Taylor hooked his shoulder and returned the favor three times.

Link dropped the bag in his hand, hugged her slim waist and hips, leaned against the wall and gave her a long Miami-style kiss.

Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza

When you kiss me with skillful techniques

Vetoque eras malicia con delicadeza

I realized it was you teasing me gently

Pasito a pasito suave suavecito

Step by step, gentler and gentler


The video of "Despacito" was still playing on the computer in the living room. After playing it three times, the two of them returned to the living room from the entrance. Link took full advantage of his strength and carried everyone and everything back to the sofa.

"Have you seen this video? How did I sing?"

"You sing well, but you're terrible at playing guitar."

Taylor leaned against the pillow with a blushing face, biting her red lower lip, and looked at the video with disgust and said.

"You can't blame me. There was a guitar master who said she wanted to teach me, but she left before she finished teaching. If a reporter interviews me, I will tell him because I met an irresponsible guitar teacher."

Link joked.

"No, I was wrong."

Taylor straightened his waist, knelt on the sofa, kissed him again, and said affectionately, "I will teach you seriously these days, okay? I promise to teach you to become a master guitar player."

"OK, that's what you said."

Link lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, then took the things to the kitchen to make dinner. Among the ingredients Taylor brought were Boston prawns and abalone, which needed to be eliminated as soon as possible. He was going to stew a pot of tom yum seafood soup to replenish Taylor. Body.

In addition to recording the single "Dream it possible" these days, she is also recording her second album "Fearless". She has a lot of work arrangements and needs to make up for it.

While cooking, Taylor walked in with a laptop in hand. After taking off her coat, she was only wearing a loose pure cotton blue T-shirt, gray wide-leg jeans, paired with a tied ponytail and fluffy bangs, which looked simple and comfortable.

Taylor sat down on the counter and asked him: "Did you really write this song? I know you write good songs, but it's only been less than a month, how come you wrote such a good song again?"

"Probably because I'm more powerful."

Link smiled while chopping vegetables.

Taylor snorted and stared at him pretending to be angry, "Unfair! It's so unfair. I almost broke my head trying to write songs, but the songs I wrote still didn't sound as good as your two songs. Why, You are a boxer, why can you write such good songs?”

"You are so humble and your songs are great."

Link cut off a piece of freshly cooked shrimp and handed it to her mouth.

Taylor bit his finger and said while eating the shrimp: "I know my songs are great, but I am a professional composer, and I also know what kind of songs are better.

The emotion and melody of your first song are great, and the rhythm of your second song is super awesome. As soon as the music starts, people can’t help but squirm along with it. You are so awesome, Link, you must be a musical genius. "


Link laughed.

Taylor leaned over and said: "Link, you are the world boxing champion now. No one can beat you. How about you change careers and let's make music together? After you receive professional training, you may be able to write More and better songs, wow, maybe you will become a music master like Beethoven, Mozart, and Chopin in the future.”

Hearing Taylor mention Chopin and Beethoven, Link almost cut off his fingers. This was too embarrassing for me. He said helplessly: "Don't make random ideas. I am a boxer. My goal is to become a legendary boxing champion. How can I change my career before I achieve this goal?”

After becoming the world boxing champion, his appearance fee for each game will be at least 1 million. In the future, the appearance fee will be even higher, more than 10 million, 100 million, or even more. He can be called a breathing money printing machine. At this time, he changes careers. Unless there is something wrong with your brain.

"But don't you think it's cooler to be a great musician than a legendary boxing champion?" Taylor said, kicking her feet.

"Don't you think Michael Jackson is great? Is he considered a great musician? Strictly speaking, not really, because times have changed and people's pursuit of art has also changed a lot. It is impossible for Beethoven and Beethoven to appear again now and in the future. People like Chopin.

In addition, have you ever thought about the possibility that the reason why I was able to come up with these two songs is precisely because I have never studied music. Maybe I will not be able to write them after I have studied. "

Link said with a shrug.

Taylor blinked and thought for a while, "Okay, I can't refute you for the time being, but you are so talented, how can you do it if you don't know a little music theory? If a piece of music suddenly appears in your mind and you can't express it, it would be a waste. . Well, since you are the genius I discovered, I have the responsibility to teach you. I think you should not only learn guitar, but also learn some piano. How about we buy a piano? "

"Please spare me Miss Swift, my fingers almost break when I practice the guitar, and I die when I practice the piano."

Link said with trembling stiff fingers.

Taylor sneered, grabbed his palm and said: "No, the piano is very simple, easier than the guitar. You have a good talent. It may only take a few months to learn. Believe me, I will be a A very good piano teacher.”

Link naturally would not believe that the piano could be easier than the guitar, nor would he believe that Taylor, who liked to use his fists, would be a patient teacher.

But if Taylor is willing to teach, he will also try to learn. After becoming a world boxing champion, in addition to training every day, he will have a lot of free time and can also develop some hobbies.

"That `s a deal."

Taylor snapped his fingers and said happily.

Link continued cooking.

She opened "Despacito" again, sat on the counter and watched it for a while. While watching, she commented on the people in the video. She said that Link danced very well and had a good sense of rhythm. She also said that Mario shaking his breasts and belly was very interesting. James dances with all his fat swaying, which is very funny.

She reviewed all the characters, except Ivaca.

"Hey, Link, who is this aunt? She has such big breasts. She must have been married and had children, right?"

Taylor clicked the pause button, pointed at Ivaca in the video, and asked nonchalantly.

Link glanced at it and shook his head, "Evaca Tompu, the match between Tyson and I was hosted by Tompu Entertainment. That time, Ms. Tompu came to me to discuss the match. When she saw us dancing, she also followed us. Danced a song."

Taylor blinked her blue fox eyes and looked at him doubtfully, "I just asked her if she was married? Why are you telling me this? Although we are boyfriend and girlfriend, I never thought of interfering with your work. You don’t have to explain this to me.”

Link looked back at her quietly. Taylor looked at him for two seconds, smiled, came over and kissed him on the cheek, and walked out holding the computer.

"Hurry up and cook! I'm hungry!"

Link shook his head, uncovered the boiling soup pot, and poured the seafood soup into the soup basin.

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