Comprehensive Manga: Starting from the Soul Society and cutting through all the worlds

Chapter 83 The protagonist enters the scene and begins to slay the dragon!

"What a dragon traitor? I call it a man who knows the current affairs and is a hero!

What kind of strength is that human being? You don’t have any skills? If I hadn't known how to evaluate the situation, would I have been able to survive until now?

You are just lucky enough to be resurrected and have the power of God, otherwise you would still be one of their collections. "

Demonic Flame Dragon showed no concern for the ridicule of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon, and even felt very lucky for the choice he had made before.

The giant dragon has become a slave of human beings. For the dragon clan, this is indeed something that has been left to grandma's house.

But everything cannot be generalized. It would be quite embarrassing to sign a contract with a weak human being.

But if the person signing the contract is a being whose strength is equal to or even far stronger than his own, then the situation will be different.

Since the battle in the sealed city, the current Demonic Flame Dragon has completely obeyed Ye City and will not even have the slightest thought of resistance.

After all, after seeing such power, it is really difficult for the Demonic Flame Dragon to have the idea of ​​killing his master.

There were hundreds of legendary monsters. She exhausted her magic power and fought until she was exhausted, but she could barely kill less than a hundred of them.

And her cheap master just took a nap and wiped out all those hundreds of legendary monsters in an instant.

She has seen the so-called "brave" Demon Flame Dragon who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, but it is true that she has never heard of a Demon Flame Dragon who is so awesome.

She even felt that all the so-called "braves" in the past combined could not reach a finger in Ye City.

Only the stupid Demonic Poison Dragon still thinks that he has obtained the power of God and can kill all directions and become invincible in the whole world.

Little did he know that his ability to be resurrected and gain the power of God was entirely deliberate by the people in Ye City.

The power of God without an object of possession is in a state of incorporeality, so it cannot be killed.

Now the resurrected Demonic Poison Dragon is regarded as the object of possession. Although its strength has skyrocketed, the Demonic Flame Dragon also admits that the opponent's current strength is even much stronger than itself.

But that's of no use, her cheap master hasn't shown his true strength yet.

In the past, there were too many hindrances, so that the cheap owner of his family was restrained. When he started to take action, even the deified Demonic Poison Dragon was not enough to watch.

After taking Mabeilu and Cui with the antidote and placing them in a safe place, Ye Cheng returned to the battlefield again.

Now the area within a few kilometers has completely turned into a poisonous swamp.

The amount of toxins emitted in the air is enough to kill even large monsters that enter here instantly.

However, neither the poisonous mist in the air nor the venom emerging from the ground had any impact on Night City at this moment.

Because whether it is the poisonous mist around or the venom under the feet, it is all caused by the magic power of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon, and Ye Cheng, who has the ability of "magic immunity", can completely ignore these effects.

When he entered the area blocked and shrouded by poisonous fog again, Ye Cheng saw three giant dragons, two red and one blue, fighting each other.

The three giant dragons are all over fifty meters in size. Among them, the Demonic Poison Dragon exudes a blue halo of divine power, while the two Demonic Flame Dragons are wrapped in outer flame coats.

This is not because Demon Yanlong and Shima Yosuke are trying to show off, but because they have to do this.

The poisonous mist it spits out from the Demonic Poison Dragon, which has been strengthened by the power of God, is already quite astonishing in its lethality and corrosiveness.

Although the giant dragon has extremely strong abnormal resistance, if it fights in such an environment for a long time, its body will be poisoned sooner or later.

Neither Demon Flame Dragon nor Shima Yosuke has the same "magic immunity" ability as Yojo, so naturally they can only consume magic power to wrap a layer of flame coat on the surface of their bodies, and use high temperature to burn away all the poisonous mist that permeates the surroundings.

However, because of the additional consumption of magic power, even in a two-versus-one situation, Demon Flame Dragon and Shima Yosuke could not gain any advantage from the deified Demonic Poison Dragon, and were even in a situation of being suppressed.

When the sharp teeth and claws of Demonic Flame Dragon and Shima Yosuke bit into the deified Demonic Poison Dragon, their teeth and claws could only create a large number of sparks on the scales of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon.

However, the poisonous sharp teeth and teeth of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon, strengthened by the power of God, can easily break through the defenses of Demonic Flame Dragon and Shima Yosuke.

Not only did it easily break through the dragon scales on their bodies, it even caused damage to them while leaving toxins in their blood.

Due to the accumulation of toxins in the blood, which flowed to the whole body through fierce fighting, and the consumption of magic power, the Demonic Flame Dragon's body suddenly became paralyzed for a short time. The deified Demonic Poison Dragon seized the opportunity and knocked it down with one claw.

Having trampled the once invincible Demonic Flame Dragon under his feet, the face of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon now revealed even more humane unruliness and arrogance.

Shima Yosuke, who was soaring in the air, saw the Demon Flame Dragon being charged at this moment. He quickly mobilized most of the magic power in his body, and then sprayed the opponent with a breath of flame dragon breath.

As for the deified Demonic Poison Dragon, who had become accustomed to the cooperation between Demonic Flame Dragon and Shima Yosuke, when he saw the pillar of flames falling from the sky, he seemed to have expected it, and the same dragon's breath shot out from his mouth.

The two dragon breaths collided with the air, and soon formed a stalemate in which they faced each other.

But when the Dragon Breath was exchanged with the Demonic Flame Dragon transformed by Shima Yosuke, the movement of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon did not stop.

It was seen that it was about to step on the neck and claws of the Demonic Flame Dragon, causing its huge body to sink even more into the venom on the ground.

Then he swung the ten-meter-long dragon tail behind him, turning it into a venomous spear. With a sound of piercing the air, it stabbed directly into the head of the Demonic Flame Dragon!

Judging from the fact that the deified Demonic Poison Dragon could easily break through the defenses of Demonic Poison Dragon and Shima Yosuke, if the Demonic Poison Dragon were to eat the dragon's tail thrust head-on, it would definitely die.


However, just as the dragon tail of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon transformed into a venom spear, and stabbed at the head of the Demonic Flame Dragon, a white-haired figure holding a long knife suddenly appeared in front of the dragon's tail, and clenched the long knife in his hand and slashed. Cut it down!

A large amount of Martian slag exploded in the air in an instant, and the powerful aftermath of the impact also instantly discharged the poisonous mist and venom on the ground to the surrounding areas.

Under a violent tremor of the air, the white-haired figure holding the knife was bounced several meters away. However, the deified demonic poisonous dragon that stabbed out the dragon's tail did not take advantage at this moment.

The Dragon Tail, which was also repelled, almost stumbled due to its inertia.

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