
One side is the poisonous mist breath strengthened by the power of God, and the other side is a fusion version of high-level fire attribute magic and the dragon's flame breath.

The two powerful forces collided together, immediately forming a violent elemental explosion in the air. The aftermath of the impact caused the entire mountain to begin to shake violently.

The blue-purple poisonous mist can corrode everything, whether it's magic or fire.

But the high-temperature flames, which were enough to instantly turn rocks into magma, did not dare to show weakness at this moment. The red flames formed by the fire phoenix continued to completely burn out the poisonous mist.

The two elemental impacts continued to erode each other in the air and gradually offset each other.

However, before the deified Demonic Poison Dragon could make its next attack, a slim figure wearing magic armor and holding a magic sword rushed out from the aftermath of the two attacks, and threw the magic giant into the air. The tip of the sword was aimed at the head of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon at close range.

"Magic Charge Beam Max!"

There was not much magic left in Cui Jiang's body before, and all of it was gathered in the ancient relic sword in his hand. He was originally prepared to make a desperate move.

But she didn't expect that Ye Cheng and Shima Yosuke's successive attacks not only resolved the crisis for her, but also created such a good opportunity for her to attack, so now she would naturally not miss such a good opportunity!

The ancient relic sword that gathered all the magic power in Cui's body, the magic beam that burst out at this moment was far greater than any before.


As this huge beam of light impacted on the head of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon, the opponent's huge body was also impacted hundreds of meters away in an instant.

When the super-large magic beam hit the body of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon, it even pinned it to the ground and plowed out a huge ravine several kilometers long.

After the magic beam plowed the body of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon several kilometers away on the ground, it finally exploded in an extremely distant area, and instantly formed a huge hemispherical energy halo on the ground.

Cui, whose magic power was exhausted, fell from the air and was caught by the demon flame dragon on the side with its claws.

However, just when everyone thought that the super powerful magic beam just now should definitely kill the poisonous dragon, the ground began to shake violently again.


And with a huge dragon roar coming from the deep pit, spider web-like cracks began to appear in the surrounding area within a few kilometers.

A large amount of poisonous mist spurted out from the cracks in the ground, and soon the entire mountain was completely enveloped in this poisonous swamp.

The poisonous dragon that has been strengthened by the power of God, how strong is the poisonous mist now?

Have you ever seen a poison that can gradually corrode and melt rocks and the surface?

The poisonous mist spraying out from the cracks on the surface is originally in a gaseous state, but in this high-density poisonous mist environment, both vegetation and rocks on the ground are beginning to melt and gradually turn into a bubbling purple color. venom.

In just a few seconds, Cui, who had exhausted her magic power, and Mabeilu, who fainted on the ground beside her, were already affected by the poisonous mist, and large areas of toxin plaques began to appear on their fair skin.

And almost at the moment when he realized that something was wrong, Ye Cheng picked up the fainted Mabeilu at a very fast speed, and hugged the exhausted Sui, using "Shunstep" to move as fast as possible. , escaped from the area blocked by the poisonous fog.

Seeing that his two main enemies were about to run away, the deified Demonic Poison Dragon immediately let out an angry dragon roar and flew out of the pit.

At this moment, a lot of the dragon scales on its forehead have been missing, and there are even a lot of blood stains on it, and its posture is quite embarrassing.

Although Cui's compressed magic beam failed to kill it directly, it obviously caused considerable damage to it.

However, the deified Demonic Poison Dragon, which had just spread its wings and was about to pursue Yecheng, had no time to make a move. Two equally huge figures were holding down its shoulders on both sides at the same time.

The behemoths holding down the shoulders of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon are also two giant dragons. The Demonic Flame Dragon is naturally one of them, and the other giant dragon has the same shape and size as the Demonic Flame Dragon.

This is not that the Demonic Flame Dragon has the ability to clone, nor is it that the Demonic Flame Dragon has siblings, but this second Demonic Flame Dragon was transformed by Shima Yosuke's transformation magic and appearance.

Shima Yosuke's "transformation magic" is not an ordinary magic that has no shape, but a special magic that can perfectly copy the opponent's figure, ability and even personality after transformation.

Of course, this transformation magic also has an upper limit, that is, although this magic can possess the power of the person it transforms, the intensity of its ability cannot exceed its own upper limit.

To put it simply, my uncle transformed Fujimiya Sumika into the appearance of Yojo. Although in terms of appearance and thoughts, Fujimiya Sumika might deviate in the direction of Yojo.

But it doesn't mean that Fujimiya Sumika can achieve the same level of strength as Ye Cheng.

If you give a sword to Sumika Fujimiya, she may be able to use Yojo's moves, but the upper limit of her strength is the strength of Sumika Fujimiya herself.

Another example is that now my uncle has become the Demon Flame Dragon. Because his strength and magic power are not weaker than the Demon Flame Dragon, so after turning into the Demon Flame Dragon, the uncle can fully exert the power of the Demon Flame Dragon. All strength.

In essence, he is no different from the second Demonic Flame Dragon now.

At this moment, Shima Yosuke, who has transformed into the Demonic Flame Dragon, not only has the size of a giant dragon, but also has the terrifying physical strength of a giant dragon.

But even so, in a situation of two against one, the two "Demon Flame Dragons" were almost able to suppress more than one deified Demonic Poison Dragon.

Because he felt that his own power could no longer suppress the opponent, his uncle transformed into a demonic flame dragon. He was so anxious that he bit him directly.

After seeing Shima Yosuke's actions, the genuine Demonic Flame Dragon on the other side was stunned for a moment, and sighed that after the transformation, Shima Yosuke looked more like a dragon than himself, and then opened his big mouth and bit into it. The other side of the deified Demonic Poison Dragon.

Facing the bites of the two legendary dragons, the deified Demonic Poison Dragon roared in pain and shouted angrily: "You are a traitor to the Dragon Clan, you are actually willing to be a lackey for humans.

Our proud Dragon Clan, you have lost all face. I used to hear that you were a hero among the Dragon Clan, but now it seems that you are just a scum. "

The Demonic Poison Dragon naturally knew the Demonic Flame Dragon. After all, as a senior of the Dragon Clan, the other party had become famous on the mainland earlier than it did.

It's just that the Demonic Poison Dragon didn't expect that a dragon as powerful as the Demonic Flame Dragon would be willing to become a lackey of human beings, and even signed a contract with the ant-like human beings that was no different from slaves. Go immediately.

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