Alice yearns for that kind of life. Maybe their strength is not that strong, maybe they don't have the strength of a brave man to defeat the dragon and kill the devil, but their life really makes Alice envious.

It's ridiculous to say that adventurers pursue the strength of the brave, but as a descendant of the brave, the girl who can pull out the holy sword often sits in the palace and flips through the picture albums of the adventurers boasting about themselves.

"Then, this is not only a test for the knights, but also a test for the adventurers. Let's go all out."

As Russell's last words fell, the venue fell into a slight silence, and Alice's thoughts returned to the present.

Then comes the free challenge session.

There are many knights in the palace, one more than adventurers. Of course, there cannot be only this number of adventurers. The adventurer guild in the royal capital is where most adventurers gather.

Knights have high and low levels of strength, and so do adventurers.

The top adventurers are not here, and the weakest adventurers are not qualified to stay here. Most of the people left here are the kind of guys who are neither good nor bad.

Except of course Roja.

Claire came to Roja, raised her eyebrows, and asked jokingly: "What, do you want to give it a try?"

What Claire calls a try is actually an invitation to fight.

Although Roja didn't know what she was thinking, since the other party said so, there was no reason to refuse.

Luo Ya nodded slightly and nodded directly in agreement.

Roja held the long sword at his waist and walked towards the center of the venue.

The venue is huge, even if a group of people are dueling, it is more than enough.

Of course, it is not possible to finish all the battles in one breath. No matter how big the venue is, it is impossible to say that it can accommodate two hundred people for a duel. Anyway, the assessment will not take much time. A battle will take about ten minutes at most, and an hour at most. Able to complete this assessment.

Claire's strength is not weak. The adventurers except Roja are all experienced. After staying in the palace for such a long time, some PKs like this are not done once or twice. For that knight Naturally, there is a clear understanding of the strength and weakness.

There are also differences among the knights. As the saying goes, persimmons are soft when pinched. Although these adventurers are not capable of cheating and cheating at this level, they will not challenge Claire, the strongest among them.

When all the adventurers saw that Roya had accepted Claire's invitation, they looked like they were just watching the excitement and it was not a big deal. Except for those adventurers who were competing with each other, they all gathered around Roya's position and gathered around, enjoying themselves. Hehe, prepare to watch the fun.

Russell stood beside Alice, watching every move below from the stage.

"In ten minutes, if the battle is still not over, then even if the adventurer wins, I will personally guide the winning adventurer. Of course, if even I am not your opponent, then it means that your strength has reached a certain level, and you have With a certain ability to protect yourself, you can survive even on a frontal battlefield. You can choose whether to come or not for future training, and you can also get quite a lot of privileges in the royal capital."

Russell paused, looking at the young or mature cheeks, the corners of his mouth raised, Russell said slowly: "But the premise is that you have to defeat me, otherwise you have to obey my arrangements. Even if it’s for the convenience of management, it’s also for your own good.”

Roja glanced at Russell who was standing on the stage. The opponent's momentum was not weak. Of course, it was just not weak. A level 55 adventurer was not enough in Roja's eyes.

Alice looked down with a smile on her face. Although her cheeks were still childish, Alice was able to show her mature side.

As soon as the words fell, it was officially begun.

Roja and Claire looked at each other, and Claire slowly pulled out the long sword at her waist.

Claire's knight's sword is slightly wider, and the knight's long sword is longer than Roja's long sword. Needless to say, the background of the palace. The moment the knight's sword is pulled out, the sword's blade shines in the sunlight. The forest is white and cold.

Claire held the sword in both hands, stepped forward with her left foot, and raised the sword in front of her, as if she was ready.

To be honest, Claire doesn't have an accurate understanding of how strong Roja is.

Even if Roja can exorcise a superior demon, this can only prove that Roja has similar sacred items. From the intelligence point of view, Roja has good combat power and has the feat of defeating a one-hit bear alone.

However, Claire still wanted to try Roya's level.

Roja thought for a while, stepped forward with his right foot, and did not draw out the long sword, but assumed the posture of Iai.

Claire raised her eyebrows, looked at Roja's posture, and asked with some confusion: "Aren't you going to draw your sword?"

Roja said seriously: "I'm afraid that if I take action, you won't have a chance to take action."

Claire's expression suddenly turned gloomy, and she strode forward with a cold face. She moved quickly, pressed forward, raised the sword in her hand high, and then suddenly lowered it.

Roja glanced at the other party with some doubts. There was speed, but not much.

Roja moved back a little and dodged Claire's slash.

Claire's face showed a little surprise, and her movements did not stop at all. She raised the long sword, and at this time, a blue light appeared on the sword. The speed of the long sword was actually faster than the previous sword. About 30% faster, the speed suddenly increased and he slashed towards Roja's right arm.

Claire's moves are all wide open and close moves. She has some skills, but really not many.

Roya turned sideways again, dodging the slash, and leaned back slightly on his right side. Claire's face did not change, and the long sword in his hand smashed down quickly, changing from slashing to slashing. The long sword carried the sound of whistling wind and fell towards Roya's position again.

Roya was not polite at all. Seeing that Claire's attack was still fierce even though she didn't hit once, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

So bold?

It seems that Claire's sword skills are not as good as imagined.

It was also at this moment that Roya held the hilt of the sword with his right hand and exerted a little force.

Claire instinctively realized that it was not good, and there was an ominous premonition in her heart telling her that she had to stop quickly.

But now the arrow was on the string and had to be shot. At this time, stopping the sword would undoubtedly give the opponent an opportunity to attack.

It was impossible to stop, so she might as well go all the way.

A hint of madness flashed in Claire's eyes. She gritted her teeth, poured magic into the long sword, and activated the skill at this moment.


Claire's right arm muscles bulged, and the knight's sword swelled again, and the long sword turned into a shadow and stabbed out suddenly.

However, Roya suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath the moment the opponent's long sword was swung out.

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