While Russell was telling the story, a young girl walked into the doorway at some point.

It is still a pure white dress, which reaches to her ankles. The skirt is decorated with lace, and there is a white bow on the chest.

The girl had a delicate appearance and snow-white skin. Her dazzling blond hair swayed slightly with the girl's unhurried pace. Her clear and beautiful blue eyes swept over everyone present, and finally her eyes rested on Roja.

Russell hadn't finished speaking yet, and there was still a deathly silence in the place, but Alice's appearance naturally attracted everyone's attention.

The silence didn't last long. Some of the talkative adventurers looked at each other and started talking in low voices.

"Is it Her Royal Highness?"

"Okay, so cute!"

"Aren't you cute? I'm a descendant of a brave man. Be careful of the one who pulls out the holy sword."

"This is my first time meeting you. Why did Her Royal Highness come here?"

"Is this your first time seeing Her Royal Highness? I saw Her Royal Highness before on the battlefield."

"Shh, Russel noticed us."

Russell, who was standing at the top, coldly glanced at the people below, and everyone closed their mouths subconsciously.

When Russell looked away, he whispered again. It was typical that the top was talking and the bottom was doing their own thing.

Russell sighed, feeling very helpless towards these adventurers.

People who are accustomed to freedom are like this and cannot be restrained.

He stopped talking, walked up to Alice, bowed and said, "Deputy Commander of the Knights, Russell says hello to His Highness."


Alice nodded slightly, elegantly, but Russell noticed that Alice was a little absent-minded.

Alice's arrival did surprise Russell a little. Not only Russell was surprised, but Claire in the team was also very surprised.

With a faint smile on her lips, Alice said to everyone present in a childish and clear voice: "Everyone, go about your business and don't worry about me."

Just his eyes stayed on Roja's body for a moment.

The two looked at each other, and Alice blinked. Under Roya's slightly speechless gaze, the girl stuck out her tongue, and then came to the stage. The servant beside her quickly moved over like a bench. Alice Sitting on the chair, his eyes swept over Roja's body and the adventurers below.

Standing in the crowd, Claire felt a little helpless when she saw Alice's gaze.

She had already guessed why Alice was here.

If nothing else, it should be due to Roja.

Alice's sitting posture is very elegant. Although she is petite, not old, and her temperament is not domineering, it must be said that Alice's etiquette is indeed very good.

Russell was already talking about the country's situation at this time, and what adventurers should pay attention to when participating in the task of protecting the royal capital. Russell talked a lot, eloquently, and listed everything that might happen.

However, Russell has good intentions, but many adventurers go in one ear and out the other, looking like they are in a state of wandering.

Alice yawned lazily. At this time, the girl's eyes had already stayed on Roja.

The young man is still the same young man, without any change, except that compared to the previous few meetings, there is no faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Although his temperament is still gentle, it also gives people a sharp feeling.

Alice looked at the young man's face, and for some reason, she remembered the feeling of leaning on the young man yesterday. The warm touch made Alice feel a little dazed now.

Alice subconsciously touched the hair beside her ears. The feeling of that big white hand touching the top of her head made Alice feel a little dazed.

Strangely enough, my behavior was a bit too reckless for a stranger whom I met for the first time.

But being with the other person gave Alice a very relaxed feeling.

That feeling is very comfortable, as if the other person will always stand behind you as long as he is in front of you.

Alice thought a lot and recalled the young man's sitting posture last night.

The young man leaned lazily on the chair with a faint smile on his face and told about the past.

She didn't know why, but she thought the young man's lazy appearance was very handsome.

Alice was lost in thought. After thinking for a moment, scholar Luo Ya sat back, then leaned his upper body towards the chair.

However, the effect is not very good, Alice is very short, and doing so will only give others a somewhat funny and cute feeling.

Alice's actions startled the servant next to her. The maid came to Alice's side, helped Alice up, and whispered: "Your Highness, be careful of falling."

Alice sighed and returned to her previous sitting position.

This was Alice's first rebellion. She did not follow the instructions of the court teacher who taught etiquette. That woman, who was already in her fifties and sixties, had a kind appearance but always spoke harshly, always liked to ask like this and restrain Alice. .

Alice has always obeyed what the other person said like a puppet on strings.

Not only this teacher, Alice learned many things, including but not limited to various etiquettes. The rules of the royal family were undoubtedly very complicated.

The cumbersome etiquette imposes very few restrictions on the nobility, and the red tape targets the royal family members.

Especially Alice, who has an important role to play.

Alice used to think it didn't matter. Etiquette, piano, painting, etc. Although she had no interest, she couldn't say she rejected them. Even if most of her time was strictly planned, what could she do if Alice's world had a lot of time left?

In the end, she just stared at the empty palace in a daze.

The magnificent world is just an empty frame after all. Alice is not as comfortable as others think.

The wealth that ordinary people may need to work hard for a lifetime is right in front of them.

The foundation of the royal capital is unimaginable to others.

But what's the use of that?

Alice will only feel bored.

But now it's different, everything has changed.

When everyone was telling her what to do, Luo Ya came to Alice, and seemed to see through the girl's thoughts at a glance, and told Alice to do what she wanted.

It was also at this moment that the gears of fate began to turn.

Alice usually likes to read some picture books, and the stories in the picture books are very interesting.

Alice especially loves the stories from those adventurers.

They are brave enough to explore and face the difficulties ahead. The journey may not be smooth, but those smart guys will find ways to overcome the difficulties ahead.

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