"Collection of China" has been fermenting on the Internet for the past two days. Netizens have left various comments on the public screen of Tianhua Entertainment Company, asking for it to be broadcast as soon as possible.

The ranking of Tianhua Entertainment APP software has been directly brushed to a full score of 10.0, temporarily ranking first in the entire software ranking list.

Various short video clips about Collection of China and hot topics are blooming on the Internet.

Some people specially opened a room to recruit people to discuss the topic of Collection of China.

The enthusiasm of the people has been pushed to the highest point by the data age.

In this society full of luxury and frivolity, there is a need for such a program to cleanse people's impetuous hearts and spiritual comfort. The popularity of the program has caused some conflicts in the positioning of Tianhua Entertainment Company. From the previous self-media and public relations business, there is an additional more important charter.

Unlike any big data in the current information age, Collection of China has been re-divided into regions by Tianhua.

Although there is no conflict with the first two industries, once this program is launched, all internal business of Tianhua will be stopped. During that one hour, it will only serve"Collection of China".

Tianhua meeting room.

Facing the explosive program, Su Yunhang and his friends were not happy, and they all looked sad.

Xiao Xian lost contact!

They sent WeChat, phone calls, and text messages, but the little guy did not respond to them.

Su Yunhang and his friends were so anxious that they almost called the police.

The popularity of"Collection of China" has been high in the past few days. It will be live tonight, but until now, they still don’t know who all the historical figures in the next episode will be?

""Is Xiao Xian... too much pressure and unable to get over it?" Wu Xuan said worriedly. Zhang Mingyu was speechless and said,"It's not a matter of life and death, how could he be unable to get over it?"

He continued,"I guess this little guy should be writing a script, or working on special effects, or contacting actors?

In short, every live broadcast must have sufficient authority and integrity. Now the Collection of China has been paid attention to by official channels.

It's normal for Xiao Xian to be careful."

Su Yunhang took a sip of water and looked out the window with a gloomy look. They couldn't contact Xiao Xian now. If they had to say who they were most worried about, it would be him, the second in command of Tianhua Entertainment Company.

The big boss has not shown up yet and has been playing mysterious, throwing all the stalls to him!

How irresponsible!

""Boss, what should we do now?" Wu Xuan asked.

Su Yunhang's heart was churning, but his expression was normal.

He said slowly:"When Classic China started the live broadcast, did you think that Xiao Xian would use this program to set off a craze in the entire self-media industry?"

Wu Xuan and Zhang Mingyu looked at each other, their hearts slightly shocked. Only then did they react that it has been less than ten days since Xiao Xian started the live broadcast.

This is simply too short for the cycle of a program. The national craze is at hand, but it seems to have lasted a long time.

Su Yunhang suddenly said meaningfully:"Let us look forward to the next miracle"


At Xiao Xian's home, he was very depressed, with messy hair and no washing.

His clothes were all wrinkled and he hadn't changed them in the past few days.

At this moment, on the table in front of him, there was a pile of draft papers placed in a mess.

The fonts on it were flying and dancing, but none of them were qualified.

He was very conflicted now, not knowing how the next plot would unfold?

There was a feeling of not knowing where to start. Time passed by bit by bit, and when the last ray of light sank from the west, Xiao Xian still spent his time in self-denial and hesitation.

Who to talk to?

Liu Xiang in the Sichuan Army?

Or Yang Sen?

Or even Rao Guohua?

No, Xiao Xian always felt that something was missing, what was missing?

What was wrong?

His eyes, which were seriously lacking in rest, stared at the scattered papers on the table.

Suddenly, a page of paper came into his sight, with a sketch he drew on it.

His eyeballs kept turning around in his eye sockets, the brain cells in his brain were rapidly consumed, and his thoughts were constantly rolling.

His mind finally stopped at a picture, and all the blockages in his heart were cleared in an instant.

He took a deep breath. It turned out that what he needed was not a person, but a spirit!

Xiao Xian took out a brand new Zhongshan suit and began to carefully tidy up his appearance. Without hesitation, he finally stepped out of the house that he had not left for a few days...

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