The cold wind in the northwest is biting and biting. The weather after October is like a world that has suddenly changed.

Above the endless plains in the north, fine snowflakes are falling from the frozen sky. They are as crystal clear as diamonds, flashing with a cold silver light, and slowly drifting towards the earth.

The pale white sky and the gradually withered earth gradually merge into a line at the end of the distance.

It is as sad and beautiful as the background wall in a fairy tale!

Lao Zhang is walking in the wind and snow. He is over 80 years old this year. He is a monument keeper, and the national border is in front of him.

He has lived here all his life and stayed here after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

He has never started a family and has no children. Which woman would accompany him to suffer in such a bitter and cold place?

"Lao Zhang, have you finished your inspection?"

Not far away, a small team came, consisting of about 23 or 24 people.

They are the regular border troops of the country.

The one who spoke was the captain of the new recruits, who had lived on the border for 5 years.

Lao Zhang looked past the captain and looked at the group of children behind him, ranging from 18 to 20 years old, with childish faces.

"Are you cold, guys?"

"not cold!"

"I am young and energetic……"


The captain turned around and glared at them, then angrily said,"Don't forget the logo on your heads, touch the pattern on your armbands. We are on a mission now, you are patrolling the border, how can you be so frivolous?

The five-kilometer cross-country race begins now!"


"team leader……"

The young faces in the team suddenly became sad, just like a candle burning brightly in the dark night that was suddenly extinguished.

The captain looked at the recruits and shouted,"Ten kilometers of cross-country running, no food to eat if you don't finish it!"


No matter what kind of small group, there will always be a leader.

At this time, the young man who was the leader, with a resolute face, took a step forward without giving the young lives behind him a chance to complain.

"Everybody, look left and right, ten kilometers cross-country, target direction, boundary marker!"


The cold and deep voice, with the emphasis of the army's unique slogan, echoed again and again in the fine snow.

This team full of vitality moved forward in an orderly manner.

The captain also followed, and before leaving, he said to Lao Zhang:"It's cold now, so don't patrol the border every day.

You are so old, you must take care of your body!"

"I don't trust you guys to patrol, I don't walk far, only 20 kilometers a day."

The captain shook his head and smiled bitterly. They didn't know what Lao Zhang's full name was, anyway, it was Lao Zhang.

""Go back, Uncle Zhang. I'm leaving too!"

Old Zhang looked at the team that disappeared from his sight with a dazed look in his eyes. The youthful vitality that was flaunted in them seemed to have opened the door of his long-forgotten memory, and made him see the scenes that had appeared in his dreams countless times.

In the distant memory, on that day, the color of the sky seemed to be red. He was too old to tell whether it was the red after the burning of artillery fire or the bright red after the blood flowed into a river.

The name of the Sichuan Army's regular assault regiment deterred the entire Japanese pirate empire corps and frightened them. The tiger's might is still there.

On that day, the sun fell from the sky, and the most tragic human flesh battle was staged with the North Glacier as the dividing line. The enemy's more than 300 heavy firepower machine guns were set up on the river dam embankment, and were equipped with more than 130 barrels of small portable steel cannons.

The meeting of the rear brigade and the front-line combat troops was completely blocked!

Faced with the suppression of the Japanese pirates' heavy firepower, the assault regiment that walked out of their homeland from Sichuan stepped out at this time. The leader ordered him to take the lead, unload all weapons except grenades, and go into battle lightly.

The assault regiment had more than 1,700 people in total, and they became the most terrifying beasts on the battlefield. They paved the way with their bodies in the front and tore a bottomless gap in the net suppressed by the enemy's heavy weapons.

When they rushed to the river dam, there were only more than 300 people left in the regiment, and they directly detonated the grenades in their hands.

At this point, the blockade wall of the river dam bank was completely shattered!

The rear troops landed victoriously and killed people everywhere!

In the end, it seemed that only Lao Zhang was left in the assault regiment. He was young at that time and was always protected by the squad leader.

When he rushed to the shore, Lao Zhang was ready to die with the enemy, but the squad leader, whose intestines had been shot out by a machine gun, snatched the grenade from him and jumped directly into the enemy's encirclement.


He was knocked unconscious by the aftermath and woke up in the arms of the military doctor.

He still remembers the military doctor crying and saying to him:

"Stormtroopers, you're the only one left……"

Lao Zhang has long forgotten what sadness feels like. He has cried all these years and his tears have dried up.

Now he just wants to stay on this land, guard the soul of the assault regiment, and guard the life given to him by the captain.

"Uncle Zhang, I cooked some soup, come and have some!"

Suddenly a voice came in the snow, breaking his memory.

"Xiao Zheng, do you have no mission today?"Old Zhang walked over there with a smile, tightly holding the Sichuan Soul Medal hanging on his chest.

Under the pale white sky, the old man walked forward in the dense snow, with the faith that he had guarded for a lifetime and countless loyal souls behind him...

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