
【Estelle: ???】

【Cocolia: ???】

【Bronya: ???】

【March 7: ???】


【Pera: Here it comes!】

【Kiana: I thought this live broadcast room would never be open again!】

【Walter: Long time no see, Kiana】

【Kiana: Long time no see! Mr. Walter!】

【Kiana: If this live broadcast room is not opened, everyone will think that Bronya and I deliberately created your video!】


【Walter: They.....Are you guys watching now?】

【Kiana: Already notifying!】

【Walter:......Well, it probably won't be my turn this time.】

【Gui Naifen: My family, long time no see!】

【Qingque: Finally, I can slack off openly again!】

【Fu Xuan: Humph, watching the live broadcast will not affect the work I assigned to you】


【Hook: Now Hook won't be bored anymore!】

【Clara: +1!】

【Su Shang: +1!】

【Silver Wolf: +1!】

【Kafka: @Xing, @Qiong, Bao, how are you doing recently?】

【Xing: Mom, I'm fine!】

【Qiong: +1!】

【Firefly: Long time no see!】

【Qiong: Long time no see, Firefly~~】

【Black Swan: Long time no see everyone~】

【Fireworks: It took so long for it to bloom. I was so bored during this time.~~】

【Sambo: +1~】

【Qiong: @Hua Huo, didn’t you say you were going to come see me?】

【Hanabi: Little Gray Hair, are you in love with me?】

【Qiong: Huh? You discovered all this?】

【March 7: @Qiong, do you like eyes this small?】

【Hanabi: If you think that is your eye, it only means that your eyes are not very good.~】

【March 7: Oh my, I’m so mad!】

【Hanabi: Little Gray Hair, how do you know I didn't go to the Black Tower Space Station to look for you?~】

【Qiong: When?】

【Qiong: Aren’t you too slow?】

【Qiong: I'm going somewhere else now.】

【Hanabi: Is it possible that we have already met each other?~~】

【Sambo: It's you, Hanabi~】

【Qiong: ???】


【March 7: ???】

【Estelle: ???】

【Black Tower: ???】

【March 7: When did it happen?!】

【Jizi: I didn’t find it either.】

【Walter: +1】

【Danheng: +1】

【Black Tower: +1】

【Estella: +1】

【Qiong: Is it that outrageous?】

【Xing: Could it be that he is deliberately fooling us?】

【Fireworks: Guess what?~~~】

【Hanabi: Before you guess the correct answer, Master Hanabi will not give you any answers or hints.~~~】

【Hanabi: You guessed it right. Master Hanabi can satisfy any of your requests.~~~】

【Black Swan: Interesting~】

【Sambo: It’s so much fun!】

【Qingque: It suddenly becomes fun!】

【Pera: It's a pity that I wasn't there......】

【Su Shang: I suddenly have the urge to be a detective!】

【Kiana: +1!!!】

【Gui Naifen: +1!】

【Hook: +1!】

【Clara: +1!】

【Silver Wolf: +1!】

【Firefly: +1!】

【Bronya: +1!】

【Walter: I'm starting to get curious too.】

【Pera: Wait, I was so busy chatting that I forgot to read the title of the video. Could this social death re-creation video be related to you? @花火】

【Estelle: ???】

【March 7: ???】

【March 7: An underground romance at the Black Tower Space Station? Who is it?】

【March 7: Wait, it can't be you and Hanabi?! @Qiong!】


【Qiong: I didn’t even know I’d seen her!】

【March 7: Who is that?】

【March 7: Is it possible?......It's you and Himeko?!】

【Jizi: Huh? It's not me.......】

【Jizi: Qiong and I have nothing......】

【March 7: I always feel like you're a little guilty?】

【Jizi: No】

【Pera: After all, the previous Q&A said that they would develop into a romantic relationship in the future, which is very suspicious!】

【March 7: @Xing, is it you? No, you spend most of your time with me.......】

【Qingque: I think the possibility of fireworks is greater!】

【March 7: So Qiong is lying?】

【Qiong: I really didn’t......】

【Hanabi: It's so much fun!!!】

【Hanabi: It’s fun, fun, fun!!!!】

【Hanabi: What is joy? This is joy!!!】..

【Now start playing the social death video!】

【《An underground romance at the Black Tower Space Station!》】.............................................

P.S.: I will continue to update later, please give me the data!

So, who is Hanabi-sama?

Where is he?

Is there any prophet who can offer sacrifice?

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