
Esta is a very trustworthy person. Qiong is also a person who will not bring trouble to others.

In order to immerse themselves in this"underground love", the two tacitly communicated through their phones and created a very reasonable environment for the two of them to be alone.

In a blind spot of surveillance, where no one passed by, they met

"What are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up!"

Estelle urged hurriedly.


"Rich sister, I’m less than one year old?"

"Shouldn't you take the initiative in this matter?"

Qiong said mischievously.

"Don't you have experience with Xiao Sanyue?"

Estelle blushed.

"I was passive......."

Qiong said seriously

"Why are you sticking out your tongue?"

Estelle retorted

"instinctive reaction, conditioned reflex......"

"Hey, she was just born, still a baby, and she hasn't even experienced breastfeeding......."

The more Qiong spoke, the more outrageous it became. She looked so embarrassed and pitiful, and her tone was even full of grievance!

"Stop, stop, stop——"

"Don't even think about pushing your luck!"

"I'm sure you just changed your body, forgot what you should remember, and remembered what you shouldn't remember!"

"You really think you are a baby!"

After hearing that she had not gone through the breastfeeding period, how could she not know what Qiong meant? As smart as she was, her face suddenly turned red.

She hurriedly refuted it, which was also to reduce her guilt.

In fact, she also knew that age was a joke.

It just felt a little strange. Of course, she remembered what Kafka asked Silver Wolf when she stuffed the star core into Qiong's body during the first live broadcast.

"How much will he remember?"

"At least I will remember you."

Silver Wolf's answer also proved that Qiong would lose his memory.

He had a past, but now he just changed into a brand new body.

Of course, he was not really less than one year old.


Estelle firmly believed in this idea, stepped forward decisively, held Qiong Bao and bit him.

This was her first kiss

"Don't forget my little golden man!"

Esther quickly fled the battlefield, as if nothing had happened, although her face was still red.

"Hey, don't you want to take a photo to commemorate it?"

Qiong tried to persuade him to stay.

"You are so annoying!"

Esther said coquettishly..

Heita is also a very efficient person.

She studied Xingqiong and the other person right away and asked them to test in the simulated universe countless times.

Similarly, she kept her promise and put several Heita figurines on the train.

They wore maid outfits constructed by Qiong using the power of the Ruler of Reason, served them tea and water, and acted as nannies and maids.

Qiong is a considerate person.

His task as a master was just a small one at the beginning, and he let Heita get used to it little by little.

Geniuses have the arrogance of geniuses, and of course they can't do too much.

Besides, Qiong is a very upright person.

"March, are you sure you don't want one?"

"It doesn't have to be a maid costume!"

While constructing a maid costume for Heita,

Qiong couldn't help but promote it to Sanyueqi.

"don't want!"

"That's too weird, I can buy clothes myself!"

Sanyueqi firmly rejected Qiong's kindness.

In her words, the clothes constructed with Qiong's power would give people the illusion that the clothes were his hands, and she was also afraid that Qiong would use his power to do something weird with the clothes.

"Alas, don’t people even have this little bit of trust in each other?"

"Our relationship, which we have kissed, is so fragile!"

Qiong was disappointed.

""Oh, can you please stop talking about that? I've finally stopped thinking about it!"

Whenever she talked about this,

San Yue Qi would feel very embarrassed...

The Star Dome Train stayed at the Black Tower Space Station for a while, and helped the Black Tower Space Station restore order.

During this period, the live broadcast room did not come again.

Dome gradually got used to his current life.

Under his rogue offensive,

Ester, who had experienced it once, was moved by his words a little bit, and her attitude was a little bit loosened.

She actually played the game of underground love with him, and the little golden man officially belonged to Ester....

Sanyueqi was still the same as always, and even began to avoid Qiong.

Sometimes she blushed for no reason when they just met, and then started to scold people, and seemed to be trying her best to avoid the opportunity for the two to be alone, not only her, but also Xingmei.

There was a reason for this.

On the first day of sleeping on the Xingqiong train,

Xingmei couldn't help but come to Qiong's room with a pillow, and was then discovered by Sanyueqi!

"Don't attack your sister!"

Sensing the danger,

San Yue Qi decisively pulled Xing Mei to sleep in the same room with him.

"Do you mean I can attack you?"

Qiong did not forget to seize this loophole

"That, that won't work either!"

March Seventh retorted immediately!

Hey, who on earth said that a girl like March Seventh could be tricked into giving birth to eight children?

In theory, shouldn't a black-bellied rich woman like Ester be more difficult to capture?

Why is it that the silly-looking March Seventh has a heart stronger than the wall built by the Amber King?

"Is it because of his stubborn mind?"

Qiong could only think of this reason....

As for Xingmei, let alone her , although she was always clinging to him, Qiong didn't think she had the slightest idea of creating a little star core for him.

He had no doubt that the reason why she came to his room with a pillow was because she was influenced by the second creation video.

She was imagining that such a rule would appear, and then she would swing her baseball bat to break such a rule handsomely.

This was when Xingmei excitedly pulled his hand and said she wanted to take him to the toilet one afternoon


Qiong discovered

"Isn't this inappropriate?"

Qiong was reserved on the surface, but he was surprised and expectant on the inside, until Xingmei pulled him to sit on a very familiar toilet, pressed the flush button, and was instantly teleported to another toilet on the platform,

Qiong finally woke up, she was really abstract!


Sanyueqi also realized this, probably because he was afraid that Sanyueqi would be easily deceived by Qiong to do bad things and embark on the"road of no return", so he should have popularized some knowledge of getting along with the opposite sex for her, but this not only did not play any role, but made Xingmei grow up quickly, and Tiangang used Qiong to tease Sanyueqi.

This wave of assists made Qiong call out"good sister"!....

During the strict defense on March 7,

Qiong did not forget Ji Zi.

He had a natural advantage, that is, he often drank coffee to refresh himself, so he did not dislike Ji Zi's coffee that everyone disliked.

This gave them many topics to talk about.

Because of the influence of the previous live broadcast room Q&A, there was a little ambiguity occasionally, but not much.

They both liked this way of getting along...

The peaceful days did not last long, and the pioneering journey was finally about to begin.

As expected, the first stop was Yalilo-VI, a white planet covered with ice and snow.

The Star Dome Train was blocked by the influence of Yalilo's star core and could not move forward temporarily, so solving Yalilo's star core crisis became the mission goal this time.

Led by the old predecessor Dan Heng,

Xing, Qiong, and Sanyueqi followed.

However, when they just set foot on the snowy land and hadn't seen anyone for half an hour, the long-lost live broadcast room came again!..


【The live broadcast has officially begun!】

【Social death video is about to be played——《An underground romance at the Black Tower Space Station!》】............................................... ps: Yalilo will start soon!

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