Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 83 Sometimes many problems can be solved by changing your thinking

So what happened?

Tony covered his ears in disbelief, but the words he opened his mouth seemed to be silenced. Even the roar of the sea wind outside, the sound of the space carrier's engine, and even the sound of his teeth clashing when he opened his mouth and his own breathing, The sound of the heartbeat has all disappeared.

You must know that even in space, although you can't hear the outside world, you can still feel your own breathing and heartbeat.

But now, Tony feels as if he has time-traveled into a color silent movie.

This situation caused the bystanders present to fall into silent panic.


Dr. Zola looked at the stopped sonic oscillator in his hand.

In Tony's "Anti-Night Magician Armor" plan, it was mentioned that Su Heng had a card in his hand that could eliminate surrounding sounds.

But both Tony and Dr. Zola believed that this was just a card that blocked the transmission of sound waves.

None of them could have imagined that Jingpai could actually do this.

A smile appeared in Su Heng's eyes.

Of course, what Jingpai can do is not as simple as they imagined.

Rather than isolating the spread of surrounding sound, Jingpai can eliminate the source of sound propagation directly from the root.

In the sight that ordinary people cannot see, the entire space carrier is now surrounded by a layer of gray medium.

This gray medium, to put it in easy-to-understand terms, is the "field" of Jingpai.

In this area, the Silence Card can isolate or eliminate all substances related to sound. Among them, it includes the medium through which sound propagates and the conduction between sound waves.

This is also why the sonic oscillator cannot be used.

As for why Jingpai can do such unscientific things, it's because it's not science in the first place, it's magic.

Su Heng walked slowly towards the direction of Dr. Zola, and struck the arm of Dr. Zola, a steel giant, with a sword.

The sharp sword sliced ​​through the steel arm easily, but as soon as the sword edge passed, the cut location had healed again.

It is indeed the Uru metal material on the Destroyer.

Su Heng looked at the steel giant in front of him in silence.


Dr. Zola's eyes flashed red, he raised his fist and hit Su Heng on the head.

Su Heng raised his hand and took the seemingly heavy blow from Dr. Zola, followed by a silent punch.

A large hole was opened in the Iron Giant's lower abdomen, but the hole quickly returned to its original state.

Dr. Zola controlled the Iron Giant, and red light began to appear above his eyes. The hot ray struck again in the direction of Su Heng. Su Heng's body flashed, and the shield easily blocked the ray.

Su Heng frowned and looked at the steel giant in front of him.

If this is the case, the Gan card in Su Heng's hand appears here.


Gan Pai changed from a card to an elf and sat affectionately on Su Heng's shoulders.

Su Heng pointed at Dr. Zola in front of him, and nodded clearly, with a little sweet light dust flying around Dr. Zola.

Since Uru metal is difficult to handle, let's change it to another substance.

Su Heng held the sword card with a smile and watched as Gan Pai turned the steel giant in front of him into a dessert bit by bit.

What is this!

Dr. Zola watched in horror as the Iron Giant he controlled started from the bottom up, starting from his legs, and turned into various desserts bit by bit.

Dr. Zola waved his palm, trying to catch the Gam cards that were constantly surrounding him, but at some point his palm turned into a sandwich waffle in the air. With the force of the wave just now, the sandwich waffle palm had already turned into a sandwich waffle. The arm that turned into a chocolate crispy roll broke off, flew directly out of the space carrier, and fell into the sea.


The crowd watching the scene in front of them couldn't help but swallow their saliva. At this time, they found that they could already hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

The sound of the roaring sea wind, the sound of the space carrier's engine running, and the sound of Dr. Zola's steel giant falling to the ground reappeared in their ears.

Su Heng took back the Jingpai, and while waving the sword, he cut open the steel giant whose limbs and torso had turned into various desserts, leaving only a steel head that was still in a normal state.

"Is it possible that all the desserts in your shop are made like this?" Tony's face turned green and he asked Su Heng unnaturally.

"How is it possible? I can't continue my business if I do this." Su Heng rolled his eyes at Tony: "Don't worry, these raw materials are normal food raw materials. It's just that when those desserts are freshly baked, I will Let the Gampa add a little sweet magic to it.”

Just as Su Heng was explaining to Tony, Gan Pai was struggling to pull out a piece of cake from the Iron Giant and happily put it into the hands of Tony and Su Heng.

"I told you that you can't eat this kind of dessert." Su Heng gently flicked Gan Pai's little head and warned Gan Pai: "Next time you let me see you giving this kind of dessert away, be careful. You're locked up in a little dark room full of salt."

"Hey." Ganpai nodded pitifully and transformed back into Culuo Pai at Su Heng's signal.

"Hmph, Su Heng."

On top of the body made of cakes, Dr. Zola looked at Su Heng with the only remaining mechanical head: "You win this time."

"But don't think this matter will end like this." Dr. Zola said coldly to Su Heng: "Don't forget, we are Hydra. Even if you chop off one of our heads, we will still grow. Show off two heads!"

Tony stood behind Dr. Zola and winked at Su Heng.

Su Heng understood, picked up Dr. Zola's mechanical head, placed it in front of him, and said softly: "Then I'm curious about how many heads your Hydra can grow."

"Hehehehe." Dr. Zola sneered: "Then you will wait and see..."

Just as Dr. Zola and Su Heng were saying harsh words to each other, Tony took the opportunity to sneak down and squat down, looking at the structure under Dr. Zola's mechanical head, and casually connected the two lines in the steel armor. Under Dr. Zola's mechanical head.

"T-Tony Stark!!!" Dr. Zola reacted and roared, and the red eyes on the mechanical head began to flash.


As a harsh noise came from the mechanical head, the red light in the eyes of the mechanical head gradually turned back to green light.

"Arnim Zola's backup database has been connected, sir." Jarvis's voice came from above the mechanical head.

"Backup database?" Tony frowned: "You mean this guy has other databases?"

"Yes, sir, according to the backup database at SHIELD headquarters, Animzola's data will be transmitted to a SHIELD base in New Jersey at regular intervals."

"Then if we rush over now, is it too late?"

"It's too late, sir. By the time we get there, the other party may have already transferred the database."

"Then what if we use SHIELD's backup data as a springboard to attack New Jersey directly to delay time?" Tony touched his chin and asked Jarvis.

"..." Green light flashed in the eyes of the robot leader for a moment, and then Jarvis said to Tony: "Sorry, sir, the opponent's number of servers and intelligent algorithms are higher than mine. I can't beat the opponent."

"Tsk." Tony smacked his lips: "Okay, I'll upgrade your core algorithm again when I get back."

"So ladies." Tony looked at Natasha and Agent Hill: "So where is your respected Director Fury? Your SHIELD has such a big incident, why doesn't he show up?"

"Director..." Natasha shook her head at Tony with a solemn expression: "He is missing!"

Today’s update is complete!

Go out for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then go home and continue typing, trying to update it in the early morning (feeling guilty).

However, I suggest that all viewers wake up and read it tomorrow. Otherwise, with the author’s typing speed, I won’t even know what time it is in the morning after finishing writing...

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