Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 82 Anti-Night Magician Armor


Accompanied by the sound of sword wind, the agent holding the trumpet felt that his hand was empty. At some point, most of the horn had been cut off.

"Let me ask you one last time, where is your former director Pierce now?" Su Heng looked at the group of SHIELD agents with a cold look in his eyes.

At this time, he had no intention of distinguishing whether the group of agents in front of him were from S.H.I.E.L.D. or Serpentis Shield.

Now Su Heng just wants to catch Pierce, let him explain what he needs to explain, and then send him on his way.

But if the group of agents in front of them still don't know how to show appreciation, then don't blame Su Heng for being ruthless.


But at this moment, one of the agents in the crowd saw Su Heng standing motionless as if thinking about something, and he was eager to make a contribution and directly pulled the trigger.

The transparent light shield in front of Su Heng flashed away, blocking the sneak attack of the agent. Su Heng raised his head and looked at the group of guys in front of him quietly. He raised the sword in his hand, intending to teach these guys a lesson. when.

"Wait!" Natasha's voice came down from a fighter jet.

"Su Heng, this is a misunderstanding! There is a traitor at the top of SHIELD, which is why these things happened."

"The group in front of you are either the abandoned sons left behind by the high-level traitor, or they are real agents of SHIELD. If you kill them, you will fulfill the ambition of the high-level traitor and allow us, SHIELD, to work with you. Conflicts intensify!"

Natasha drove the fighter jet and slowly stopped not far from many SHIELD agents and Su Heng.

Agent Hill opened the door of the fighter jet and threw out more than ten unconscious guys from the fighter jet.

"Someone, please tie up these guys." Agent Hill said to the crowd: "These guys are probably the confidants trained by the high-level traitor."

"In addition, there are several fighter jets that have left the space carrier. Please record the accompanying personnel there. Those accompanying them are probably the same as these guys."

After explaining what other agents should pay attention to, Agent Hill quickly ran to Su Heng's side.

"Sorry Mr. Su Heng, if I had been more careful when you came to SHIELD just now, the situation might not be so bad."

"Your former director Pierce." Su Heng took back the sword card in his hand and said to Agent Hill: "He is from Hydra."

"Ah!" Agent Hill was shocked when he heard what Su Heng said suddenly: "Are you sure? That's the former director of our SHIELD!"

"This is what Sitwell told me personally after I hypnotized him. Whether you believe it or not is up to you." Su Heng said coldly.

"I will definitely investigate this matter and give you an explanation, Mr. Su Heng." Agent Hill heard this and knew the seriousness of the matter.

If former Director Pierce is really a Hydra person, then the question of how many Hydra people S.H.I.E.L.D. has hidden over the years is really scary to think about.

"You guys don't have this chance!" A sharp voice spread throughout the space carrier.

In the center of the space carrier, the two decks gradually opened, and a huge steel giant appeared in front of everyone.

The steel giant's eyes were glowing red, and he spoke to the crowd in a sharp and deep voice.

"This is this?" Su Heng looked at the big guy in front of him and felt that he looked familiar.

This Iron Giant looks like an upgraded version of the Iron Overlord that Obadiah secretly built without telling Tony.

But the metal layers on the body are layered, and there is a dark color of black and silver.

"Since I have used a secret weapon that has been kept for a long time, I think you should have deserved your death." The Iron Giant twisted his neck in an anthropomorphic manner and walked towards the crowd with long strides.


But at this moment, there was a sharp explosion in the air, and a small missile drilled into the steel giant like an electric drill.

boom! ! !

Immediately with a huge roar and the sound of fire, a golden-red steel armor flew from a distance, kneeling on one knee and landing next to Agent Su Heng and Hill.

"Originally I wanted to come over and see who the blind guy actually used my father's authority to query the internal information of Stark Industries. I didn't expect to see such a big and familiar thing right away." Tony's The mask popped open, and he couldn't help but praise the steel giant as he looked at the unharmed steel giant after the smoke.

"It is indeed my masterpiece idea. I didn't expect it to be realized by someone."

"Tony Stark." Dr. Zola looked at Tony who appeared in front of everyone, and his voice was full of sharp noises: "It is indeed thanks to your design drawings, otherwise the losers of SHIELD would have such good materials. , but couldn’t make a decent weapon.”

"Tony." Natasha also came to Su Heng and Tony. She asked Tony, "So is this something you designed?"

"That's right." Tony glanced at Su Heng with some embarrassment and said casually: "But this is just a conjecture. At that time, due to the lack of material, it has been idle in the database, but I didn’t expect that someone would find the right materials to make this thing.”

"Is it Uru metal?" Su Heng finally recognized where he had seen the layer of metal on the Iron Giant.

"So this is the remains of the original Destroyer?" Su Heng looked at Agent Hill.

"The wreckage was indeed pulled back by us." Agent Hill whispered: "But I didn't expect that it would be reheated to look like this."

"So have you said enough about your last words?" Dr. Zola controlled the Iron Giant to open his palm, and the huge hole began to emit light.

When Su Heng saw this, the translucent shield turned into a circular shield and wrapped everyone in it.

"That's not right." Tony was about to remind Su Heng when he heard the sound of metal collision coming from outside the circular shield as the Iron Giant moved.

But at this time, Dr. Zola's palm was already aimed at everyone, and a sound wave with powerful noise turned into rough waves, hitting everyone layer by layer.

The powerful noise made everyone, including Su Heng, cover their ears in pain, hoping to reduce the noise coming from their ears.

"Hahahaha." Dr. Zola put down the mechanical behemoth, looked at Su Heng's painful expression, and laughed loudly: "It is indeed an anti-night magician armor, and the effect is indeed remarkable!"

Su Heng rubbed his ears and turned to look at Tony.

"What's that?" Tony touched his head angrily: "It's just a precaution, there's no other meaning, really."

"That's it." Su Heng sighed, looking at Dr. Zola who raised his giant mechanical hand again, the Quiet Card slowly appeared in his hand.

"Fortunately, you don't know much about me."

Su Heng just finished saying this.

Then everything fell silent, as if everyone had entered space, and all sounds disappeared.

Sorry~~~I just can’t bear it any more and burst into tears.

After seeing feedback that I had broken the chapter in the wrong place, the author stayed up late and continued writing.

But I really can't bear it anymore

There is one more update that I will update after the author wakes up today (bow)

Then, good night and sweet dreams

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