Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 78 The End (2-in-1)

"Wheel!" Above the Stark Tower, Su Heng looked at the teleportation circle in the sky. As Su Heng shouted, the entire teleportation circle in the sky was completely covered by the wheel card. Inside.

The Chitauri on the other side of the universe had just stepped into the teleportation circle, but in the blink of an eye they were back in the universe again.

"What happened?" The confused Chitauri stepped into the portal again, but the result was no different from before.

Su Heng's actions greatly slowed down the Chitauri invasion, and also allowed the ground troops to concentrate on dealing with the remaining Chitauri in the sky.

At this time, all the buildings in Manhattan were moving randomly and changing their heights, scattering all the Chitauri teams in this area.

Doubai stepped on the Chitauri's aircraft and moved around in mid-air. Every time he dodged, there was a crisp sound of bone fractures.

By the time Doubai returned to the ground, all the Chitauri behind her had their necks broken and fell from the aircraft.


Next door to her, there was a huge sound accompanied by a group of Chitauri flying out.

The Lipai next door casually pulled up a big tree on the roadside and threw it towards a group of Chitauri in the sky. The huge force directly knocked over the group of Chitauri.

Among these mazes composed of high-rise buildings, the most lethal one is the area of ​​yellow sand specially cleared by Mi Pai.

Lines of yellow sand rose from the ground, rising straight into the sky like an upside-down waterfall, and like huge waves, burying all the Chitauri in the air.

With the help of Su Heng's various Curo cards, the casualty rate of ground troops has been kept within a considerable range.

But in this situation, it seemed that Rogers and Dr. Banner had nothing to do. They could only stay by the ground commander's side to protect the commander's safety and chat.

"Speaking of which, do you turn into that big green guy when you're angry?" Rogers asked Dr. Banner.

"It's much better now than before." Dr. Banner smiled: "In the beginning, I would release the Hulk guy as long as my mood fluctuated slightly."

"I wonder if I'll have a chance to see it again later." Rogers looked at the Chitauri corpses falling from the sky and tightened his grip on the shield in his hand.

"The opportunity has come, Captain." Tony on the side opened the steel mask and said to Rogers and Dr. Banner: "We are about to restart the Rubik's Cube and recover the energy of the teleportation circle in the sky."

"Restarting will take a certain amount of time, and it also requires Su Heng to untie the thing he covered on the teleportation circle to block the Chitauri."

"During the restart, the Chitauri outside the teleportation circle will definitely launch a crazy attack. Su Heng alone will never be able to stop those crazy guys."

"It's finally time for us to come in handy, right?" Rogers nodded heavily towards Tony: "Then leave it to us."

"And me!" With a burst of thunder, Thor appeared in front of Rogers and others, carrying the unconscious Loki.

"I have taught Loki a lesson." Thor threw Loki in front of everyone: "Now, it is time for me, the elder brother, to make up for the mistakes Loki made."

"So, just ask me if you have anything to do!" Thor nodded towards everyone.

"Natasha, how are you doing there?" Rogers touched the earphones and asked Natasha, who was missing.

In a dark room, Natasha loosened the noose on Barton's thigh, stood up and observed Barton's condition, and then replied to Rogers through the earphone: "Captain, I have already solved the problem here, and you can do it at any time." Standby."

"Okay!" Rogers nodded towards Tony: "Then let's get started."

"Yeah." Tony responded and put the steel mask back on his face.

"Then, in one minute, Su Heng will remove the protection of the teleportation circle, and at the same time, Dr. Eric and Dr. Otto on top of the building will restart the Cosmic Cube."

As Rogers and others stood ready, Su Heng looked at Dr. Otto and Dr. Eric who had repaired the control console on top of the Stark Tower, and warned them.

"After I remove the protection of the teleportation circle later, I will use a shield to protect you. As long as you two do not leave the range of the shield, you should not be harmed."

"Thank you." Dr. Eric's initially panicked expression softened.

At the beginning, he did have this concern. After all, as long as the Chitauri are not fools, they can see what they are doing. If they focus their fire on Dr. Eric and the others, Dr. Eric doesn't think he can survive the attack of these aliens' high-tech weapons. Save your life.

"In the last ten seconds, all units are ready!" The commander on the ground also issued instructions to the various units on the ground. At this moment, all weapons were aimed at the teleportation circle in the sky.

"Three, two, one!"

At the same time that Su Heng removed the wheel card, a dazzling beam of light shot out from the viewing platform on the top floor of Stark Tower again. The beam of light shot straight into the sky and reached the location of the teleportation circle.

Under the illumination of the light pillar, the teleportation circle began to slowly shrink.

But at the other end of the teleportation circle, endless Chitauri were ready to go. After seeing that the teleportation circle could enter normally, they swarmed towards the teleportation circle again.

This situation became even more crazy after they discovered that the teleportation circle was gradually shrinking.

"Fire!" the commander let out a hoarse roar.

On the ground, all the weapons of the military launched an attack in the direction of the teleportation circle.

On the top floor of the Stark Tower, the Mark 7 armor controlled remotely by Tony also launched an attack on the Chitauri in the sky as the military opened fire.

The corpses of the Chiritans fell from the sky like heavy rain amid the fireworks, but even so, the Chiritans did not feel the slightest fear, and continued to attack New York crazily.

Under the wash of firepower, the sky was clear again, but just when everyone wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, Tony, who remotely controlled the mark7 armor, saw the person in the teleportation circle on the screen projected by the armor. One after another huge bodies.

"Be careful, the big guy is coming!" Tony warned everyone.

In the calm sky, huge steel beasts like whales swooped towards the ground from the teleportation circle.

The artillery fire roared in the sky again, but it was unable to break through the defense of these steel giants.

"Haha, the Earthlings' weapons can't do anything to our Leviathan beast!" The Chitauri hiding behind the steel beast looked at the scene in front of them and laughed wildly: "Now it's time for our counterattack! kill!"


"The light there is narrowing the range of the teleportation array!" A guy who looked like a Chitauri commander pointed at the light emanating from the Stark Tower and ordered the Chitauri under his command. : "Send some Leviathan beasts and soldiers to destroy that light!"

At the signal of the Chitauri commander, two Leviathan beasts rushed towards the direction of Stark Tower, while the remaining Leviathan beasts headed towards the military above the ground. The troops charged away.

Su Heng, who was standing on the landscape balcony of Stark Tower, waved gently and took back some of the Clow cards in the city.

Looking at the two Leviathan beasts that were rushing towards the control console behind him, the sword in his hand waved a sword flower gently in the air.

Su Heng tapped his toes lightly on the ground and appeared in the middle of the two Leviathan beasts in one leap. His body moved and turned, and his wrist linked the sword with ease, like a splash of ink.

When Su Heng's figure passed by the two Leviathan beasts, the Leviathan beasts that were originally rushing towards the Stark Tower froze in mid-air.

Dr. Eric opened his previously closed eyes and quietly looked at the scene in front of him.

The Leviathan beast in front of him decomposed into large pieces of meat at this moment and fell towards the ground.

"Floating." Su Heng put away his sword and shouted softly.

The large pieces of meat that originally fell towards the ground floated towards the sky again, forming bridges of meat pieces in mid-air.

Su Heng stepped on these floating pieces of flesh and continued to attack the Chitauri in the sky.

And above the ground.

"Captain, don't you want to see the Hulk?" Dr. Banner smiled at the captain, looked at the Leviathan beast that had opened its bloody mouth from the sky and bit the ground, and turned around The figure began to expand continuously.

"Roar!" With a roar of liberation, Hulk punched the lower jaw of the Leviathan beast in front of him.

The body of the Leviathan beast that was originally swooping down shook, and its hideous and ugly head was directly sunken into a big pit by Hulk's punch.

Just when Leviathan's body fell to the ground feebly, a pink figure appeared next to Hulk, and with the sound of wind breaking through the air in his whip legs, he directly kicked Leviathan's body back into the sky. among.

"Hmph." Hulk looked at the force cards in front of him that were eager to try. He let out a rough breath and jumped towards the Leviathan beast that had landed on the ground in the distance.

Li Pai glanced at Hulk with interest and rushed towards the Leviathan beast on the other side.

At the two ends of the city at this moment, every muffled sound like gongs and drums meant that a Leviathan beast died tragically at the hands of Li Pai or Hulk.

Tony controlled the steel armor and flew into the sky, the sound of the whole-body sound machine amplified sounded, and all the ammunition hidden in the steel armor sprayed out towards the surroundings at this moment.

"This is the first time I've seen you with such handsome skills." Tony looked at Su Heng's figure holding the sword freely and couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"Did the people of New York give you the wrong nickname back then? You don't look like a magician, you are obviously a swordsman."

"Is it possible that my magic is actually more powerful than my swordsmanship?" Su Heng's sword light twisted and cleared away the Chitauri in this area.

"Then I'll look for a chance to see it."

Just as the two were joking with each other, several Leviathan beasts squeezed out from the teleportation circle. Just when Tony was about to use the charged beam to see if he could cause damage to these Leviathan beasts, a The light struck from behind him and Su Heng, directly piercing the Leviathan beast in front of Tony.

Tony looked back.

On top of his Stark Tower, stood two little girls.

One had an unruly expression on his face, while the other looked particularly well-behaved and sensible.

"Let me introduce, that's Kikawaya." Su Heng introduced to Tony.

"What you saw just now was their combined skills."

During Su Heng's introduction, Tony noticed what the so-called combination skills of the two were.

When Wrigley set up his bow and aimed at the Leviathan beast behind Su Heng and Tony, Clapai cast the brilliance in his hand on the arrow floating in Wrigley's hand.

Wrigley fired an arrow, but this time the arrow did not turn into dozens of arrows, but turned into a silvery white light, once again piercing the head of a Leviathan beast.

"Yatai uses a bow and is good at ranged attacks. Hitai is invisible and is good at precise single-target attacks. The two sides complement each other, allowing Yatai to shoot arrows and let Hitai increase her precision and high attack ability. On top of Yapai’s arrows.”

Su Heng said to Tony as if showing off: "So if these two little guys attack together, it will be easy to kill one of the big guys with one arrow."

"Tsk, what an amazing ability." Tony glanced at Su Heng's arrogant expression and moved his gaze to the battlefield below.

The Chitauri on the ground have been almost cleared under the joint efforts of Thor and Rogers.

As for the Leviathan beasts that rushed towards the ground earlier, in addition to dying tragically at the hands of Li Pai and Hulk, several of them had their entire bodies pierced directly by hard sand cones made of gravel.

The remaining Chitauri had lost the will to fight and fled towards the shrinking teleportation circle in the sky.

As the light above Stark Tower grew brighter and brighter, as everyone dealt with the last Chitauri, the teleportation circle in the sky was completely eliminated.

Atop Stark Tower, Dr. Otto and Dr. Eric breathed a sigh of relief.

When everyone on the ground saw this scene, they couldn't help but let out a burst of cheers.

"we won!!!"

Several soldiers hugged each other happily.

Li Pai watched with some regret as Hulk gradually transformed back into Dr. Banner, and his body turned into light and flew towards the sky.

The maze-like city returned to its original state, the gravel on the ground was hidden back underground, and more than ten rays of light from Manhattan flew into the sky and returned to Su Heng's body.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone." Su Heng pressed his chest and said softly.

"Phew, it's finally over." Tony beside Su Heng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He bumped into Su Heng's body and said to him: "Now that it's over, should we go have a drink?"

"Okay." Su Heng smiled and nodded.

The long-lost PY book recommendation: After a flash marriage, I found out that my wife is a celebrity. How should I deal with this kind of thing? I am requesting it online. Urgent.

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