Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 77 The War Begins (2-in-1)

"Dr. Banner, are you kidding me?" The commander pointed at Su Heng and said in disbelief: "A building that cannot be destroyed even by several tanks attacking together, what use can he alone do?" "

"You might as well take a look and find out." Dr. Banner raised his head and motioned the commander to look in the direction of the building.

The commander looked at Su Heng, who had already walked to Stark Tower. In front of the commander's eyes, Su Heng did not make any fancy moves, nor did he use any powerful moves. Su Heng only raised the sword in his hand and swung it towards the energy shield in front of him.

Under the shocked eyes of the commander, the energy shield that even the tank could not break through was actually cut into a gap with just a few simple sword lights.

"Quick, quick, quick!" The commander immediately reacted and started giving orders to his men through his earphones: "Soldiers, it's time for you to enter the field!"

On the other side, as Su Heng broke a gap in the energy shield surrounding Stark Tower, Tony finally connected to the new steel armor mark7 hidden in Stark Tower at this moment.

"Jarvis!" Tony put on the armor again and said to Jarvis: "Start virtual remote control!"

As the eyes of the steel armor above the ground glowed white, in an office on the top floor of Stark Tower, an object that looked like a red luggage compartment turned into a new type of steel armor.

Using the remote control system, Tony controlled the armor and looked at the surrounding situation.

On the rooftop observation deck of the building, a ray of light burst out towards the sky.

A gap appeared at the end of the light, and with the blessing of the light, the gap quickly formed a black halo.

Densely packed black dots rushed out of the circle of light.

The armed helicopter troops in the sky were the first to discover what these black dots were.

That's not a black dot at all, but a heavily armed alien species!

"We are the third unit of the US Air Force's armed helicopters! You have invaded our country's airspace, please leave as soon as possible! Otherwise we will take coercive measures!"

The commander on the armed helicopter used the loudspeaker to shout a routine warning to the aliens who emerged from the gap, then turned off the loudspeaker and opened the public channel on the helmet:

"Attention everyone, prepare to fire!"

Obviously, the commander had no intention of waiting for the aliens to negotiate.

But he didn't expect that the Chitauri's patience was even worse than his. As soon as these guys adapted to the aerial environment, they opened fire at the group of armed helicopters in front of them with their thick barrels.

Both sides opened fire almost at the same time, and a hail of artillery shells exploded in the air.

"Be careful to avoid! Be careful to avoid!" The commander shouted almost hoarsely, but several helicopters were still attacked and turned into fireworks in the sky and fell to the ground.

"The anti-aircraft artillery team is ready!" On the ground, the commander also began to issue instructions, signaling the troops to take air defense measures.

But at this moment, an arrow shot towards the commander from the darkness.

Just when the arrow was about to pierce the commander's neck, a hand was held on the arrow's body.

"Mr. Commander, please be more careful." Rogers pinched off the arrow in his hand and stood in front of the commander with his shield raised.

"Barton!" Natasha looked at the place where the arrow was shot. In the closed cafe, a figure withdrew the bow and arrow in his hand and hid in the darkness.

"Captain." Natasha nodded to Rogers and chased after the figure.

"I didn't expect to see a real person here." Dr. Banner, who was standing next to the commander, looked at Rogers, who was wearing a star-striped costume, in surprise.

"You are Dr. Banner?" Rogers glanced at Dr. Banner and recognized him at a glance as one of the people on the Avengers Project list.

"If I remember correctly, is there your girlfriend on the list?" Rogers looked around cautiously and asked Dr. Banner: "So is she hiding in the dark as support?"

"No, Captain." Dr. Banner's face froze, and he said to Rogers somewhat unhappily: "Betty has no plans for this war. If it weren't for the threat of your Director Fury, I wouldn't either. Appeared here."

Rogers opened his mouth, looked at Dr. Banner, who looked unhappy, and said apologetically: "Sorry."

"Forget it, let's not bring up this disappointing topic." Dr. Banner looked at the steel armor standing motionless on the side, and asked Rogers: "If I remember correctly, the thing inside the steel armor should be It’s Tony Stark, why is there no movement from him?”

"Tony just said that he was activating the virtual remote control mode, and then there was no response." Rogers shook his head in confusion.

Today's high-end technology is too difficult for an old guy like Rogers to understand.

"Virtual remote control?" Dr. Banner glanced at the top floor of the Stark Tower. The strong light erupting there made Dr. Banner realize something.

On the top floor of Stark Tower, Tony controlled the new armor and bombarded Loki and the console in front of Loki.

Unfortunately, although Tony's attack looked powerful, it was unable to break through the energy shield attached to the control table in front of Loki.

But at this time, Tony was not the only one who was feeling aggrieved.

Although Loki seemed to be standing calmly behind the console, the psychic scepter in his hand was almost broken, but he still could not control the guy in front of him.

As a result, Loki only dared to stand behind the control console to avoid the indiscriminate bombardment of Tony's armor.

"Loki!" But at this moment, the figures of Thor and Su Heng suddenly appeared from behind Loki.

Thor directly threw the hammer in his hand, knocking Loki away. Thor then grabbed the hammer and chased towards the place where Loki was knocked away.

Su Heng came to the console, looked at the dense data on the console screen, looked at Tony with some dizziness, and asked him: "Can you solve it?"

Tony looked up at the teleportation circle in the sky and shook his head: "If we use the normal method, it will take at least an unknown amount of time to unlock it. Now that the situation is urgent, we should use the simplest method."

"Alright." The sword card in Su Heng's hand appeared again, and he slashed towards the console in front of him.

The control console was split into two under the sword light, and the light beam that originally shot into the sky was extinguished bit by bit at this moment.

And the energy shield covering Stark Tower also disappeared at this moment.

But for some reason, the light pillar and energy shield have disappeared, but the teleportation circle in the sky has never disappeared, and even shows a trend of continuing to expand.

Su Heng and Tony looked at each other, and suddenly felt something bad in their hearts.

"Last night, Loki was storing the energy to open the space channel."

At this time, a weaker voice came from the corner on the side.

Dr. Eric wiped the blood from his forehead and stood up from the ground weakly.

"If you want the space channel to disappear, you must reverse the Rubik's Cube and reabsorb the energy in the sky. Otherwise, the space channel will only get bigger and bigger."

"Dr. Eric?" Tony looked at Dr. Eric who walked in front of them warily, and whispered: "If I remember correctly, in SHIELD's information, you are controlled by Loki. Well, can you really believe what you are saying now?"

"After activating the teleportation device, Loki felt that I was useless, so he threw me downstairs." Dr. Eric said weakly: "Fortunately, the energy shield that wrapped the Stark Tower just now He protected me and allowed me to crawl downstairs within the energy shield, and then I barely managed to save my life."

"But doctor, what you said may be a little late." Su Heng awkwardly pointed at the console in front of him that had been cut into two halves.

"So how long will it take you to fix this thing?"

"." Dr. Eric looked at the console in front of him silently. Although it was cut into two parts and was very complete, the parts of the console could not be used just by being glued together.

"It will take at least half a day to repair and restart." Dr. Eric looked desperately at the more and more Chitauri appearing in the sky: "But how could those guys give us so much time."

"If I were here to help, the repair progress should be faster."

Along with the sound, the first thing that appeared in front of Tony and Su Heng was a familiar spider thread.

Then Gwen pulled a mechanical tentacle behind Dr. Otto and appeared in front of Su Heng and Tony.

"Mr. Stark." Dr. Otto was still wearing a white lab coat as before, with four mechanical tentacles behind him.

"Hi, store manager!" Gwen, wearing a spider suit, walked up to Su Heng and Tony: "I heard from Dr. Otto that you might need his help, so I brought him here."

"When I was downstairs just now, I saw that after the light pillar disappeared, the portal still existed. I guessed that there was probably a problem with the device." Dr. Otto said to Tony and Su Heng: "I think if it is the device If so, maybe my mechanical tentacles can be of some help, so I entrusted Gwen to bring me up."

"Are you sure it won't get out of control, Dr. Otto?" Tony looked at the four tentacles that stayed behind Dr. Otto in silence.

"Don't worry, Mr. Stark, I'm fully prepared this time." Dr. Otto showed Tony the back of his neck: "I added an emergency disconnection program to the suppression chip. As long as an abnormality occurs, The tentacles will fall off my body."

"Is that so?" Tony took a deep look at Dr. Otto. After all, the way Dr. Otto used mechanical tentacles to decompose his steel armor was too unforgettable. He naturally believed that Dr. Otto was capable of this level. .

"Then it's up to you, Dr. Otto."

"." Su Heng looked at Gwen silently, and finally let out a long sigh.

"Forget it, just come when you come."

"Hehehe." Gwen touched her head sheepishly and smiled.

"Don't worry, store manager, I'm sensible. Before you guys came, I was directing traffic."

"Then continue to command." Su Heng flicked Gwen's forehead through her spider mask and looked at the large Chitauri troops flying in the sky.

At this time, all the armed helicopters in the sky had been destroyed by the attack of the swarming Chitauri, and the Chitauri were scattering around at this moment.

"Tony." Su Heng walked to the edge of the balcony and said to Tony without looking back: "Tell the captain and the others not to worry too much if the terrain changes later. It is a normal phenomenon."

"Okay." Tony glanced at Su Heng who was standing at the edge of the balcony. Although he didn't know what Su Heng wanted to do, he still told the captain as Su Heng asked.

"Then, it's your turn next." Su Heng murmured in a low voice.

At this moment, cards appeared around him and scattered towards the sky.

The faster Chitauri troops have arrived at the edge of Manhattan. Here, the surrounding vehicles are still crowded, and the roads are crowded with people heading outward.

This is one of the chaos that will inevitably occur when people are evacuated. Although the Manhattan police want to maintain order, there are too many people in Manhattan who can't stand it, and they simply can't maintain it.

This also led to the fact that when the Chitauri invaded, many people were still unable to leave Manhattan.

"Hahahaha!" The Chitauri in the sky held a hand cannon, laughing wildly and pointing it at the crowd below.

Just as the weapons in their hands were shooting towards the crowd, a translucent light curtain blocked these attacks. Endless arrows shot down directly from the sky like raindrops, penetrating the bodies of these Chitauri from top to bottom.

The Chitauri, who were shuttled among the tall buildings and were fighting with the military on the ground, suddenly saw a blur in front of their eyes, and they appeared on the ground for some reason.

The military troops on the ground saw the Chitauri suddenly appearing within the range of fire, and suddenly remembered what Captain America had just told them.

"So this is the so-called terrain change?" The commander was ecstatic and shouted loudly: "Fire! Fire!!"

Countless firepower poured towards the Chitauri in front of them.

There was golden light dust in the sky. The Chitauri who came into contact with the light dust instantly fell into a deep sleep and fell from the sky.

The Chitauri who were flying in the sky suddenly looked at the building that appeared in front of them and ran straight into it.

The Chitauri who were about to activate the quantum weapons in their hands suddenly found that their weapons turned into soft cakes.

In addition to these, various strange changes have taken place in various places on the battlefield at this moment.

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