Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 62 Yawa Attack

As night falls, the Mexican state tonight is different from the usual starry sky. Instead, there are rare dark clouds, thunder rumbles under the dark clouds, and the bleak cold wind blows people's faces in the Gobi Desert.

"Sir, the interference caused by this hammer is too great. Many of the equipment we brought over cannot operate properly." The SHIELD researcher complained to Coulson in a low voice.

"Then let's use the available equipment first." Colson pressed his head with a headache and ordered the researcher.

"Okay." The researcher sighed, and continued to sit back in front of the detection equipment and began to difficultly detect the big hammer placed in the center of this temporary research institute.

This research institute is a temporary place built by SHIELD agents this afternoon after they drove away the idle people who gathered to pull out hammers in this ravine, in order to facilitate the study of how the hammer can be used. A hammer that doesn't move.

But they don't know that because of their domineering behavior, they have now provoked two waves of people with the same purpose.

But among a group of people, a not-so-violent quarrel broke out at this moment.

"Do you think you can break in like a swagger, get your things back, and then walk out like a swagger?"

Jane looked at the rough and bold man in front of her and felt that he was a little unreasonable.

After seeing so many guards below, this guy actually wanted to rush down alone and beat down the group of guys below.

Who does he think he is, Captain America?

Jane originally thought she could find a like-minded guy, but it turned out that this guy was just like Eric and Daisy said, he was a psychopath.

But the man in front of Jane didn't pay attention to her doubts, but gave her a confident smile.

"You were wrong about one thing. I will fly back with a hammer and your experimental equipment when the time comes!"

"Hey!" In Jane's disbelieving eyes, the man slid down the hillside towards the temporary laboratory below without any fear.

"Oh my God!" Jane wailed in a low voice, and took out her mobile phone from her pocket in a panic, trying to dial Dr. Eric's number.

"Hello, my name is Eric Shavig. I can't answer your call right now. If there is anything, please leave a message."

"Eric, I'm Jane." Jane lay on the ground, trying her best to cover her figure with grass, and explained her situation to Dr. Eric: "I'm safe now, please don't worry, but if I haven’t contacted you after an hour. Could you please come find me in the crater that the residents discovered today? I’m doing what you didn’t let me do, so I’m very sorry.”

Jane hung up the phone and saw that the man had gotten into the camp behind the barbed wire fence and started fighting with the guards.

"Oh my God." Jane hugged her head in distress. After that guy's alert, she couldn't sneak into the camp and steal her things back.

In a forest behind the grass where Jane was hiding, Gwen was hanging upside down under a branch, watching the strong man who had come to the hillside with Dr. Jane before running down the hillside like this. Shanshan fought with the guards, and felt that this guy was somewhat strange.

"Is this the guy that Daisy mentioned before who was hit by their car yesterday? Sure enough, he feels like his brain is a little abnormal." Gwen muttered and pulled the spider mask back to her chin: "But this way Well, with him attracting firepower, it’s just convenient for me to steal the equipment and materials back!”

As soon as the words fell, the spider silk shot out from Gwen's hand, and she turned into a white phantom and disappeared into the dense forest.

As the fighting in the camp became more and more intense, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to want to join in the fun, and heavy rain poured down, making the entire camp muddy in an instant.

The guards in the camp rushed towards the fighting site amidst the messy reports from the walkie-talkie. However, among the guards, there was a middle-aged man in smart clothes holding a black compound bow. Then, we took the elevator in the camp and arrived at the highest point of the camp.

"I'm Barton, do you need me to knock him down?" Barton, the SHIELD agent codenamed Hawkeye, fired his bow and arrow in one go. After aiming at the man below, he turned his head and asked the person in the headset.

"Don't rush yet." Coulson, who was in the command center below the camp, looked at the man fighting fiercely outside the window and responded to Barton in a low voice on the walkie-talkie: "I want to see what that guy is really capable of."

"Okay, please give me instructions if necessary. I will keep an eye on that guy all the time." Barton retracted his drawn bow, but his eyes were still fixed on the guy, never relaxing.

But suddenly, Barton's peripheral vision suddenly noticed the fleeting white figure in the temporary research institute.

Barton looked over, and sure enough, through the window of the institute, he saw a figure that shouldn't belong here.

"Colson, I think we have a new problem."

Barton drew his bow again, aimed at the figure in the laboratory, and reported to Coulson.

"Sorry, sorry~" Gwen knocked out the researchers in the laboratory, rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find Professor Jane's and their data, and then put them into a small cart behind her.

The plan is very simple. Now that the stupid guy outside is attracting the attention of the surrounding guards, Gwen only needs to find Professor Jane's data and experimental equipment, then drive and pack the things out.

"Quick, quick, that guy is in the lab!"

Unfortunately, it backfired. Although Gwen's idea was good, it was very difficult to put it into practice. After Barton told Coulson what he had discovered, Coulson split the guard into two and continued to deal with the guy in the camp. Go all the way to deal with Gwen in the laboratory.

The leading guard took the lead in kicking open the door to the laboratory, but was hit in the face by a shot of spider silk. Gwen kicked several guards in front of the door to the ground with a heavy kick.

"Sorry, sorry~" Gwen dragged the information on the trolley over the bodies of the guards, leaving only an insincere apology in the ears of the guards.

"Colson, the guards can't stop that spider girl at all." In the heavy rain, Barton raised his bow and arrow and shouted at Coulson.

"" Coulson in the command center was silent for a moment and said into the intercom: "Then it's up to you, Patton."

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Of course Barton knows Coulson's concerns. The character of Spider-Woman has always had a good reputation in SHIELD, but this is not a bad reputation, but an excellent one. reputation.

After all, the character of a helpful, chatty girl next door is indeed endearing.

At the beginning, many agents in the agency had the idea of ​​​​finding out the true identity of Spider-Woman, but except for Agent Hill, no one has been able to succeed.

But after Agent Hill found out Spider-Woman's true identity, he only sent the information to Director Nick Fury, and at his request raised the confidentiality level of Spider-Woman's files to the next highest level. EX's second level S-class level.

Only the director and deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. can query this level of information, and other agents are not qualified to view it at all.

And although the confidentiality level of this mission is very high, he will not shoot the Spider-Woman in his hands just because of some information. This is not in line with Barton's behavior.

So Barton decided that as long as she restrained her ability to move, the Spider-Woman would be able to retreat.

"I have locked you." Barton raised his bow and aimed at Gwen's calf, his low voice full of confidence.

But before Barton could shoot what he thought was a sure-hit arrow, a sharp ray of light shot from behind Barton on the chain hanging the elevator.


Under this brilliance, the chain broke instantly, and the elevator lost its support and fell rapidly.

The arrow shot by Barton lost its accuracy for the first time and drew an imperfect parabola in the sky.

Barton, who fell with the elevator, held a bow in one hand, jumped up from the elevator, grabbed the shaft railing that fixed the elevator, swayed slightly, turned upside down and squatted on the railing, looking towards The direction where the light appeared just now.

In this hazy mid-air with dense rain, two figures relied on each other and looked particularly eye-catching.

The unruly expression on the face of a figure, coupled with the hot pink hair as hard as hedgehog hair, makes him look particularly aloof.

The other figure is a little girl who looks very cute and cute, holding an ordinary bow in her hand.

But when the little girl pulled the bowstring in the air, a translucent arrow appeared on the bowstring.

While Barton was still in a daze, the arrow was shot into the camp by the little girl. In Barton's extremely shocked sight, the bow and arrow split into countless arrows in the air, just like Barton Like the ground-attack cluster missiles I had seen on the battlefield, they shot towards the ground extremely quickly.

"Watch the sky!!!" Barton quickly switched to the group channel and shouted to the guards on the ground.

The guards outside the camp raised their heads, and arrows from the sky were falling towards them like meteor showers. They were horrified and quickly stopped what they were doing, and quickly found shelter to hide.

"Huhuhu!" The strong man who knocked down another guard gasped. He looked at the group of guys who suddenly raised their heads and their faces changed drastically, and then raised their heads curiously. The rain of arrows that filled the sky couldn't help but make his expression change drastically, but he also noticed that the group of guards originally surrounding him were like gophers looking for a place to hide.

This made him realize that this might not be an excellent opportunity.

The strong man lifted a wooden board and hurried towards the center of the research institute following the feeling in his heart.

boom! boom! boom!

The rain of arrows fell in every corner of the camp, and almost nothing could stop the erosion of the rain of arrows. The improvised research institute was even more vulnerable to the rain of arrows.

Gwen, who had just dragged the cart outside the camp, could only drop the cart in his hand and nimbly dodge the hail of arrows.

But in the sky, the little girl holding the bow was not satisfied. An arrow appeared again on the fully drawn bow string in her hand and continued to shoot towards the ground.

"Be careful, the second wave of arrows is coming again!" Barton stood on the railing that had been bent by the arrows, and continued to roar at the headset.

The guards who had just emerged from hiding in the bunker heard this and quickly retracted their heads again.

The arrows turned into a rain of arrows in the air and struck towards the ground again.

But at this moment, the arrow originally shot to the ground suddenly disappeared.

"?" The little girl holding the bow looked at the ground in confusion.

"!" But the girl with long hair and hedgehog head next to her seemed to notice something at this moment, and quickly took the hand of the little girl holding the bow and wanted to leave.

But the disappearing arrows suddenly appeared above the two people, shooting towards them as quickly as they had fallen in the camp before.

The sudden injury directly caused the two girls to suffer extremely serious injuries, and they fainted and fell from the mid-air towards the ground.

Upon seeing this, Hawkeye hung from the elevator shaft like an ape and gradually landed on the ground, rushing towards the position where the two little girls were about to fall.

But before he could reach that location, the two little girls had already disappeared into the air.

In the dense forest above the camp, Su Heng looked at the two girls in front of him who were holding hands tightly even if they were unconscious, and took back the Lun Card and Shift Card in his hands.

The arrow rain that disappeared and reappeared before was exactly the scene formed after the wheel card folded the space.

The reason why these two girls were able to appear in front of Su Heng from mid-air was thanks to the effect of moving cards.

The sword card appeared in Su Heng's hand, he pointed it towards the space between the two girls, and shouted in a low voice: "Again, seal!"

Following waves of ripples, two cards appeared at both ends of the sword tip. As the ripples appeared, the bodies of the two girls turned into mist and poured into their respective cards.

Until the end, the tightly held hands turned into mist and were sucked into their respective cards.

"Is it the strike card and the arrow card? You're lucky." Su Heng looked at the two Clow cards in his hand, feeling the unwillingness coming from the strike card and the arrow card, and flicked the two cards with his fingers. .

"Just stay here when you come back. I will let you out to relax when I have a chance."

After softly comforting Chupai and Yapai, Su Heng returned his gaze to the camp and whispered.

"After such a mess, it should be easier for Gwen and the others to escape."

But before Su Heng could finish his words, a card on his chest turned into light and flew towards the camp.

"That's power." Su Heng was stunned for a moment. Looking at the excitement coming from the light, he suddenly remembered something in that camp.

"My little ancestor, why do you want to lift up everything?" Su Heng knew what Li Pai was thinking and quickly chased after her.

Civilization 6 has done a lot of harm to people. I will reflect on it and admit my mistake. I will update it early tomorrow (thought about it, thought about it brokenly)

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