Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 61 Spider-Woman decides to take action! (2-in-1)

"Last night, as usual, we went to the wilderness area to record celestial material, and we encountered an aurora storm. Professor Jian drove into the storm in order to record the experiment, and ended up knocking down a drunk who appeared in the aurora storm. Chinese.

As the car was driving on the way to the research station, Daisy held the steering wheel with both hands and talked to Gwen about what happened last night.

"The guy kept mumbling about hammers, Heimdall, father, Rainbow Bridge and so on. Out of self-defense, I knocked the guy down with an anti-wolf stun gun. After Professor Jian recorded the experimental data, we I sent that guy to the hospital.”

"So Professor Jane and Dr. Eric are both taking care of that guy in the hospital?" Gwen blinked in confusion: "Although this is indeed our fault, it doesn't mean that both doctors are taking care of him, right? ?”

"Of course not." Daisy shook her head and recalled with some distress: "It was when we were sorting out the materials we found last night this morning that we discovered some Einstein-wormhole or something."

"Huh? You mean Einstein-Rosen Bridge?"

"Yes, that's right! It's this thing." Daisy nodded repeatedly: "Dr. Eric said that this kind of thing is used to connect wormholes between two different times and spaces."

"Anyway, when we were sorting out the Rosen Bridge, we found a figure on the picture. Then Professor Jian combined it with the guy who suddenly bumped into last night and thought that guy might know something, so he took Ari Dr. Ke went to the hospital to see if he could get any information from that guy."

"So that's it." Gwen nodded clearly.

At this time, the car driven by Daisy came to a busy circular ravine.

Gwen looked curiously through the car window at the people singing and dancing in the ravine.

Music, beer, barbecue, and crowds of people lined up in the center of the ravine who didn't know what they were doing.

"It's cool, there are so many people here." Daisy stopped the car and asked Gwen: "Want to have some fun? When I passed by here today, I specifically asked the person in charge here to leave some space for us. Got a position."

"Won't it delay the trip?" Gwen looked at Daisy worriedly.

"Don't worry, we interns can't help much. We can only do odd jobs, take photos, pass documents, help with water, etc." Daisy helped Gwen take the seat belt. , said with a smile: "And the two doctors are probably still in the hospital now. It won't waste much time if we go and experience it."

Daisy opened the car door, pulled Gwen and ran towards the ravine.

"Hey Andy." Daisy pulled Gwen and shouted to a middle-aged man with a beard who was presiding over the order in the queue: "We are here."

"Wow, is this the colleague you were talking about Daisy?" Andy, who was holding the wine bottle, glanced at Gwen with bright eyes and couldn't help but praise: "What a little beauty!"

Gwen frowned in discomfort and whispered to Daisy: "Daisy, why don't we leave."

"Don't worry, Gwen. Andy is just a mouthful, he's quite a nice guy." Daisy took the beer Andy handed over, took a sip, and pointed to the person at the front of the crowd. He asked Andy, "So, can we try this thing? We are in a hurry."

"What's wrong with this?" Andy laughed twice, walked to the front row, and shouted to the big men in the team with a loud voice: "Guys, there are two ladies who want to try this. Challenge! How about we give up our position!"

"Two ladies?" Everyone in the queue followed Andy's hand and focused their attention on Daisy and Gwen. After being stunned for a moment, a burst of laughter broke out in the entire ravine.

"Hahahaha, just these two little girls want to pull out that hammer? You know we can't pull it out!"

Gwen listened to the harsh laughter around her. Although she knew that these guys did not mean any harm, such laughter did make her very dissatisfied.

"Why is Hammer so mysterious?" Gwen muttered softly, looking at the front of the queue.

It was a large hammer standing diagonally on a mound. The hammer head looked about the same size as Gwen's face. The hammer handle looked a bit like it was made of some very precious wood, but the hammer head and hammer handle There seems to be a natural charm in it.

"I heard from Andy that there was a meteorite impact in this area last night. He originally wanted to try his luck this morning to see if he could pick up two meteorite fragments and go back, but he found this thing in the sudden ravine. A hammer that can't be pulled out." Daisy took Gwen's arm and introduced her to her with a smile: "Idle time is idle anyway, so Andy called some friends over to join in the fun. There are more and more people.”

"Those two ladies, who comes first?" Andy pushed the crowd back slightly, cleared an empty area around the hammer, and asked Daisy and Gwen.

"I'll give it a try!" Gwen rolled up her sleeves unconvinced as she listened to the joking laughter coming from time to time.

Although these grown men can't pick it up, it doesn't mean that she can't pick it up. After all, she is Gwen Stacy, but she is a good citizen of New York, Spider-Woman!

What's so hard about a broken hammer?

Time to give these New Mexico guys a little Spider-Woman shock!

Gwen held the hammer with both hands and tried to use it tentatively.

"Hey." Gwen looked at the motionless hammer with some surprise. You must know that although he was just tentatively pulling out the hammer, the force he used was actually not too small, but even so, he still couldn't pull it out. This shows that the hammer is indeed not easy to pull out.

But this actually aroused Gwen's rebellious psychology.

"It's not easy to pull out, right?" Gwen tightened her grip on the handle of the hammer and began to exert upward force.

"Ahhhh!!!" Amidst Gwen's shouts, Gwen's face turned red and she still couldn't move the hammer in front of her even an inch, so she could only let go of her hand in despair.

"Hahahaha, congratulations to this lady for failing the challenge, let's invite the next lady!!!"

Amidst the cheers and hearty laughter from everyone, Daisy failed to pull out the hammer as expected.

After the two rested for a while in the ravine, Daisy returned to the car with Gwen who looked unwilling.

"Okay, okay, it's just fun to kill time, don't worry about it so much." Daisy comforted the unhappy Gwen.

"Damn it, if she were here, she would definitely be able to pull out that broken hammer!" Gwen glanced unwillingly at the people still queuing up to pull out hammers in the gully, and the pink and tender streak appeared in her mind. figure of the little girl.

"What are you talking about?" Daisy looked at Gwen in confusion.

"Nothing." Gwen shook her head to dispel the unrealistic thoughts in her mind.

After all, how could Lipai come to New Mexico with Su Heng by his side.

"Sneeze!" Su Heng, who was being muttered, was standing on the fuselage of the plane thousands of feet above the ground. He rubbed his nose and looked at Xiang Pai and Qi Pai who were flying beside the plane.

Qipai saw Su Heng on the fuselage, raised his eyebrows in a very humane manner, and tapped Xiangpai's back with a soft flesh pad.

Xiangpai glanced at Su Heng, turned around and landed on the fuselage of the plane. Xiangpai walked along Xiangpai's back to the plane and looked up at Su Heng.

Su Heng knelt down and looked at the Qupai that looked like a rabbit, a cat or a fox in front of him, and the extremely gorgeous-looking Xiangpai behind the Qupai, and said hello to them: "Hello, you want to talk to me Going back?"

Xiangpai, who was pecking at his feathers, glanced at Su Heng.

However, the seemingly well-behaved Qipai had a hint of teasing in his eyes, and he lightly tapped the fuselage of the plane with his toes.

The plane shook slightly, and its flight speed suddenly soared. Su Heng, who was originally on the fuselage, felt the sudden strong wind, and was accidentally thrown out by the soaring plane.

Qupai, who was also falling freely in the sky, stuck out his tongue towards Su Heng, and then was hooked by Xiangpai with his claws and disappeared into the clouds.

"Move!" Su Heng felt the falling sensation from the free fall, gritted his teeth, and took out the moving card in the air.

Under the influence of the moving card, Su Heng's figure disappeared into the sky, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to the toilet of the plane.

"Sir? Sir?" The flight attendant shouted urgently from outside the toilet.

Su Heng pressed the button to flush the toilet. After a noise, Su Heng opened the toilet door. In front of him was a blond and blue-eyed stewardess.

"That's great. Fortunately, sir, you're fine." The flight attendant finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Su Heng come out intact.

"What happened just now? Why did I feel that the speed of the plane suddenly increased in the toilet?" Su Heng asked the flight attendant knowingly.

"We must have encountered a strong downstream wind just now, so the speed of the plane was slightly increased." The flight attendant politely said to Su Heng: "But this did not cause any impact on the plane. I came here to look for you, sir. Just asking as usual, sir, please rest assured that we will reach our destination smoothly in about three hours."

"Thank you." Su Heng nodded and sat back in his seat under the stewardess's gentle greeting.


At the same time, Gwen, under the leadership of Daisy, had successfully arrived at the research station.

It was a two-story round factory building that looked pretty good, but now there were inexplicably a bunch of suspicious people in black suits and black sunglasses moving things in the factory building, and a A woman stood beside them and said something anxiously.

"That's Professor Jane!" Daisy stopped the car quickly: "It looks like we are in trouble."

Daisy took out the anti-wolf stun gun hidden in her bag, opened the car door and ran in the direction of Professor Jane. Gwen quickly followed after seeing this.

"You can't do this. These are all my research results and hard work!" Professor Jane Foster watched helplessly as these people moved their research results into the compartment of a van, her face full of anxiety. color.

"Hey, you guys, aren't you afraid that I'll call the police?" Daisy appeared behind the group holding a stun gun.

Gwen, on the other hand, directly grabbed the information that those guys were still putting up.

"Let go!" The man in the suit holding the information box shouted viciously at Gwen who was obstructing his work.

"Sorry ladies, maybe you misunderstood something." A guy with a high hairline appeared next to Daisy, Professor Jane and Gwen.

"We are agents of SHIELD. We are investigating a security threat project and need to requisition your data."

"Don't come here!" Gwen is also the daughter of Sheriff Stacey after all, and she is extremely familiar with the ways in this area.

"In non-wartime situations, if items belonging to civilians are requisitioned, at least a requisition letter must be presented, and the requisition can only be obtained after obtaining the consent of the civilians."

Gwen grabbed the information box and looked directly at Coulson: "Excuse me, Mr. Agent, do you have a requisition letter? Or do you think this is war time?"

"Besides, SHIELD? I have never heard of this organization! If you want to take advantage of the crowd to rob things, we can call the police and wait for the police to deal with it! It just so happens that my dad knows some colleagues in New Mexico! "

Coulson looked at Gwen's threatening gesture of taking out her cell phone, and her originally confident face could not help but stiffen.

If we really want to delve into the legal issues, Coulson's current behavior is really illegal.

But normally, as long as Coulson took out his S.H.I.E.L.D. credentials, these ignorant guys would definitely take out what they needed.

But I didn't expect to meet a young ancestor who understands the law today.


Coulson also recognized Gwen, a waiter at the dessert shop where his previous target, Tony Stark, frequented.

But Colson was lucky that at this time, someone smoothed the matter for him.

An old man quickly stopped Gwen, who was about to call Sheriff Stacey, and whispered to the three ladies present: "No, no, these guys are not easy to mess with!"

Dr. Eric Shavig pulled Gwen back and said to Professor Jane with a cautious face: "These guys are SHIELD agents. A friend of mine disappeared without a trace after meeting them. No trace."

"But we can't just let them take away my hard work!" Professor Jian glared at the group of robbers under Dr. Eric's obstruction.

"Sorry, Miss Jane." Colson put down a check on the table, glanced at the men behind him, and took back the box of information in Gwen's hand.

"This is a little compensation from us. I hope you can believe me that we are good people."

Colson waved his hand, and the vehicle filled with equipment and materials slowly drove away from the institute under his leadership.

Professor Jane, who was extremely grieved, and Dr. Eric and Daisy who were comforting her were left behind.

Gwen's eyes were fixed on the cars going away, and she murmured in a low voice: "Okay, it looks like Spider-Woman has to take action. After all, I'm here for an internship, so I can't just let the equipment go away."

update completed! I beg all the viewers to read it.

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