Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 42 Mental Journey and Decision

Su Heng looked at Tony who appeared in front of the door in surprise. At this time, he was still wearing a suit and leather shoes, but his expression was full of fatigue.

Behind him were Happy, who looked worried, and a very capable woman wearing a women's suit and a ponytail.

"I hope you don't mind if I eat a burger in your store." Tony shook the burger in his hand towards Su Heng and walked straight towards the guest area without waiting for Su Heng's answer: " Also, please hurry up on dessert, if you remember my taste, boss."

Tony sat down on the seat in the guest area, crossed his legs on the table, adjusted to the most comfortable position, and started eating the burger in his hand.

Happy, on the other hand, brought the very capable-looking woman to Su Heng's side.

"This is my boss's assistant, Ms. Pepper." Happy picked up the tongs and trays used for holding desserts on the counter: "If you want desserts, I will send them to the boss, and we can chat."

"What are you talking about?" Su Heng looked at Pepper with a strange expression.

It was also at this time that Su Heng, from behind Pepper, looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the store and saw the sudden increase in cars outside the door, as well as the crowds of people hurriedly getting out of the cars, and the bags they carried on their backs. That camera tool is like a long gun and a short cannon.

"Hello sir." Pepper handed a business card to Su Heng: "On behalf of Stark Industries, I will temporarily rent your store to you as the venue for the press conference."

"If there is any damage on site, Stark Industries promises to compensate three times the price."

"As for the rental fee." Pepper took out a stack of checks with her signature from her arms, tore off one of them and handed it to Su Heng: "This is a check with a limit of less than 100,000. Wait until the news is released. It will take effect after the meeting ends.”

"If you have no objection, I will ask Happy to let the media people in." Pepper nodded towards Su Heng and looked at Happy who had just finished giving Tony the dessert and ran to block the door.

"Since you paid, of course it's no problem." Su Heng flicked the check in his hand and shrugged at Pepper with a smile.

After getting Su Heng's signal, Pepper shouted to Happy who was blocking the door: "Happy, let them in."

Happy was relieved and hurriedly opened the blocked door.

A group of reporters rushed in from the front door and quickly locked onto Tony, who was sitting in the guest area tasting dessert, and rushed towards Tony in a bustling manner.

Happy quickly stopped in front of many reporters, and shouted at them with a cold face: "You bastards, if you don't want you and your company to be sued by Stark Industries' legal department, If you lose everything, please keep your distance."

Under Happy's scolding and threats, this group of hound-like guys finally managed to be more honest. They stood about two or three meters away from Tony, and kept taking pictures with the cameras in their hands. The lens of the camera was fixed. Aimed at Tony, not wanting to miss any shots.

"Originally, this press conference should be held on a more grand occasion." Tony placed the small cake in his hand on the table beside him, exhaled with satisfaction, maintained the action of crossing his legs on the table, and looked towards The reporters around me spread their hands: "But in the past few months since I disappeared, I have been really tired. Now I just want to relax."

"But before I could relax, I had an idea that I'd been thinking about for months after my disappearance, and I'd been wanting to talk to someone about it."

"You know, I didn't get to see my father for the last time. Ever since I took over Stark Industries, I have always had many questions to ask him."

"I want to ask him what kind of mentality he had when he founded this company; I want to ask him whether he had any conflicts or doubts in his heart when he expanded the company little by little."

Just as Tony was expressing his confusion from the bottom of his heart, a burly-looking middle-aged man broke in outside the store.

He glanced at Tony who was giving a speech in the guest area, frowned and came to Pepper who was behind many reporters.

"Mr. Obadiah." After seeing the middle-aged man, Pepper nodded politely.

"What exactly does Tony want to do?" Obadiah Stane whispered to Pepper: "As the CEO of Stark Industries, his debut after being missing for so long should be more grand!"

"But hasn't Tony always been so willful?" Pepper looked at Tony's haggard face, as if it touched some softness in her heart, she murmured in a low voice: "And as soon as he came back, it was up to him. Go ahead."

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Obadiah looked at Tony, wanting to know what his genius nephew wanted to do by holding this joke-like press conference.

"In the past few months that I have been missing, I have witnessed women, young people, the elderly, and children being killed in front of me, killed by the weapons I intended to make to protect them." Tony took a deep breath and thought in his mind It seemed that the scenes he had seen in the past few months resurfaced.

Obadiah, who was standing behind Pepper, listened to what Tony said, and his eyes began to look at him a little deeper, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I found that I seemed to have become an accomplice, even if it was unknowingly, but in fact, I became an accomplice in the murder of those innocent people."

"Sorry, Mr. Stark." A reporter raised his hand and asked Tony in confusion: "So what do you want to say?"

"Well, I'm sorry, maybe I talked too much." Tony stood up and said to everyone: "I just suddenly felt that what I can contribute to the world is definitely not just things that make explosions."

Under Obadiah's frightened gaze, Tony said what he least wanted to hear.

"So I am announcing that, effective immediately, I will be shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries."


As soon as these words came out, all the reporters present were excited. They ignored Happy's previous warning, raised the cameras and microphones in their hands, and rushed towards Stark again.

"Mr. Stark, are you serious?"

"As the largest arms dealer in the United States, do you know how much fluctuation your decision will cause?"

"Mr. Stark, regarding your decision, did you get the opinions of other senior executives of Stark Industries?"


With Happy's painstaking support, Obadiah passed through the crazy crowd and came to Tony's side. He patted Tony's shoulder who still wanted to say something, and squeezed out a smile stiffly. He said to the crazy reporters: "Please be patient. Regarding Tony's decision, we at Stark Industries will announce it to everyone in a more formal setting after discussion."

"Wow." Su Heng, who was sitting in front of the counter and holding his cheek, looked at the lively scene in the guest area and Tony walking towards him. He smiled and put the milk in front of Tony: "The new products in the store are .”

"Besides, it looks like I have to find a way to sell your Stark Industries stock." Su Heng raised his eyebrows at Tony and said jokingly.

"My suggestion is to continue buying at low prices." Tony picked up the hot milk and gave the advice lightly.

Then, under Su Heng's evil gaze, he drank the cup of hot milk in one gulp without noticing.

"Damn, how much sugar did you add?"

Woo hoo hoo, please help me to catch up on the reading every day. If I don’t catch up on it, the author will kill TAT.

In addition, there is another update that will be released before five to six o'clock.

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