Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 41 Arrest and Tony’s Return

After all, when did it start to look like this?

In the dream, Marco recalled his life over the years.

When Marco was first a student, he was a good rugby player at school. With his excellent football skills, Marco had already received offers from several universities on the eve of his graduation.

It was also during that high-spirited time that Marco met Penny's mother, who is now his ex-wife, and the two fell in love passionately.

When Marco thought he could easily enjoy the dual gains of love and studies, the darkness of American society had already been reflected on the campus, and Marco, who regarded himself as a winner in life, was embarrassed.

Before a game that Marco was about to participate in, the gangster who controlled the betting on the game approached him and asked him to cheat in that game.

The gang's coercion and inducement made Marco agree to a decision that would make him regret it for half his life.

After the game, someone reported Marco for cheating in that game and presented evidence that he accepted bribes from the gang.

In the face of irrefutable evidence, Marco could not argue.

In the end, Marco was expelled from the school, and the universities that had previously invited Marco withdrew their olive branches.

Once a famous football student on campus, he ended up becoming a street gangster. Just when Marco gave up on himself, his girlfriend stayed by his side and made him cheer up again.

After marrying his girlfriend, Marco worked as a porter, salesman, and truck driver in order to support the family.

Although the work is hard, there is hope in life after all.

But just when the life of the Marco family was about to get better, the financial crisis caused by the bubble economy caused most companies in the United States to start cutting costs, increasing efficiency, and reducing personnel expenses.

Marco eventually lost his job, and because of his low diploma, he encountered obstacles in finding a job again.

The economic depression, coupled with the frustration in finding a job, made Marco gradually become degenerate, and even wanted to rely on lottery tickets and gambling to get rich.

But all this is just a dream.

Without any accident, Marco lost his meager fortune and his precarious family.

After a divorce agreement, Marco's wife, who was deeply disappointed in him, left him with her infant Penny.

Marco also wanted to cheer up, but the burden of life broke down his psychological defense time and time again.

In the end, Marco once again became a small gangster who could be seen everywhere on the street, relying on robbing passers-by and shops to make a living. For this, Marco went to jail more than once.

But just last month, when Marco and his companions were going about their daily routine of robbing stores as usual, they accidentally injured an old man while escaping.

Marco, who was in a panic, didn't have time to think too much and drove the old man's car away from the scene of the crime.

Then he was caught by Spider-Woman who fell from the sky and handed over to the police.

The robbery of the store and the guilt of negligent wounding made Marco's sentence reach ten years.

The familiar prison life should have made Marco comfortable in prison, but the letter Penny secretly sent to him broke Marco's calm heart.

Penny calmly told Marco in the letter that she was sick, and it was a very serious illness, so serious that she might die quietly one day.

The emergence of this letter broke through Marco's seemingly calm psychological defense.

He began to blame himself for why he failed to take good care of Penny, and began to regret why he failed to give Penny more care.

This mental state caused Marco to toss and turn in prison every night and suffer mental torture, which also led Marco to finally come up with an extremely bold idea.

prison Break!

For Marco, who was a frequent visitor to prison, escaping from prison was actually not difficult. It only took less than a week for Marco to successfully escape at night.

But the goddess of luck never favors a guy who has been unlucky for several years.

Also that night, Marco, who had escaped from prison, got lost outside a certain military experimental base.

The sudden light enveloped his whole body, and Marco melted into the light without feeling almost any pain.

When he woke up again, his body had blended into the surrounding sand.

Unable to move or speak, only Marco's consciousness floated in the sand in this corner of the world.

But that's not the worst thing.

As time goes by, Marco's memories and emotions are being swallowed up by the sand, or assimilated.

Marco knew that it wouldn't be long before he might disappear into the sand, but at this time, he had already lost his feeling of fear and could only watch it all happen indifferently.

But at the last moment before his death, Marco suddenly remembered the letter Penny sent him.

Dad, I'm dying

These short words miraculously rekindled Marco's motivation to live.

Even if it means death, let me see Penny again!

With this thought in mind, Marco began to compete with the sand for the initiative.

Sometimes, human will is so magical. Just relying on Marco's will, which was like a candle in the wind, gradually began to compete with the sand.

It might be a chance that caused the flying sand that was supposed to be drifting aimlessly in the wind to notice the two wills on this piece of sand.

One belongs to nature and the other belongs to human beings.

Probably out of admiration for Marco's tenacity in fighting nature, Sand Card appeared.

With the help of the magic that controls "sand", Marco took away a small amount of control from the sand and reappeared on this land as a sand man.

But after becoming a sandman, he cannot see his daughter as a normal person.

Under Marco's pleading, Marco portrayed himself as a poor father who was on the road of no return for the sake of his daughter. In this way, he obtained the help of the sand card, which could transform the form of the sand man into a normal one. human form.

Until the sand card possessed Marco, she finally understood what kind of guy Marco was.

A guy who tells lies.

Although the tragic experience is worthy of sympathy, it is not the wrong path that he has taken step by step.

So, at the moment before being subdued by the controller of the Clow Card, the cautious Sand Card gave Marco a not-so-expensive "gift."

When Marco woke up again, the sound of sirens sounded in his ears, announcing the arrival of the police, but the Spider-Woman had long disappeared.

"Mr. Marco, you are suspected of escaping from prison and robbing a cash transport truck. Now our police officially inform you that you have been arrested."

Marco, who had just heard this, wanted to fight back, but he suddenly felt the sight from behind and the inexplicable shackles in his body.

For some reason, he was unable to transform into the Sandman form again.

He turned around and spotted the three James brothers looking downcast on one of the police cars. He also spotted his ex-wife and Penny standing in the crowd.

"Dad!" Penny suddenly shook off Marco's ex-wife's hand, crossed the cordon, and ran towards Marco.

"Penny!" Marco's ex-wife screamed and ran after her.

"Sorry, officer, can I have a word with my daughter?" Marco looked at the policeman who was approaching him with handcuffs.

"Of course." Sheriff Stacey put away the handcuffs and tilted his head silently.

"Penny." Marco knelt down and hugged Penny who ran over.

"Is dad leaving again?" Penny asked Marco in a low voice.

"Ah." Marco nodded with a wry smile: "Sorry Penny, I may have to leave for a long time this time."

"It's okay, I will wait for you to come back, Dad!" Penny nodded heavily and assured Marco with a solemn face.

"Really?" Marco hugged Penny tightly, not wanting Penny to see his sad expression.

"Flint." At this time, Marco's ex-wife also came to him.

She looked at the scene in front of her, gently touched Penny's head, and said to Marco: "I called the police, and I have also returned the money you put in the apartment to the police."

"I never had a chance to tell you before." Marco's ex-wife looked at him and said softly: "I applied for the Osborne Group's Children's Charity Relief Fund some time ago, and just today, the application has been approved."

"That is to say!" Marco looked at his ex-wife with wide eyes.

"Yes, Penny can be saved." The ex-wife let go of Marco's hand holding Penny and looked at him quietly: "I only hope one thing now. After Penny gets better, you can be upright. Come out and see her."

"No problem, no problem." Marco turned sideways, not wanting Penny to see him choking.

"Okay, Penny." Marco's ex-wife hugged Penny and said softly: "The police uncle still needs your father's help for some things, so let's not disturb them, okay."

"Okay!" Penny nodded obediently and waved to Marco and Chief Stacey beside her: "Goodbye, dad, and good-bye, police officer."

Marco, who had his back turned to Penny, waved towards Penny, with tears already streaming down his face.

Chief Stacey patted Marco on the shoulder and led him all the way to the police car before putting the handcuffs on his hands.

"You have a good daughter." Sheriff Stacey sat on the police car and whispered towards Marco with a faint look.

The siren sounded again, and as the police car left, the crowd gathered around gradually dispersed, and the street returned to its usual tranquility.


In the remote Middle East, at the junction of mountains and deserts, the fireworks produced by the burning and explosion of a large number of arms are like a gorgeous fireworks.

A two-meter-high iron can flew away from the desolate land filled with blood and tears due to the impact of the explosion, and staggered to the nearby desert.

The soft sand greatly attenuated the impact of the iron can falling from a high altitude, allowing the driver inside the can to survive.

"Huh -" Tony Stark, who was half-buried in the sand, took off his dull steel mask, leaned up on the ground and squinted at the sky yearning for freedom, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "It seems not bad. ?”

After regaining some strength, Tony did not stay too long on the sand.

After all, Tony had only eliminated a small part of the terrorist organizations remaining in the camp. If he waited until the large troops who had gone out came back, he might really be dead.

He struggled to pull himself up from the sand, took off the heavy steel remains on his body, tore off his clothes and covered his head, and staggered away towards the distance.

The most important thing now is to leave here and then find a way to find people from the military.

Tony believes that there are definitely people looking for him in this desert.

Although Tony had played a lot of extreme sports before, this was his first time marching on foot in the desert with ragged clothes and unkempt hair, feeling the sun that could burn his skin in broad daylight.

If it were my former self, I might have retreated into a luxury car with the air-conditioning turned on, accompanied by beauty champagne.

Thanks to Tony's ordeal in the cave over the past two months, otherwise he might not have been able to withstand such a test of life and death.

Every breath brings a knife-like feeling to the throat and even the lungs; with every step, the pain of muscle tearing can be transmitted directly from the soles of the feet to the top of the head;

Tony was a little curious as to what was supporting him to keep moving forward.

The damn will to live, of course, and


The image of Ethan before his death reappeared in Tony's mind, and a new force emerged from his already depleted body, supporting him to move forward.

Finally, when he came to a sandy slope, the sound of the wings of an armed helicopter buzzing from behind made Tony stop.

He turned around and looked at the helicopter flying low towards him in the sky, waving his hands vigorously.


The helicopter also noticed Tony on the ground and slowly landed on a gentle area under the sandy slope.

Before the helicopter landed on the ground, a fully armed officer with the rank of colonel jumped out of the helicopter and ran towards Tony with heavy steps.

Tony looked at the familiar figure in front of him, finally let go of the sigh he had been talking about, and fell to his knees weakly on the ground.

Colonel James Rhodes helped Tony, who was kneeling on the ground, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey brother." Colonel Rhodes looked at Tony half-jokingly: "Don't let you out of my sight next time, okay?"

Tony smiled at Colonel Rhodes and slowly closed his eyes.

Finally, I can have a good sleep.

"The Daily Bugle reported at noon that Tony Stark, the CEO of Stark Industries who has been missing for more than two months, has arrived safely in the United States from the Middle East. According to information released by Ms. Pepper, assistant to the CEO of Stark Industries, Tony Stark Mr. Grams is about to hold a press conference.”

In the dessert shop outside Zhongcheng Middle School, Su Heng, who was lying on a seat, listened to the news coming from the radio and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Did you come back so soon?"

Jingle Bell--

The door of the shop was opened, and a slightly tired voice sounded at the door.

"Boss, a dessert!"

Presented in 4k~ Readers and grandparents are also requested to support the reading! ! ! Thank you very much

In addition, it is a new PY session, the mysterious flow HP fan

The following is a detailed introduction to the book. Interested readers can click here to link:

Harley, who chose the path of a witch, returned to when she was 11 years old and came into contact with the power outside the path.

Well, it's time to give the wizarding world a little witch shock.

(HP + Mystery. If you have not seen HP or Mystery, it will not be affected.)

(This book is set as HP, the world before the earth's resurrection, and the world of the Lord of Mysteries after its recovery.)

(This book only writes HP, and there will be no plot to return to the timeline of the Lord of Mysteries in the later period.)

The author has returned from the exam

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