Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 35 Another giant?

Go back in time a little bit.

Outside a farm in the suburbs, General Ross got out of the car, walked up to the farmer in front of the fence and asked, "Is this the case you just reported?"

"Yes, it's me." The farmer holding the shotgun looked at General Ross and the dozen or so soldiers accompanying him in confusion: "But I clearly called the police station, why was it you who came?"

"Don't worry about it. We are here to help you solve the problem anyway." The subordinates behind General Ross continued to ask the farmer with a solemn expression: "Are you sure you saw a huge humanoid on the farm? Is it a monster?"

"That's right." The farmer nodded, opened the photo album on his mobile phone and showed the contents of the picture to General Ross and others: "Although the color is a little different, it is the same as the green giant seen in the news broadcast today. The body shape is exactly the same.”

"And when I saw it, that guy was stealing my sheep." The farmer shuddered and held the shotgun tightly in his hand, as if he wanted to find a sense of security in the shotgun.

"This is" General Ross and the others looked at the mobile phone handed over by the farmer.

In the photo album of the mobile phone, there are only a few pictures with red afterimages.

But even so, by comparing the afterimage with the surrounding environment, it is enough to notice how huge the afterimage is.

"General, what do you think?" the accompanying subordinates asked General Ross.

General Ross pondered for a moment and said solemnly: "Although there are individual differences in color, it might be another form of Bruce Banner."

"Where is that guy hiding now?" General Ross asked the farmer.

"It's in the warehouse over there." The farmer pointed to a relatively deserted warehouse on the farm and explained in a low voice: "That's where I keep my autumn harvest tools. I seldom go in, otherwise, the monster might I've discovered it a long time ago."

"Yes." General Ross nodded and said to the accompanying subordinates: "Since it is confirmed, let the prepared armored forces move in."

"Yes!" The accompanying men nodded, trotted all the way to the jeep, and started dialing the wireless communication.

"Armored troops?" The farmer swallowed, looked at the serious General Ross, and said with a forced smile: "General, there is no need for such a grand display, right? You can't let the soldiers capture that giant. What?"

"Sir, what nonsense are you talking about!" General Ross glanced at the farmer and said coldly: "Why should I waste the lives of my soldiers when there is a more direct and simple way?"

"Besides, the enemy on the other side is a heinous villain. You should feel extremely honored that your farm can be destroyed in this battle." General Ross patted the farmer's shoulder grandly and took out a stick. While smoking the cigar, he stared at the warehouse the farmer mentioned.

For General Ross, he doesn't care whether the farmer's property will be destroyed. For him, catching Bruce Banner is the most important thing.

Coupled with the evidence that Hulk was causing trouble in Times Square in New York, General Ross's action was justified. Even if the farmer sued him in a military court, members of Congress would naturally come forward to clear his name. "injustice".

Following the wireless communication of General Ross's accompanying men, the armored troops that had been ready for deployment were slowly moving towards the location of the farm.

In order to avoid accidental injuries and prevent Bruce Banner from escaping, General Ross also ordered people to expel the people around the farm and close all roads. Obviously, he had already made a foolproof plan for this trip and was bound to remove Bruce Banner. Get caught.

General "Betty" Ross took a deep breath, recalling Bruce Banner's crazy appearance in New York's Times Square, and had already prepared for the worst.

But General Ross, who was filled with sadness, failed to notice that in the warehouse he listed as an attack target, a pair of red eyes looked at General Ross at the fence outside the farm with the same sadness.

"Father, Bruce"

It didn't take long for armored forces to gather outside the farm. Dozens of armored vehicles were equipped with various anti-tank devices. Several tanks were even equipped with armor-piercing, armor-breaking, and white phosphorus bombs.

"Attention Armored Team A! After the operation begins, you will first conduct fire strikes on the target point. If the enemy behaves crazy, Armored Team B and Armored Team C will cover it with fire at the same time. During this period, pay attention to dynamic interspersion."

"If the enemy is still unable to be eliminated, Armored ABC Team Three will switch from attack to cover mode, and Tank Team D will load ammunition according to the instructions to kill!"

"Armored Team A received it!"

"Team B got it!"


Accompanied by bursts of "received" coming from the headset, General Ross waved his hand, and the third armored ABC team drove at full speed and directly broke through the fence of the farm and headed towards the warehouse.

When traveling to one-third and one-half of the distance, Armored Team B and Armored C stopped here respectively, and Armored Team A continued to move forward to within the target firing range.

More than ten armored vehicles of Armored Team A fired tear gas at the warehouse at the same time and then began to fire machine guns.

The bullets were like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, washing away the dilapidated warehouse in front of them, raising clouds of smoke and dust.

Lasting for about ten minutes, Armored Team A stopped with its gun barrels already burning hot from firing, looking at the warehouse in front of them that was riddled with holes but still silent, waiting for the next order.

In the distance, General Ross held a thermal imaging telescope and looked at the red light curled up on the ground in the warehouse, with a trace of disdain on his lips.

"Armor B, Armor C continue." General Ross gave the order lightly.

Following General Ross's instructions, Armored Team B and Armored Team C, loaded with more powerful weapons, arrived at the firing position. Guns of different types were already aimed at the warehouse at the same time.

Just when General Ross was about to give the order to fire.


A huge green figure jumped in from outside the surrounding area of ​​the farm, and with the force of its downward dive, it crushed a tank under its feet.

"What!" General Ross turned around, looked at Hulk who suddenly appeared in front of him, and raised the thermal imaging telescope again in disbelief.

In the warehouse under the lens, the heat source, which is almost the same as Hulk, is still huddled in it.

But the Hulk who was wreaking havoc in front of him actually existed in his sight.

"What on earth is going on?" General Ross fell into doubt: "Is there something wrong with the thermal imaging telescope? Or..."

"There's another giant in the warehouse!?"

There is one more update, try to finish it before twelve o'clock! come on! ! !

In addition, PY continues to promote books. Today is a special session on love stories~ Audiences who like to eat dog food should not miss it~~~


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