Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 34 The escaped Dr. Banner

"Hmm" In the utility room in the backyard of Lucky's Dessert House, Dr. Banner opened his eyes weakly, looking confusedly at the vast space made by the magic cards: "Is this here?"

"This is the utility room in the backyard of a store on Midtown Street in Queens. Gwen sat next to Dr. Banner obediently and handed him a glass of warm water.

"Do you still remember what happened just now?" Gwen put her hands on her knees and asked Dr. Banner curiously.

Dr. Banner rubbed his head, vague memories flashing in his mind.

"It seems like I still couldn't suppress that guy?" Dr. Banner murmured in a low voice.

"!" But suddenly, Dr. Banner seemed to remember something, and quickly asked Gwen: "What time is it now?"

"Uh." Gwen looked at Dr. Banner, who suddenly became anxious, and looked at her phone: "It's six o'clock in the afternoon, four hours have passed since you went crazy in Times Square."

"Four hours" At this time, Dr. Banner's face became a little flustered: "Betty, Betty is still waiting for me."

"Madam, thank you very much for your help. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay you." He stood up quickly, thanked Gwen, and walked towards a bright position not far away: "But now ,I have to go."

But just as Dr. Banner was about to reach what he thought was the doorway, the location of the light began to stretch infinitely in his sight, and towering walls directly blocked his sight and path.

Dr. Banner looked at this sudden change, and his rapid breathing due to anxiety made him cover his chest.

"What is this?" He turned his head and asked Gwen.

Gwen looked at Dr. Banner's skin that was starting to turn green again, and quickly raised her head and shouted: "Store manager! What are you doing!?"

"Sorry, sorry." Su Heng's voice sounded from the sky. With his voice, the originally infinitely expanding distance began to shorten, and the towering walls returned to the ground again.

Su Heng fell from the sky, still stroking a few Clow cards thoughtfully in his hand.

"You want to go out, right?" Su Heng opened the door of the utility room that had returned to its original state. After nodding towards Dr. Banner, he sat aside and continued to think about something.

"Let me take you out." Gwen glanced at Su Heng, who had been tinkering with something since he came back, with some complaint, and led Dr. Banner out of the utility room.

Dr. Banner followed Gwen and entered the dessert shop from the backyard.

He looked at the dazzling array of desserts in the store and suddenly remembered that the supplies he had bought for Betty had been trampled to pieces by those soldiers.

"Um, ma'am." Dr. Banner called out to Gwen who was unlocking the door of the dessert shop. She took out her purse as usual, but was embarrassed to find that the clothes she was wearing didn't seem to be hers.

"What's the matter?" Gwen put the door lock aside and looked doubtfully at Dr. Banner, who suddenly became cautious.

"Ahem, that." Dr. Banner looked at Gwen with some restraint. Although he was a little embarrassed, thinking of his girlfriend, he still made up his mind: "Can you give me some bread on credit? When I re-open the bank, After getting the card and mobile phone, I will pay back the money.”

"Bread on credit?" Gwen scratched her head in distress: "I can't make the decision on this."

"How about I go ask the store manager for you?" Gwen turned around and walked towards the employee passage.

"Just give a few to him." At this time, Su Heng just walked out of the backyard. After meeting Gwen, he nodded towards her.

"Well, when did you become so generous?" Gwen looked at Su Heng with some suspicion.

"Business is not that good today anyway. Apart from letting you take back the unsold desserts, there should be a lot left that need to be discarded. It's okay to give him a few." Su Heng shrugged.

"No sir." Dr. Banner gritted his teeth and said, "This must be because I asked you for credit!"

"Because the amount I need may be huge."

In the end, Su Heng still failed to defeat Dr. Banner and could only let him write an IOU in the store.

Later, under Gwen's extremely surprised eyes, Dr. Banner unceremoniously packed up half the room's worth of desserts, and also asked Su Heng to borrow five thousand U.S. dollars, but Su Heng actually lent him the money without saying a word. Got him.

Such behavior left Gwen in disbelief.

"Thank you very much."

In the end, Dr. Banner held a bulging paper bag that was half a person's height, nodded solemnly to Su Heng and Gwen, and left the dessert shop.

"Store manager." Gwen stood at the door and looked at Dr. Banner who was walking away. She gently poked Su Heng beside her and asked him, "Aren't you afraid of not paying back the money?"

"Of course I'm not afraid." Su Heng smiled and raised his eyebrows at Gwen, and showed her the information on the phone: "This is the identity information that Dr. Banner showed me."

Gwen looked at the content displayed on the phone.

Bruce Banner, Ph.D., Nuclear Physics, Caltech, Radioactive Physics, MIT

Gwen glanced at the official website information on the mobile phone page. This is a sub-page of the honorary professor column on the official website of California Institute of Technology.

Among them, Dr. Banner is at the top of this page.

"Is that strange uncle actually so powerful?" Gwen opened her mouth wide and couldn't believe it.

"Yes." Su Heng smiled and said nothing more.

After Dr. Banner left the dessert shop, he took a taxi.

The taxi drove toward the outskirts of New York. Dr. Banner, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at the bulging paper bag next to him and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"With this store manager's generosity, I should have no problem with food and clothing during this period. Then I can feel at ease and study how to solve it."


What Dr. Banner was thinking was interrupted by a sudden brake. He quickly held the paper bag that was about to fall and raised his head with a frown.

"I'm sorry, sir." The taxi driver's apology sounded in Dr. Banner's ears just in time.

"Something seems to have happened on the road ahead. The military soldiers are chasing people away." The driver pointed to the soldiers not far ahead who were holding guns and scolding the vehicle for turning around, and shrugged at Dr. Banner. : "So it seems I can't send you there."

Dr. Banner looked at the slowly moving tanks and armored vehicles on the closed road, and suddenly felt a very ominous premonition in his heart.


Sorry, I had a serious lag today, but I finally wrote the update before eleven o'clock (am I awesome, right? With my hands on my hips)

In addition, by the way, PY recommends a book. This is a veteran author of witch novels. The quality is guaranteed. Don’t miss it if you pass by~

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