Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 27 Chaos in the Circus

"Hey store manager, I heard that the open space on the football field was temporarily lent to the circus for a performance today. Do you want us to go and have a look?"


Agent Hill followed Su Heng and Gwen. Listening to the two people talking and laughing, the expression on his face became more and more hesitant.

Just now, after the two guys finished selling desserts at the temporary sales point, they had been wandering around the various vendors at the school anniversary, not searching for the cause of the abnormality in the school at all.

If that guy named Su Heng is really the night magician who solved the strange phenomenon, then an investigation should be launched anyway.

But Agent Hill followed the two of them, and apart from the fact that they were shopping and eating, there was no other suspicious sign at all.

"Is it possible that I really guessed wrong?" Agent Hill began to have some self-doubts, but looking at Su Heng and Gwen who were so close that they were holding hands, I don't know why, but I always felt a sense of violation in my heart. .

Just as Agent Hill was thinking about where this sense of dissonance came from, Gwen and Su Heng were already walking and were almost out of her sight.

Adhering to the intuition in his heart, Agent Hill decided to follow.

"It's so annoying. That person seems to be following us." On the forest path of the college, Gwen rubbed her face and muttered depressedly: "If it weren't for her, I wouldn't want to fight against her. With the face of the store manager, let’s go to the school celebration together.”

"Do you think I want it?" Gwen No. 2, who looked like Su Heng, was also full of depression: "If it weren't for the difficulty in school, I would have wanted to catch that guy and torture him, and ask her clearly What do you want to do?"

As early as when the temporary sales point first opened, the two Gwens felt Agent Hill's prying eyes from a distance and told Su Heng about it.

Su Heng didn't know who Agent Hill was or what he wanted to do. But Su Heng knew that if this guy kept staring at him and Gwen, it would be very detrimental to their subsequent journey to find the double card.

So after the business ended, Su Heng used the magic card to transform Gwen No. 2 into his appearance, allowing the two Gwens to wander around the school by themselves. And he followed Su Heng No. 2 and transformed into the ordinary person who was helping in the store just now. He left Agent Hill's sight and began to search for traces of double cards in the school.

Gwen and Gwen No. 2 noticed Agent Hill who was following them again, and quickly changed the subject, pointed at the huge tent on the football field, and said loudly: "Is that the circus invited by the school? Let's go in and take a look. Look."

"Okay." Gwen No. 2 nodded and walked into the circus together.

Agent Hill followed them, already beginning to comfort himself.

"Forget it, just treat it as a vacation."

After Agent Hill comforted himself, he seemed to have let himself go. Apart from focusing on Gwen and the others from time to time, he spent more time enjoying the celebration.

The three of them walked into the circus at the football stadium one after another, bought tickets and snacks, and entered in an orderly manner behind the others.

According to the program schedule of the circus, it can be roughly divided into: clown acrobatics, extreme sports, magic performances, and animal performances.

Among them, animal performances are the most popular items among the audience.

Agent Hill sat in the audience, watching the magician's superb magic performance, and applauded without any emotion. After all, although the circus magician's performance was very exciting, judging from Agent Hill's professionalism, it was full of loopholes.

"But as a leisure activity, it's quite good." Agent Hill licked the ice cream in his hand and slightly turned his attention to Gwen and the others in the front row again.

At this time, they, like other spectators, were applauding the magician excitedly, as if they were appreciating the magician's performance.

Very good, still no loopholes.

Agent Hill moved his gaze to the stage again.

At this time, the magician had already made a grand exit amidst the cheers of the crowd, and then the clown who had previously performed funny tricks appeared in front of everyone.

I saw the clown twisting on the stage in a very funny manner and announcing the curtain with a sharp voice to everyone in the audience.

"Thank you very much for your support." The clown bowed like a gentleman, raised his head and adjusted his hat in a funny way: "Next, comes the performance that the audience is most interested in - the animal performance. !”

Following the clown's voice, in the passage below the auditorium, several staff pushed a large iron cage covered by a curtain to the center of the stage.

"Let me introduce the name of this actor to you." The clown's hand pinched the curtain beside the big iron cage, and at the moment when it was pulled open, he shouted in a sharp voice: "It's Ms. Daisy!!" !!”


Two roars echoed throughout the circus.

"Oh my God!"

"This is!!"

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them and couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

The clown who should have been complacent also noticed something was wrong. He turned his head to look at the scene in the iron cage and couldn't help but exclaimed.


At this time, there were actually two identical tigers in the iron cage.

But what made the audience and clowns scream in surprise was not the two identical tigers, but the two little boys in circus costumes sitting on top of the two tigers.

"You circus has gone too far. You actually let two such young children sit on the tiger's head!"

Soon, some members of the audience stood up in anger and scolded the clown.

"Although we came to watch the performance, we are not willing to accept such a dangerous performance!"

"That's right."

Facing the loud shouts and curses from the audience in the auditorium, the clown's forehead was covered in cold sweat.

The audience doesn't know, but does the clown himself know? Their circus doesn't have such young children, let alone two tigers named Daisy.

"Hey, Daisy, is that you?" At this moment, the clown didn't care about the chaos in the audience. He used gestures to comfort the two tigers in the cage, and frantically fumbled for the keys with his other hand.

"Ugh-" The little boy sitting on the tiger's head noticed the clown's anxiety. The two little guys jumped off the tiger's head with a smile, and at the same time twisted their bodies and kicked towards the iron cage door.

With a clang, the iron cage door was kicked open by the pair of little boys.

"Roar -" The two tigers looked at the scene in front of them, stood up slowly, and walked out of the increasingly narrow iron cage in front of them.

"Ah!" Looking at the scene in front of him, the clown screamed in fright and collapsed on the ground, trembling.

"That's wrong!" The two Gwens looked at each other and noticed something was wrong in the field.

Two little boys who looked exactly the same, and two tigers who looked exactly the same, reminded Gwen of what Su Heng said before.

Has the ability to turn a person or object into two.

Just when Gwen wanted to make a move, bursts of light dust began to fall around the auditorium.

And a mysterious man wearing a black cloak also appeared on the stage out of thin air at this moment.

"!" Agent Hill, who was still waiting for the performance, noticed the mysterious man. When he was about to stand up, he felt a strong sense of sleepiness under the influence of the light dust.

"This is" Agent Hill tried hard to open his eyes and focused his gaze on the front row and the stage.

In Agent Hill's sight, the Dark Night Magician was standing on the stage, while Su Heng, whom she listed as a suspect, was sitting in the audience.

"Did I guess wrong?"

With such thoughts, Agent Hill fell into a deep sleep.

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