Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 26 Spying in the dark

Just as the parents of Harry and Peter were meeting, Peter, who was running towards the "lucky dessert house temporary sales point", also met Harry on the way to the sales point.

"Hey, Harry." Peter greeted Harry: "Are you coming to buy desserts from the dessert house too?"

"Yes." Harry nodded helplessly, looking at the road in front of him that was already crowded with people, and said distressedly: "But I just don't know if we can still buy it when it's our turn."

"But after you've come, it wouldn't be good if you go back empty-handed." Peter said hesitantly.

"Yes." The two looked at each other, and a slightly ridiculous thought flashed through their minds at the same time.

"How about we." Peter hesitated to speak.

"Rush over!" Harry finally asserted that the two of them had the same idea.

Peter and Harry nodded heavily. Facing the crowded road in front of them, they protected their heads and frantically dived into the crowd.

"I want a piece of cake!"

"I want one too!"

"Me too, damn it! Who is this!"

"Damn it, stop crowding!"

The crowd that was already coming one after another became even more noisy and crowded after Peter and Harry got into the two loach-like figures.

What's more, they seemed to have seen a turning point at this moment, and they followed suit and squeezed in the direction of the temporary sales point.

The hard work paid off, and finally Peter and Harry reached the window of the temporary sales point where Su Heng and others were.

The two of them lay face-down at the window, shouting loudly at the two Gwens inside who were responsible for packing.

"I want three pieces of cake!"

"I want two!"

"I'm sorry, guest." Gwen had a formulaic smile on her face that was about to freeze, and said to the two of them in a tone that she repeated countless times: "In order to let more customers taste our desserts, our store Purchase limit today, one person can only buy one dessert!"

"Classmate Gwen!" Harry felt the push from those behind him and cried out to Gwen for help: "For the sake of your classmates, just sell the dessert to me and Peter. "

"Oh, it's you." Only then did Gwen notice who was standing by the window. She turned her head and shouted to the two Su Heng who were distributing the desserts: "Manager, five servings Dessert!"

The two Su Hengs nodded respectively and put the last five desserts on the shelf into cartons. Then they walked to the window, packed the cartons containing the desserts in bags, and handed them to Peter and Harry. .

"You two are lucky. If it had been any later, the last few copies might have been sold out."

"Wow! Thank you, Mr. Store Manager!" Harry quickly handed the bag to Peter, handed Gwen a fifty-dollar bill, and said hurriedly: "Then let's leave first!"

Harry pulled Peter's sleeve, carefully protected the cake in the bag, and headed out of the crowd.

"Boss, I want one!"

"And I!"

The people in the queue behind watched Harry and Peter leave, and quickly crowded to the window, shouting loudly to Su Heng inside the window.

"Sorry, today's desserts have been sold out. Thank you for your support." Su Heng waved to everyone sheepishly and pressed a button in front of the window sill.

On the plaque at the temporary sales point, the words "Sold Out" appeared, causing the students who learned the bad news to let out bursts of wailing.

"Something's wrong!" The students who just watched Peter and Harry leave suddenly remembered something.

"Those two guys who left just now, their bags are packed with more than just two desserts!"

"Boss, didn't you say that each person is limited to one purchase?" The students in front quickly asked Su Heng.

"Because they were familiar and old customers, and there were only the last few copies, so I sold them directly." Su Heng blinked at the students in front of him: "How can I not be familiar with you all? Well, if you are familiar with it, maybe I will leave a few copies for you."

"Damn it!" Those students beat their chests and felt regretful.

"Damn those two guys, if those two guys hadn't jumped in line, how could I not have bought it!"

These students very carefully sized up the situation and shifted the target of their hatred to Peter and Harry, as if they wanted to vent their resentment on these two people after queuing for so long and returning without success.

Naturally, Peter and Harry didn't know that their actions had aroused the dissatisfaction of several classmates. They had just emerged from the crowd and were happily looking at the five intact desserts in the packaging bags.

"Fortunately, it wasn't crowded." Harry showed a satisfied smile on his face: "And we are really lucky, the last five portions are all with us."

"Yes." Peter stared blankly at a big tree not far away.

"What's wrong Peter?" Harry noticed Peter's absence and waved his hand in front of his face.

"It's nothing." Peter came back to his senses and shook his head gently: "I just felt that someone was watching us when we were at the window just now."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Harry smiled and bumped Peter's shoulder: "There were so many people behind us staring at us eagerly, especially the ones closest to us. They almost wanted to eat us. Are you okay with your heart?"

"No." Peter hesitated and looked at the big tree not far away again.

"Let's go, let's go. I just received news from my father that he is already with Uncle Ben and Aunt May." Harry put his arm around Peter's shoulders and led him towards his father with a smile. Walked past the meeting point.

Under the big tree that Peter had been looking at just now, Agent Hill, disguised with a newspaper, quietly looked at Peter and Harry who left, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then kid, why do you keep looking over at me?" Agent Hill couldn't help but muttered.

Although Agent Hill only saw Peter and Harry from a distance in Osborne Manor, when Peter looked over just now, Agent Hill reacted immediately and quickly took out The newspaper covered his face, for fear that the two little guys would recognize him.

But now that these two little guys have left, my next actions will be much easier.

Agent Hill put down the newspaper in his hand and squinted at Su Heng and Gwen who were talking and laughing after closing the temporary sales point, as well as the two strangers beside them.

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