Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 2 The Magician in the Dark Night

"Ms. Helen, tonight's lemon seabass is still very good. As the night gets darker, Su Heng and Gwen's mother, Ms. Helen, hug each other as a parting gift at the door of Stacey's house.

"As long as it suits your taste." Ms. Helen smiled and looked at Su Heng who was holding a small box in his hand: "It's obviously so late, but you still have to go to the trouble of making a special trip to deliver supper to George. I'm really a bit disappointed. Sorry."

"If you feel bad about it, please let me come to your house for dinner next time." Su Heng smiled and winked.

"Haha, if you want to eat, you can come anytime. Anyway, you are also near Zhongcheng Middle School. You can come back with Gwen in the evening." Ms. Helen turned around and looked inside the house, only to find that her smelly The girl didn't know where she ran to again.

"Gwen? Baby?" Ms. Helen called Gwen twice, but Gwen didn't seem to hear her mother's call.

"This child." Ms. Helen shook her head and looked at Su Heng apologetically: "I'm sorry Su, this girl Gwen is really not very polite."

"Maybe Gwen had other things to do and didn't hear about it." Su Heng shrugged and turned to say goodbye to Ms. Helen: "It's getting late, so I'd better go and deliver supper to Mr. George first."

"That's right!" Ms. Helen finally reacted and waved towards Su Heng: "After giving the supper to George, remember to go back and rest early. Don't stay up too late."

"Thank you for your concern." After Su Heng said goodbye to Ms. Helen and walked out of the small yard of Stacey's house, he waved funnyly towards the figure looking at him upstairs, and then accompanied by the night The shadow left Gwen's sight.

It is now exactly eleven o'clock in the evening New York time. Although it is already late at night, there are still some scattered wanderers on the streets of New York.

Most of these wanderers are students who are not doing their jobs, homeless vagrants, gangsters with evil eyes, and some social idlers who cannot be mentioned.

In addition, nearly two-thirds of the New York City Police's police cars have been deployed. All of this is inseparable from the weird kung fu girl that has appeared in the past few nights.

After all, among the innocent people who were attacked two nights ago, there was a son of a high-ranking New York official. This also caused the chief of the New York City Police Department to put crazy pressure on his subordinates after being scolded by a certain high-ranking official. The plan was to make them arrest the kung fu girl within a week.

"But it's not that easy!" As a follower of Sheriff George Stacey, Bob was sadly confiding his difficulties to his big brother: "My boss doesn't know that my daughter was just born. I haven’t even seen my face for a few times, and I’ve been working overtime these past few nights to find that damn Kung Fu girl, and I haven’t even seen my daughter in person!”

"Who isn't?" Sheriff George took a sip of bitter coffee, looked at the tasteless hamburger in his hand, and sighed faintly: "I really don't know how that girl escaped so many surveillance cameras in New York."

"Boss, didn't you say we had a bait?" Bob curiously asked Chief George, "Why haven't you taken the bait yet?"

"It can't be so fast. After all, the bureau has limited manpower. It's impossible to focus all on this case. There are not many people who can use it as bait." Chief George took a hard bite of the burger in his hand.

Although the New York police failed to find any trace of the kung fu girl from surveillance, after several days of investigation, the New York police found that the kung fu girl had a certain purpose for the identity of the attacker.

The victims who have appeared in the past few days are all people with certain fighting skills, such as boxing, karate, Chinese Kung Fu and other fighting skills.

For this reason, the New York police specially mobilized police officers who had practiced fighting in the police station to disguise themselves as plainclothes and wander around every corner of New York during the past few nights.

Chief George and other police officers parked their police cars on various streets not far from these plainclothes police officers, so that when the kung fu girl appeared, they could provide support as quickly as possible and take the girl to her. The Kung Fu girl who harassed them so much that they couldn't sleep well for several days was brought to justice by the New York police.

Dong dong dong——

Just as the two of them were chatting in the police car, the window of the police car was knocked. Chief George looked at the person outside the car window with a smile on his face.

"Su, why are you here?" Chief George opened the car door in surprise and hugged Su Heng.

"Ms. Helen, I see that you have been working overtime these past few nights and you probably haven't eaten well, so you entrusted me to give you a supper." Su Heng picked up the lunch box in his hand and said with a smile.

"Helen, you're really asking for such a trip so late at night. I can just eat whatever I want tonight." Sheriff George took the lunch box. Although he kept complaining in words, the smile at the corner of his mouth was still there. But it showed that he didn't mean what he said at this time.

"So after working overtime for so many days, is there any news about that case?" Su Heng asked Chief George curiously.

"No!" Sheriff George opened the lunch box depressedly, looked at the sumptuous food in the lunch box, and waved his hand towards Su Heng: "Su, don't talk about such disappointing topics while I'm eating, right?"

"Okay, okay." Su Heng looked at Chief George's depressed expression and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Zi——The suspect was found in the C3 area! The suspect was found in the C3 area! Please go to the surrounding police officers for support! Go to the area for support!"

Just when Chief George took out his fork and was about to feast, the voice from the intercom above his shoulder made Chief George freeze for a moment.

"Boss?" Bob looked at Chief George who was frozen in place.

"Damn it!" Chief George closed the lunch box again fiercely, and got into the police car with the lunch box in his arms.

"Let's go!" Chief George ordered Bob, and while Bob started the police car, he opened the car window and said to Su Heng outside the car window: "Su, go back quickly, it's not safe at night now, you see I’m here, I have to go on official duties, I’m afraid I won’t be able to continue chatting with you.”

"Mr. George, you are just busy." Su Heng waved towards Chief George: "I will go back by myself."

"Okay!" Sheriff George nodded, and then motioned for Bob to drive.

The police car made a muffled roar and drove away from the place like lightning. Then in Su Heng's sight, the red taillights of the police car made a Z shape on the street, and it quickly turned into the path ahead. among.

"What a coincidence." Su Heng looked at the police car disappearing in front of him, tightened the backpack behind him, and then strode into the dark alley nearby.

By the time Chief George and Bob arrived at the location where the intercom was broadcast, under the distant illumination of the police car lights, Bill, known as the most powerful boxer in the New York Police Department, had been beaten by the rumored weird-looking man. The kung fu girl punched her in the abdomen and fell to her knees weakly.

And Bill's companion, another police officer, was already lying beside him without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Stop!" The police car stopped. The moment Chief George got out of the car, he pulled out the pistol from his waist and aimed it at the kung fu girl who was about to leave.

"We are the New York police. Girl, your behavior these days has violated the law and order! Please come with us!" Sergeant George pointed the pistol in his hand at the weird-looking kung fu girl. , said loudly towards her.

But the strange thing is that even if she was targeted by Chief George's pistol, the kung fu girl did not have any fear. Instead, she carefully looked at Chief George and Officer Bob who had just gotten out of the car.

Under the shocked gazes of Chief George and Bob, the kung fu girl shook her head with regret, then slightly bent her legs, jumped over the wall with a slight leap, tapped her toes on the wall, and jumped left and right. In a short time, he arrived on the tall building and disappeared from the sight of the two people.

"This, this!" Bob pointed in shock at the roof of the building where the kung fu girl disappeared. Although this area was an old street in New York, a building was tens of meters high. He didn't understand the kung fu at all. How did the girl get to the top of the building?

"Zi——This is Group 2. Chief George, how is the situation over there?" The intercom above his shoulder rang again.

Chief George put away his pistol with some bitterness. While walking to Bill and another police officer to check their injuries, he replied to the intercom: "The suspect has escaped. Bill and the other police officer Fainting, please send an ambulance.”

"Zi-got it."

"Hey, boss." Bob looked at Chief George's bitter look, took out the lunch box that Chief George had just thrown on the seat, and said with a smile: "Although the kung fu girl escaped, there is no way to go." The good thing is, before the ambulance comes here, you can at least eat your midnight snack with peace of mind, right?"

Sheriff George took the lunch box handed over by Bob and nodded helplessly. Now that the matter is over, let's eat first.

In addition to Chief George and others who were guarding the unconscious Bill, other police officers who heard the contents of the walkie-talkie began to patrol more cautiously.

After all, that kung fu girl is not someone who knocks down one or two people in one night and then stops. Now that she has disappeared from Sheriff George's sight, God knows where she will attack again later.

Sure enough, when they were in Area B4, a plainclothes police officer on patrol discovered the kung fu girl. In addition, there was another person who was familiar to the plainclothes policeman.

"Zi——Attention! A suspect has been found in area B4! A suspect has been found in area B4!"

"Find a way to stop her, we'll be there soon!" A roar came from the intercom. After all, because of this Kung Fu girl, the NYPD officers have been working overtime for several days, and it is inevitable that they will be a little grumpy. of.

"Well, it seems we don't need to stop her." The discoverer looked at the two people confronting each other on the rooftop not far away, lowered his head and reported to the intercom: "The Night Magician has appeared."

"Is that guy actually here too?" A confused voice came from the intercom.

In the past six months, there have been several supernatural events in New York, such as the Chocolate River Incident, the Silent City Incident, the Maze Tower Incident, the Cinema Sleep Incident, the Horror House Fantasy Incident, etc. These incidents caused the New York Police Department to suffer terribly. Sometimes, in the dark night, this mysterious man in a black cloak will always solve these supernatural incidents at the most critical moment.

The reason why he is called the Dark Night Magician is naturally because he often appears in the dark night, and the method he uses is the same as the magician in the storybook, so he is called this by the New York people.

And unlike those so-called superheroes in Hell's Kitchen, this magician never causes trouble for others when taking action. After quickly solving these supernatural incidents, he will disappear from everyone's sight, even if he sometimes casually After dealing with the gangsters who robbed people on the road, they would also tell others to call the police.

Such a trouble-free and worry-free magician naturally attracted unanimous praise from the New York police and even the New York people. If they didn't know his true identity, the New York police would even want to award him a New York Good Citizen Award.

On the rooftop, Su Heng, the dark night magician who is known as a good citizen of New York, pulled his hood and sighed towards the fighting card: "You are really easy for me to find!"

Doupai took a deep look at Su Heng, as if he recognized the aura on his body, and his whole body tensed up, assuming a fighting posture.

"Do we still have to fight?" Su Heng looked at Doupai's posture, tightened the sleeves under his cloak slightly, and asked Doupai: "Let's make an agreement first. If we win, you will change back to Kuro. Card!"

Doupai frowned dissatisfied, and looked at Su Heng with increasingly dissatisfied eyes.

"Come on!" Su Heng also put on a fighting stance: "Let me have all the fun with you!"

While he was talking, Doupai was already attacking Su Heng.

However, Su Heng, who was called a dark night magician by the New York police, did not make any preparations to use magic. Instead, he made a fighting posture.


The elbows of the two collided with each other, making a muffled sound. Su Heng used the palm of his right hand to press Doupai's head.

While Doupai raised his head slightly, he kicked Su Heng's abdomen with his right foot, and was immediately grabbed by Su Heng. Doupai took advantage of the force to fly into the air, and kicked Su Heng's wrist where his foot was with his other foot.

The pain from his wrist made Su Heng let go of his hand, but he suddenly moved forward. With his slightly bent legs, he rushed towards the direction of the fighting card, and his whole body pressed against Dou who was neutralizing in mid-air. On the card.

The fighting card was pushed out and hit the corner of the wall. He looked at Su Heng who was exhaling deeply, his eyes full of confusion.

"Don't look at me like this." Su Heng raised his eyebrows at the fighting card: "For the past six months, I have been sparring with you in dreams and illusions at night."

Doupai pushed himself up and stood up. This time when he looked at Su Heng, his eyes were full of solemnity, and his aura became more and more vigorous.

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