Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 1 Zhongcheng Middle School’s campus dessert shop

At three o'clock on Thursday afternoon at Zhongcheng Middle School, the dessert shop outside the school is the busiest time.

This time happens to be the time for extracurricular activities at Zhongcheng Middle School. In addition, this newly opened dessert shop, which is less than three months old, holds a promotion every Thursday. You can get one for only $9. The desserts are as delicious as those made by Michelin three-star chefs.

The best part is that this dessert shop only serves students at Midtown Middle School every Thursday afternoon.

This also resulted in the store opening in the afternoon. In less than an hour, most of the desserts in the store had been sold out, leaving only a few overly expensive cakes left in the cupboard to make people greedy. .

Su Heng, who was wearing a white chef's uniform, finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the empty shop after being swept away.

"It finally stopped~" Su Heng stretched out and sat on the recliner behind the counter.

Jingle Bell--

But less than ten seconds after sitting down, the sound of a bell when the shop door was opened made Su Heng helplessly stand up.

"Hello, welcome to Lucky Dessert House!" Su Heng put on a formulaic smile on his face and looked at the two little guys who walked into the shop with gentle eyes.

The leader was a young man wearing expensive casual clothes who looked very confident.

The young man hugged the shoulder of his peer who looked a little embarrassed and said with a smile: "Peter, look at what you want to eat."

"Ah, are the desserts on sale sold out again?" Peter Parker couldn't hide the regretful expression on his face when he saw that the window with the word "sale" written in front of him was empty.

"That's right." Su Heng looked at the disappointed Peter Parker apologetically: "Because of the lack of manpower, the number of desserts we can make every day is limited. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay." Peter Parker touched his head: "I'll just come earlier next time."

Harry Osborn looked at the two people talking and glanced at the window in the corner. Inside, there were two cakes of about twelve inches neatly placed. He faced the two people. Pointing to the two cakes in the window, he asked doubtfully: "Aren't there two more cakes?"

"Yes, but there is no discount on those two cakes." Su Heng winked at Harry and reminded him in disguise.

"Ha, is there a discount?" Harry chuckled. Seeing the dessert shop manager's kind reminder, he decided not to use his reputation as the boss of Osborne Enterprises to scare him.

But when Harry walked to the window and looked at the prices of the two cakes in the window, his originally calm expression suddenly froze.

this price

$648! ! ? ?

No, why is this!

The expression on Harry's face was somewhat tense. Although he was the eldest son of the Osborne Group, it did not mean that he was taken advantage of.

Harry turned his head and looked at Su Heng, who was holding his chin in one hand with a smile on his face.

"Seriously? This price." Harry pointed at the price of the cake in the cupboard.

"Uh-huh." Su Heng nodded, and said to Harry and Peter Parker with a mysterious face: "This cake uses relatively good ingredients, but the most important reason is because it has the flavor of magic~ "

"Can eating it cure all diseases?"

"No, eating it just makes you feel happy."

"Isn't this a function that all desserts should have?" Harry couldn't help but complain.

"Harry, why don't we go?" Peter Parker looked at the prices of the two cakes in the window and carefully pulled his sleeves: "At worst, we can come earlier next time."

"No!" Harry looked at his good brother Peter's embarrassed expression, and felt cruel in his heart. Let's just take advantage of him!

"I agreed that I would treat you to this dessert today! I always keep my word!"

Harry decisively walked to the counter, took out the supplementary gold card his father gave him from his arms, and handed it to Su Heng: "Please have one!"

"The guest is so generous." Su Heng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw Harry taking out his card readily.

"Thank you for your patronage." Su Heng took the gold card and swiped it on the POS machine, then handed it back to Harry's hand, turned around and walked out of the counter: "You two can go to the guest area to rest for a while, the cake will be here later~"

"You're crazy, Harry." When Peter Parker reacted, Harry had already taken back the supplementary gold card in his hand: "It's 648 US dollars. This money is almost enough to cover my living expenses for more than a year!"

"What's the point?" Harry smiled and hugged Peter's shoulders: "Since we decided to come to this store when school was over, we can't leave empty-handed today, can we?"

"Besides, I'm also curious about the taste of a $648 cake." Harry took Peter to the seats in the guest area and waited for Su Heng to take the cake out from the counter.

"Please use it slowly." Su Heng placed the cake on the tray in front of Harry and Peter. In addition, there were also complimentary knives, forks and dinner plates.

"If you need anything, please call me again." Su Heng put away the tray, nodded towards Harry and Peter, and then returned to the counter to quietly face an NPC.

"This 648 feels like a bit of a loss." Peter looked at the plate of cake in front of him with a wry smile.

The cake might have looked good under the light and shadow effect in the cupboard before, but when the cake was actually on the table, Peter and Harry realized that the cake was actually a bit too plain.

The cake was just an ordinary cream cake without any fruit or even chocolate decorations. Apart from the sweet smell that lingered in front of Peter and Harry's noses after the cake was brought out, it had no characteristics at all.

"Try it." Harry picked up the cake knife, carefully separated two pieces, and handed one to Peter.

As soon as the cake was in their mouth, both Peter and Harry's eyes lit up.

This cake is very sweet, but it is not so sweet that it is greasy. The fusion between the silky cream and the soft cake embryo is just right. The sweet taste promotes the blooming of taste buds and greatly increases the appetite. , and it also promoted the large-scale production of dopamine in the brain, making the two of them forget all their worries.

By the time the two of them felt full from eating too much, only half of the twelve-inch cake was left.

"Huh-" Harry and Peter leaned lazily on the backrests of the stools and exhaled contentedly.

"Boss, do you guys have any coffee here?" Harry turned his head and asked Su Heng, who was distracted by the counter.

"Sorry, we don't have any plans to sell any drinks yet." Su Heng shrugged towards Harry and apologized.

"Tsk, is that so?" Harry smacked his lips and turned to look at the cake in front of him with some regret: "If there is coffee or tea, maybe I can eat two more pieces."

"Second!" Peter raised his hand, fully agreeing with Harry's idea.

"As for this cake now," Harry touched his chin: "Peter, why don't you pack it back and give it to Aunt May and Uncle Ben to try?"

"Isn't this good?" Peter sat up and looked at Harry hesitantly: "Harry obviously bought this cake, but half of it is left?"

"Perhaps you can take it back and give it to Mr. Osborne to try." Peter suggested to Harry.

Harry rubbed his face with his hands, recalling his father's unsmiling face in his mind, and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "I don't think my father likes to eat this."

"Maybe?" Peter blinked: "After all, eating this food really makes us feel a lot better. Maybe the adults also need some desserts to comfort their mood, right?"

"Okay, Peter." Harry looked at Peter's slightly hopeful eyes until he realized that if he didn't take a share, he would be really embarrassed to take it.

In desperation, Harry could only sigh and use a cake knife to cut the remaining cake into three parts: "Then let's divide this cake into three parts and take them back to the adults at home to try. "

"That's it!" Harry looked at Peter's expression of wanting to divide the food more evenly, and quickly said to Su Heng behind him: "Boss, please pack it for us, thank you."

"Okay." Su Heng responded, picked up the packing box and helped Harry and Peter pack the remaining cakes.

"Thank you for coming. I hope you two can have a better time next time you come here than today~" Su Heng bowed slightly and said goodbye to the two of them.

After seeing off the last two guests, Su Heng looked at the time on the wall and gently turned the "Opening" sign at the door so that it changed to "Closed."

"My cleaning lady should be here at this time." Just as Su Heng was muttering to himself, the door with the "Closed for Business" sign was pushed open.

A blond girl panting and carrying a schoolbag appeared in front of Su Heng.

"Sorry store manager, I almost lost track of time when I was reading in the library." The girl held her waist and breathed heavily while explaining to Su Heng why she was late.

"Then please start your work quickly, Miss Stacey." Su Heng smiled and handed the broom to the girl.

"No, I mean, can you let me rest for a while?" Gwen Stacy wanted to resist the broom handed over by Su Heng.

"But this is your father's intention, in order to enable a lazy Miss Stacey to take care of herself." Su Heng placed the broom in front of Gwen: "Miss Stacey, you don't want your father to know either. Just be lazy."

"Damn store manager, you know how to threaten me with your father." Gwen took the broom angrily, threw her schoolbag on the guest area, and started cleaning the dessert shop.

Su Heng sat back on the recliner behind the counter contentedly, listening to the announcement on the radio.

"The Daily Bugle reported at noon that in recent days, multiple victims have been attacked by mysterious people every early morning. According to the victims, the attacker was a woman wearing strange blue clothes and seemed to be using a weapon from an Eastern country. Martial arts moves, and now the New York police have been involved in the investigation and hope that the general public will try not to go out late at night."

As the midday report came from the radio, Gwen's eyes lit up.

"Mysterious woman using oriental martial arts! Cool!"

"Is it cool?" Su Heng opened one eye in a funny way and looked at Gwen, who was waving the broom awkwardly: "Don't forget, if it weren't for this guy, Mr. George wouldn't be working overtime all night these days. "

"That's true." Gwen smacked her lips and murmured: "It would be great if I could become Spider-Woman like in my dream, so that I can help dad catch that guy."

"Huh?" Su Heng suddenly sat up from the recliner, looked at Gwen who was leaning on a broom and thinking about it, raised his eyebrows and asked her: "Dream? Spider-Woman? Can you tell me in detail? ?”

"Of course." Gwen threw away the broom, lay down in front of the counter, and said excitedly to Su Heng: "This is a serial dream I have been having for the past few days!"

"In my dream, after I was bitten by a spider, I had the same superpowers as a spider."

"But at the beginning, in the dream, I just wanted to gain attention from society. Until the death of my friend Peter, I gradually turned into a Spider-Woman who punishes evil and promotes good." Gwen spread her hands. Some didn't understand and complained: "Although I don't know why Peter and I became good friends in the dream. We obviously haven't even spoken a word in real life."

"Wow, that's really cool." Su Heng pointed to the broom that Gwen had thrown aside: "Well, Miss Spider-Woman, if the story is over, please continue cleaning!"

"Store manager, you guy!" Gwen jumped up angrily: "For the sake of my long speech, can't you just let me rest!"

"Hurry up." Su Heng waved his hand calmly: "Only those who have finished cleaning can have the right to rest."

"Hmph!" Gwen picked up the broom angrily and continued the cleaning work.

Su Heng put his hands on the counter, looked at Gwen who was cleaning, and fell into deep thought: "Spider Woman"

It has been half a year since Su Heng came to this world. During these six months, Su Heng has transformed from a penniless foreign boy to the owner of a dessert shop. The bitterness and bitter tears in this experience are no longer common to outsiders.

But in the past six months, the person who helped Su Heng the most was Mr. George Stacey, who gave him a meal that night when he first arrived.

Su Heng still can't forget the taste of lemon seabass.

"Could it be the Clow card? Or is this some kind of precognitive dream?" Su Heng rubbed his head with a headache.

After all, Mr. Stacey has been asked to work overtime countless times due to his own reasons. If Gwen is also involved, Su Heng's conscience will be uneasy.

The shop was actually not too dirty. After Gwen swept away the rubbish with a broom and mopped away the dust, the entire dessert shop returned to its spotless appearance before the shop opened.

"Are you done?" Su Heng changed into casual sportswear, carried a backpack, and held a cake box in his hand. He threw a box of wet wipes to Gwen: "Wipe off your sweat. I'll fuck you tonight." Eat at home."

"Hey." Gwen took the wet wipes and looked at Su Heng who said that having dinner felt like going home. She couldn't help but curl her lips: "How shameless. You have come to my house to have dinner so many times this month."

"When did I go there without bringing a gift?" Su Heng put the cake box in Gwen's hand: "Hold it, this is several hundred dollars."

"It's obviously a cake that cannot be sold." Gwen held the cake obediently and couldn't help complaining.

"Then will you eat?"

"Of course I have to eat it!"

"Reader, you don't want to see the author of this book throw a wrench in the street, right?"


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Placing Play or something will only make the author more frustrated, depressed, and eventually starved to death in front of the computer~~~

So, I leave it to you to keep reading!

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