Chapter 521 Range Change

A small number of short encounters were launched at the border of the airspace radius controlled by the territory, and small-scale conflicts between the patrol team and the air pirates continued.

The only thing that made the patrol team feel difficult was that the sky islands of the Southern Alliance showed more and more harassment rather than direct attack tactics...they started to disperse and run away directly when they saw the fleet of the territory.

They adopted a very efficient way of escape, directly shutting down the airship engine and letting the airship fall.

After the airship fell into the sea of ​​clouds, they turned on the engine drive and escaped the pursuit of the patrol team.

This method allowed them to escape the pursuit of the patrol team many times while being highly dangerous.

Simple, but effective.

There is no other problem except that it will cause damage to the is better than being destroyed.

When these air pirates were active, Ji Lin suddenly found that the captain of the Asian escort trade was more active in paying taxes to himself, because the active air pirates forced them to move within the scope of the patrol team.

And if they were to operate within the patrol team's range, these Asian captains would be caught by the patrol team if they had any crooked thoughts of stealing.

There were air pirates outside and patrols inside, so they weighed it over and over again and decided to pay taxes to Ji Lin.

After all, the patrol team would not come to send you away for a day if you had obtained a mining permit, but the air pirates would come and try their best to find a way to send you away with your body and goods.

It's better to make less money than to risk your life.

As for letting these lords of the Southern Alliance attack the patrol team's collection fleet, they have seen sufficient power to suppress them and they do not have the courage to invade the territory's mining area for the time being, so they are just fighting on the periphery.

The governor's plan did not prevent the completion of the construction of the territory's industrial command ship as he wished.

In fact, the construction of the industrial command ship does not rely on the trade between Asia and Asia, and its construction progress will not be stagnant because of this slight interference. In order to preserve its assets, the Southern Alliance dare not take any risks.

They have limited airships, and it is better to rob than to carry out the mission of sending death.

Even if the Governor completely cuts off trade, the industrial flagship will be built according to the established plan and invested in the resource exploitation of the surrounding airspace.

In the first month after the resource integration, it was unexpectedly quiet and quiet, and the various forces reached a very subtle balance.

It even exceeded the system's expectations.

It estimated that a fierce battle should break out before entering this state of quiet balance.

Except for the Southern Alliance, they have not yet developed and do not even have the power to influence any of them... Of course, it is not easy to determine whether they will keep up with the development speed.

The island alliance is still developing its own special biotechnology, preparing to give a hard punch to the 그 who attacked them before. As the saying goes, a gentleman's revenge is never too late.

They don't lack these two months of work.

And the work of the territory is still proceeding step by step, integrating resources, improving the production of new technology and equipment.

In the middle of the second month after the integration of resources, the industrial command ship will be tested, accompanied by fleet and mounting tests, and ship-borne mining facilities tests.

In the second month after the integration of resources, the industrial command ship will set sail for its first mining trial test.

(I will update it tomorrow... I will try to update it earlier)

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