As soon as they saw the privateering fleet in the distance, their minds quickly made a judgment.

The captain slapped the rudder: "Turn! The engine is overloaded, turn at full speed!"

They were transport ships, and transport ships could not rely on firepower to fight against the pirate groups who were more skilled in fighting. The weapons on the transport ships could only be used to fight against small-scale harassment by cloud creatures.

Some extreme transport ships did not even have the most basic defensive firepower, and concentrated all their energy on the engine in exchange for extreme transport capabilities.

The transport ship's engine was modified and could run faster than ordinary ships in a short period of time.

In such a dangerous area, you either run faster than others or you can fight better than others.

The captain knocked on the mechanical device next to the airship: "Where is the patrol! Send a signal to the patrol! X!"

He found a rune device the size of a human head, and used a lot of strength to unlock the safety lock, and knocked hard on the red button in the middle.

The patrol team forced each transport ship to install a disposable signal transmitter. As long as they press this mechanical device, a disposable radio signal will spread.

The radio signal will be on the screen of the patrol team nearby, and it will point to a general direction like a flare launched into the sky.

There is no distance, no coordinates, only direction.

So life and death depends on the luck of the sender. If you are lucky, the patrol team is nearby. If you are unlucky, the patrol team will find the wrong direction and can't see you at all.

Completely gamble with your own life.

The first mate adjusted the engine output to the highest power: "Captain! Is that broken thing useful? That small box can call the patrol team over?"

He controlled the huge airship to deviate and turn, avoiding the oncoming air pirates on the track.

The difference in acceleration between the two will not be too big, but the 40-meter airship is not as flexible in turning as the 20-meter airship of the air pirates.

The first mate smacked his lips: "There are no weapons on this ship. When will the patrol team arrive... This place is still under their jurisdiction. Don't let us all get caught up!"

The trade ship on a parallel line staggered the bow direction with the three oncoming air pirate ships.


Southern Alliance privateer fleet, command room.

Two uniformed Southern Alliance lords squeezed into the cabin of the airship, using binoculars to watch the large transport ship that was slowly turning not far away. The thickened and widened outer warehouse of the large transport ship was a synonym for a hot commodity in their eyes.

The captains cheered in the short-distance communication channel: "Wu, another fat fish is delivered to the door!"

The looting work during this period has made them very lucrative. The fearless lords have strong boarding combat power. As long as they drive the ship and let people board, they can drown these ordinary captains.

The Southern Alliance was suppressed by the governor and was very angry. It was not easy to make some money.

The governor's tax almost made them breathless. Now privateering can be used to offset taxes, which is a perfect policy for them.

Moreover, the merchant caravans on this route have been protected for a long time and have poor awareness of prevention. They have already eaten three fully loaded transport ships... The profit of that transport ship is much higher than their hard work of mining on the sky island.

(It will be restored to normal tomorrow, and there will be fewer updates tonight...)

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