Asian trade caravan.

The trade route between the two cities is well developed enough to build a trade route that can be called continuous.

Every day, hundreds of airships pass through this trade route tacitly agreed by both parties, delivering the goods of one party to the port of the other party.

Carrying spices, alcohol, porcelain, and people.

Population movement is naturally part of the work. The office of the territory promised them that for every Asian who moved to work, the captains who brought Asians would be given a considerable reward.

It sounds a bit like population trade.

It is far less cruel than the triangular trade. The territory will absorb some of these people into the core territory, so naturally these foreign settlers will not be treated too badly.

The territory will select sufficiently excellent Asians through a longer work assessment and make them a member of the territory.

After all, it is too slow for the territory to increase the population by relying solely on the system.

If someone wants the governor to fight, Ji Lin might go to help in order to maintain the population trade. Of course, if the governor really has no strength... he is not willing to accept the other party's portal.

Although we are in a hostile state, do you want to do this business?

Open the door! Free trade!

As for those subhuman captains who have their own airships... their decisions are insignificant, and the subhuman captains also follow their own interests to complete the transportation work.

The transport airship painted with the hull number 407 slowly passed through the sky. The visible illegal cargo warehouse modification allows it to carry more supplies than the 40-meter-class transport ship of the same model.

"I heard that the merchant caravan in this damn place has suffered serious losses recently. Two captains have been lost. Do you think we should change the route?"

The captain waved his hand and rejected his first mate's proposal.

"Hundreds of ships pass through this route every day. We just met a patrol team. They seem to have changed new ships..."

The first mate didn't care and just looked at the map nailed to the wall.

"The patrol team here is good. As long as we show our tax certificate, we can be exempted from tolls. Unlike the crazy dogs under the governor, they ask for bribes after checking contraband and boarding the ship."

After obtaining a resource exploration license, there is no need to pay customs duties when entering and leaving the border, and only 70% of the berthing fee is required for berthing at the port.

This is considered to be some subsidies provided by the territory to support the sub-human captains in developing resources for themselves.

The captain waved his hand and said, "I'm going to sleep first. It's your turn... Don't make such loud noises when you chat."

The internal space of their cargo fleet is more crowded than that of warships. After all, if they can carry more goods, they can make more money.

Illegal modification, overloaded transportation, and safe offline are compulsory courses for transport ship captains.

For example, this 40-meter-class transport ship has only more than 30 square meters of living space, and the remaining space is used to transport other purchased materials.

And the three-shift driving method is adopted to ensure that the airship can complete the transportation in the shortest time.

Time is money!

The first mate watched the captain just walk into the narrow cabin of the transport ship, and the sound of flipping the cabinet came out, followed by the impatient voice of the sub-human captain.

"First mate! Where is the canned meat I purchased?"

The first mate shook his wolf ears: "Oh, I ate that thing, I'm too lazy to make a fire... That thing tastes okay."

The captain showed an angry expression and kicked the sturdy cabin door: "That thing costs five cans for one silver coin! Didn't you say not to eat those foreigners' food when purchasing?!"

Canned food is also a best-selling item in the territory. These special foods full of soup with extremely long shelf life and good taste have been warmly welcomed by the captains as soon as they were launched.

They don't need to consider the problem of food being difficult to preserve. It takes energy to preserve fresh meat at low temperatures. If it's not a special passenger ship, it won't change its functional line just to pursue a little delicious dinner.

This is completely unacceptable to those cargo captains who want to put every bit of energy into the engine.

And the canned food you buy now only needs to throw the heating rune to heat it briefly, and then you can pour it into the bread and eat it. The price of ten canned food for one silver coin is not too expensive.

As long as the captain who runs business on this trade route can afford it.

The first mate said "Oh", sat in the seat of the cab, and moved the movable observation mirror next to him in front of him.

But the canned food is really delicious, and it has a much better texture than the dried meat they usually chew.

The canned meat with a lot of sauces and spices, I'd better purchase more of this kind of canned meat next time I go to the city of outsiders... I can chew two cans when I'm hungry.

The captain held his forehead and said, "Forget it, after this round of cargo is delivered... What are those black spots in the distance? Are they patrols? Didn't they just check us? Why are they coming again?"

The first mate narrowed his eyes and looked at the logo of the airship in the distance: "No, Captain, they don't look like patrols. We are in trouble."

The flag is engraved with a bright red flag of air pirates.

(I am paralyzed. There are too many things to do. The update is late... It will probably be late tomorrow.)

(Due to time constraints, this chapter is a little shorter. By the way, I will try a new writing method. It should look smoother.)

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