Chongshan took some villagers and the new blacksmiths, tailors, chefs and carpenters to the houses that had been prepared for them. For these slaves, Ji Lin asked some powerful villagers to help him work.

He took out his emblemless military cap and put it on his head. The officer's chilling temperament immediately overpowered these frightened slaves.

Ji Lin doesn't expect them to understand Huaide. Many things need time to cultivate, so for the time being, they still need to be intimidated.

Looking at this group of fishermen in shabby clothes, they are still wearing tattered clothes that are only worn by slaves. I don’t know how much wear and tear they have gone through. The only thing that is gratifying is that they at least look clean. Before they were sold out, the slaves 덿 They will be cleaned to increase their sales rate.

They are cautious and panic-stricken, full of fear of new life.

This is the case for slaves. It is common for slaves to not have enough to eat, and they will be beaten if they fail to complete their work.

Small settlements without fixed backers and guards are extremely easy to be taken away by armed slave-catching teams and sold into slaves.

These 431 fishermen relied on the coast and relied on fishing. After being discovered by the slave team, they naturally became their prey.

There is not so much civilized morality in the Broken World.

A person is made into a paper contract.

The pile of contract documents was piled into a thick pile on the trolley.

"I will select the ten hardest-working people every month and grant them the status of free citizens."

Ji Lin held a piece of paper in his hand and raised it high. All the fishermen looked at it with slight force, and the paper was torn into small pieces.


The eyes of this group of slave fishermen were widened, as if they could hear the sound of the thick paper being torn apart, how wonderful it was.

Ji Lin put the documents down, got on the carriage, and glanced at the slaves again.

The light in the eyes of these slave fishermen disappeared immediately. It was difficult for them to tell whether this was a lie, but they could at least cheer up a little and start to listen to what their current leader had to say.

"Sir, what can we do?"

A weak voice rang out from the fishermen, and the surrounding fishermen tremblingly focused their attention on Ji Lin, hoping to get a reply.

"It's very simple, continue your job, fishing. You should all be fishermen, right?"

Ji Lin replied, and the slaves were slightly relieved. They didn't even know what they needed to do before. After all, slaves might be assigned to do any job.

땤The purchaser obviously has no obligation to explain to these slaves what their job is. The slaves only need to work according to the instructions.

Fishing was their survival skill.

The fishermen's eyes fell on the sea surface not far away, which was filled with bright broken light. The cascading small waves pushed the broken light and the undulating sea surface reminded them of their hometown.

껩It is better than being dragged into deep mines to work as miners, or as laborers in dangerous forests, or even as sacrifices for some absurd city workers.

Much better.

"Yes, we are all fishermen, thank you sir."

The fishermen became a little more energetic, and there was a little more excitement in their voices when they responded to him.

Ji Lin took out paper and pen and led them to the wooden elementary houses built specifically for them. He recorded their identities for them one by one and allocated houses in their order. Those with wives and children would be allocated one. Go to a house.

His small map showed all the buildings, and he could easily find the newly built fishing port and the newly built residential area, which was specially designed to accommodate these 431 fishermen.

Ten tall and round villagers stood beside him to maintain order, while the other twenty villagers stood on both sides of the team to maintain order, just like when they first arrived, the others stood on both sides to maintain order.

The slave fishermen who had recorded their identities were taken to the newly built bathhouse nearby, cleaned their clothes, and then received new clothes. The old clothes they changed into were afraid of any diseases or parasites. It's all burned.

Let all these fishermen put on simple clothes provided by their wooden houses.

He still looks sallow and skinny, but his mental outlook is much better than when he was a slave.

"Okay, you go and rest first. I need you to start working tomorrow."

떘After giving the order to dismiss these slaves.

Ji Lin's gaze fell on several stone buildings not far away that were obviously taller than the wooden buildings. If you look closely, you can see the sloping hooks in front of the stone buildings.

【Fishing Port】

The fishing port is a newly purchased building that can accommodate a large number of fishing boats entering and exiting at the same time. It also carries some tools for handling the catch, ensuring that the fishermen will not be in a daze over the catch.

The manufacture of fishing boats does not require shipbuilding technology. The simple primary long fishing boats currently used by the leaders do not require a high technical level and have limited movement distance.

Limited by the performance of fishing boats, the range of fishermen's activities is limited to two to three hundred meters near the coast. It is not even considered offshore, let alone the ocean. At best, it is just wandering along the coast. After the development of ship manufacturing technology, large fishing boats can move offshore and bring back more abundant catches every time.

It is difficult to catch big fish in this area with frequent human activities. Frequent human activities will disturb the fish schools, but the fish here have never seen anyone fishing for them.

The processed catch can be stored for a short or long time. The shelf life of seafood is much shorter than that of various meats on land.

[Fishing Port]

[Prototype Blueprint]

[1000 Wood, 1000 Stone, 100 Steel]

[Required: Coast, islands and other adjacent ocean terrain]

[Provide basic offshore fishing boats, and change the type of fishing boats through technological research and development. ]

[A port specializing in fisheries, where fishing boats will depart to provide seafood for the territory. ]

This fishing port is built next to the residential area. They only need two steps to start their daily work, saving commuting time.

After completing the work, Ji Lin put away the paper with names in his hand. These files will eventually be kept in the government hall. Suddenly, he saw a bored light-colored figure carrying a seabird from nowhere walking towards him.

"Hey~ I thought you forgot about me."

Folna was carrying a large backpack, holding a fat white seabird with its eyes wide open, swaying in front of him.

The large brown backpack was even half a head taller than the Elf Lady.

The backpack contained all her property... and the species of the World Tree.

"Didn't you go with... Chongshan?"

Ji Lin scratched his head.

"No, the one who just came over said he was only responsible for the technical workers, and the guy who was dressed very neatly and well-educated asked me to wait for you here..."

Folna shook her head, her ears twitching, indicating that she was a little confused about the names of Xu Shan and Chongshan, the affairs officer and the dean.

"Let's make it clear first. If the trees don't grow up, you have to help me buy a piece of land in the holy city of Tran! This is what you promised me before!"

Neatly dressed, well-educated... Xu Shan...

"Then follow me first, Fu... Fuerna? I will help you arrange a place."

Ji Lin's mouth twitched, his attention was on these slave fishermen. When there are extra hero units and extra political officials in the future, he must organize a resettlement bureau to solve the resettlement plan for these outsiders.

After helping these people register, I found that my dean had run back to the engineering college.

He said that he would enter this batch of students into the file and make a real admission notice.

Let him do the work next time.

This time, let's forget it for his hard work and great contributions.

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