The most important thing after returning to the territory is the handover of work.

The remote command provided by the system can not help him understand the specific situation of the territory in real time. The specific details still need to be reported to him by an official like Chongshan.

Chongshan, who received the information about Ji Lin's return, also stopped and brought a group of idle farmers to greet Ji Lin.

Ji Lin saw his subordinate again after two weeks and waved to him enthusiastically.

"Chongshan, take people to count the supplies behind, 180 large mechanical clocks, 1,000 talisman lamps, and a wine yeast that can be used to make wine."

Ji Lin handed his pocket watch to Chongshan, asking him to adjust these reset and unstarted mechanical clocks with the time during this period, set the spring and put them into use.

Chongshan, a technical bureaucrat who has experienced the steam era, is trustworthy in technology.

A large mechanical clock will be used as the standard timekeeping tool of the territory - placed next to the guard station. Ji Lin wanted to build more buildings to house these large clocks, and the towering guard station was a bad choice.

A guard station is equipped with three talisman lamps that can be slowly charged by sunbathing.

These talisman lamps can provide weak light, illuminating an area of ​​about 10 square meters, 3.16 meters x 3.16 meters.

"Didn't Wu Bai come?"

Ji Lin looked around the heavy mountain and found that there was only a large group of burly villagers standing behind him. Ji Lin still remembered how these people came at the beginning... hungry.

The best way to tell which batch of people came here is to look at their body shapes. Those burly people with rosy faces are the first batch of people who came to the territory. The villagers later became somewhat pale and thin, and the sufficient food in the territory only helped them to slowly recover from their skinny state.

It would take several months to develop into this state of being muscular and full of rosy faces.

Chongshan took out his memo, looked at it, and then said to Ji Lin.

"Wubai is training a new batch of neighborhood watch guards at this time."

Ji Lin nodded.

He originally wanted to expand the neighborhood watch organization in the common one-to-five model in the army, with one old guard member leading five new guard members to expand the guard, which would bring the number of guards to one.

To cope with the current surge in the number of people in the territory.

Wubai proposed that although there is a great need for manpower at present, the responsibilities of twenty-one people as police + neighborhood committee almost made him die of overwork, and the right to dispatch people in the territory can allow the guard to directly requisition a part of the people in the territory, and the overall situation is still good.

So Wubai gave him a one-to-one model, one old man leading one newcomer, to ensure that everyone can get enough training.

It has been several months since the establishment of the Neighborhood Watch Organization, and it is hard to say whether the experience of the current guard members can be enriched to one person leading five.

But one-on-one, they can train this group of new guard members hard and put them into intense work.

Ji Lin believed in the judgment of his subordinates. Wubai was a real front-line personnel. He was more familiar with the grassroots situation of the territory than himself, and approved his plan with a wave of his hand.

The guard station also needs to be expanded to eight... and eight mechanical clocks and twenty talisman lamps.

Two, now there should be three town centers (town halls). Because the coast has become a focus area for fishery education, there must also be management buildings running here to provide management capacity bonus.

The remaining mechanical clocks are placed in the canteen and the town center. The canteen has a rigid demand for time for cooking, and the town center (government hall) is even more time-related.

The remaining 169 mechanical clocks and nine talisman lamps were given to Chongshan to plan and arrange the territory as a labor reward.

"Changheng is still leading the hunting team outside, and Li Erlang is responsible for the inspection before the autumn harvest. The land along the river plain is first-class fertile, and the crops are growing well. Lord, you should go and see it."

Speaking of the autumn harvest, Chongshan's somewhat serious face suddenly relaxed, revealing a look of relief and joy.

There was a little light in his eyes.

The growth rate bonus will be fed back to the plants, allowing them to complete their growth faster, start accumulating sugar earlier, and produce larger and fuller fruits, rather than literally speeding up the growth of plants.

This will be a good harvest.

"I see, I'll go over and see it after I deal with these people."

Ji Lin nodded, and his mood was also half happy.

"So, are the houses finished?"

"Yes, according to your instructions, the fishermen use the lowest-grade wooden houses, and the technical workers have houses, and the houses have been built."

Chongshan glanced at the panicked fishermen standing in the distance, and the slightly surprised hired technical workers, and said in a low voice.

They were all surprised by the lords' super-fast transmission through the post station.

From an economic point of view, it is best to provide these fishermen with houses built of wood and stone in one go, so as not to waste time on reconstruction.

Ji Lin quickly rejected this idea in his mind. The reward system of the territory has begun to take shape, and abiding by the system is the best way to maintain the system.

He needs to spend a long time to perfect this promotion reward system.

These fishermen and slave laborers, Ji Lin did not tear up their contracts and declare them as free subjects. His goodwill was not irrational goodwill. The original subjects still had to prove themselves through labor and finally obtained the right to live in the house.

The liberation granted by grace is completely different from the liberation they fought for by themselves.

This is an extremely irresponsible act to give them the identity of free subjects. It is harmful to the territory and these slaves, but not beneficial.

The identity of free subjects they fought for by themselves will help them complete the most important piece of the puzzle in their personality, dignity and morality.

With dignity and morality, human beings have resilience.

Resilience in the face of various disasters.

Otherwise, they will be like rotten wood, broken by the wind.

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