Chapter 181 Shocked Friends and Heavenly King! Young Kiras arrived!!

From outside the door walked a woman in a beige trench coat.

The woman’s long hair is scattered, and although her beautiful face is not powdered, it is enough to overwhelm the crowd.

The woman was the youngest of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom.

Yan Nian Yan!

Although Yan Nianyan looked young, he was also compared to the Four Heavenly Kings.

Yan Nianyan of Iman is also 33 years old.

It’s just well-maintained and looks like it’s in your 20s.

“Yan Yatou hurry up and sit down!” It’s waiting for you! ”

Listening to Yuan Hanhai’s words, Yan Nianyan came to Lin Yan’s side, sat down and asked, “Old Master Yuan, what did you call me back for?” ”

Lin Yan and Ye Hongyi also set their sights on Yuan Hanhai.

Yuan Hanhai said, “Since the Yin family has come, I will say a little.” ”

“This morning, a fierce battle broke out in the central area of the Taklamakan Secret Realm!”

“The resulting battle fluctuations can even be seen at the edge of the secret realm.”

“Preliminary estimates, the side of the battle should be the Divine Beast Reggie Locke!”

Divine beasts!

Reggie Lock!

Hearing Yuan Hanhai’s words, the face of the Three Heavenly Kings E appeared solemn!

When it comes to divine beasts, even those as strong as the Four Heavenly Kings will feel tricky!

“Sir, is there any news now that Reggie Locke is for, or with whom the battle broke out?”

Ye Hongyi asked.

Yuan Hanhai shook his head.

“The regiment is clear! Now everything is not clear! ”

“Jian Ming is now visiting the Lighthouse Country on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom, and this matter can only be handled by us now.”

After speaking, Yuan Hanhai’s eyes flashed a trace of concern.

“Gu Yu, you should be in the Taklamakan Secret Realm now.”

“I don’t know, has he been affected by the battle?”

“There is no possibility of surrounding, Gu Yu found the Czech Röm, causing the sleeping Czech Roma to wake up.”

“Then wake Reggie Locke from his slumber and the two Divine Beasts go into a great fight?”

The more Yuan Hanhai thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible.

After all, under normal circumstances, except for special circumstances, the Divine Beast would not break out into this level of fierce battle even if it was hands-on.

“What does the Patriarch mean?”

The opening was Yan Nianyan.

“My opinion is that the two Four Heavenly Kings go to the Taklamakan Secret Realm together to investigate the origin of the matter.”

Yuan Hanhai said his plan.

Just look at the God Organization fighting against the Divine Beast.

A Heavenly King, even a Heavenly King with champion strength like Yuan Hanhai.

In the face of the all-out attack of the Divine Beast, it will also be an opponent.

Even if the two Heavenly Kings were invincible to the Divine Beasts, they could at least retreat with their whole bodies.

Therefore, Yuan Hanhai would say that the two heavenly kings would go together.

Lin Yan frowned and took the lead in refusing, “I am now presiding over the development of the secret realm of Mount Hua, including the excavation of the relics in it, and I really can’t leave.” ”

Yuan Hanhai nodded, and then looked at Ye Hongyi and Yan Nianyan.

Ye Hongyi circled towards Yan Nianyan, and his brow frowned slightly.

“Yan Nianyan’s age is the youngest among us, and his strength is also the worst.”

“If you really meet a divine beast, the help she can give to the old man is also the smallest among us.”

“Before the matter of the heart scales, I owe the old man a favor, or I will go with the old man!”

At this time, Yuan Hanhai’s voice sounded.

“Ye Xiaozi, now you have to deal with the friction with the stick country.”

“It is indeed convenient for the regiment to get out, Yan Yatou, you go with me!”

Yan Nian was stunned, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

She had thought that Yuan Hanhai would let Ye Hongyi go with him.

“Okay, I’ll go with Yuan Laoye Tian.”

“Old man, if you go with King Yan Tianwang, will you take a risk?” Shall I go with you?” ”

Ye Hongyi had a hint of worry in his voice.

Listening to Ye Hongyi’s words, Yan Nianyan’s brow frowned slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Ye Hongyi’s words almost directly said that her strength was not good!

But she didn’t say anything in the end.

Because, that’s the reality!

Among the Four Heavenly Kings.

Yuan Hanhai encircled the quasi-god Bangira.

Ye Hongyi has a quasi-divine spirit biting the land shark.

Lin Yan has a quasi-god Doron Baruto.

There is no quasi-god alone around her.

Although quasi-gods are not necessarily truly invincible, they can also be defeated because of attribute restraint.

But most of the time, quasi-gods are stronger than ordinary elves.

Not to mention, these quasi-gods are still the trump cards of the Heavenly King!

Yuan Hanhai waved his hand and replied with a smile, “Don’t get in the way!” Although the old man was old, he was still confident in his own strength. ”

“It’s not that simple that Reggie Locke wants my old life!”

Ye Hongyi nodded, and then said nothing more.

“Me and Yan Yatou went to the secret place of Taklamakan but you can also let your guard down.”

“In case Yan Yatou and I are in the secret realm and really fight with the Divine Beast, you must go there in the first light!”

Yuan Hanhai’s voice carried a hint of solemnity.


“I know.”

The Four Heavenly Kings meeting was over.

At noon the next day, Yuan Hanhai and Yan Nianyan immediately boarded a plane to the Taklamakan Secret Realm.

Looking at the sky outside the machine window, Yuan Hanhai wanted to look at the smoke.

In the eyes, the cold light flashed!

October 1.

The special plane of the two kings landed at the airport of Korla City.

Then Yuan Hanhai and Yan Nianyan went to Northwest University together.

The predecessor of Northwestern University was a scientific expedition team stationed in the secret place of Taklamakan.

On the understanding of the secret realm of Taklamakan Secret Realm.

No organization or institution in the world can surpass Northwestern University.

S-Class Secret Realm, especially involving the Vice Divine Beast.

Even Yuan Hanhai and Yan Nianyan couldn’t just break in.

That night, under the organization of Yuan Hanhai, he began to study the route to the central area of the Secret Realm.

As well as preparing all kinds of items needed to enter the sub-secret realm.

October 2.

When everything is ready.

October 3.

Northwest Inn, Lounge.

9 a.m.

There is still 1 hour left before the departure time.


Listening to the mobile phone information ringing, Yuan Hanhai picked up the mobile phone.

Found is the Dragon Chat APP, click to open a look, found is the Dragon Temple Group Chat.

Dragon Temple Chat Group.

“Number Eight: @ Number One, I just came out of the Taklamakan Secret Realm, the mission has been completed!”

“Number Seven: Big Guy Eight is really strong! Mission accomplished so quickly! ”

“Number Six: The Taklamakan Secret Realm is just said to have a divine beast attack, isn’t it number eight that came out?!”

“Number Three: I’ve heard about it too!” Number Eight is this related to you?! ”

“Number Seven: Big Man Number Eight will wake up the sleeping Czech Röm and be hunted down and killed by the Czech Roma?!”

“Number Six: It’s normal to make such a big move like this!”

“Number Three: I didn’t expect the strength of Number Eight to be so strong!” Be able to retreat from the hands of the Divine Beast! ”

Looking at the group of friends who had already run away, Gu Yu didn’t know how to explain.

Because, this Divine Beast shot is indeed related to him.

But it wasn’t Czech Röm who shot it, and the opponent wasn’t him.

“Number One: @Number Eight, You’re Out?” Found the sleeping Czech Roma? What’s going on inside? ”

“Number Eight: I didn’t find Czech Roma, I’ll post the video, you see!”

After sending the message, Gu Yu immediately sent the recorded Gulado video to the Dragon Temple chat group.

Wait until 1 minute later, the video playback is finished.

Dragon Temple chat group, instant direct frying pan!

“Number Seven: Sleeper!!! Is this Guladore?! ”

“Number Three: Gurado actually slept in the secret place of Taklamakan!!”

“Number Five: It turned out to be Gurador!! Judging by the situation, Gulado is sleeping, so which divine beast is the shot?! ”

“Number Six: The strength of Big Guy Eight is truly terrifying! The Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance did not find Gurado, who was sleeping in the molten slurry, and the Eighth Guy found it once he went! ”

“Number Seven: That’s right! Looking at the lava that is close at hand and blocked by the Guard Skill, you can see the strength of the Eighth Gangster Elf! ”

After Yuan Hanhai saw the sleeping Gulado, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

“Although it is Czech Roma, it is also a bit of a gain.”

While thinking, Yuan Hanhai dialed a phone.

“Send the elven egg that Banjira just laid to Zhejiang University and give it to Gu Yu, and if Gu Yu is there, let Xia Pengyu keep it for him.”

At this time, Yan Nianyan walked into the lounge and heard Yuan Hanhai’s words.

Stunned for a moment, his pupils suddenly shrunk, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he was still shocked!

You know, this is Banjara’s elf egg!

And this Bangira is still the trump card of Yuan Hanhai!

A generation of champion-class Bangila…

The value of this elf egg is self-evident!

Ye Hongyi had the idea of hitting this elf egg, but in the end he did not get it.

As the only one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Yan Nianyan, who did not have a quasi-god.

To say that there is no idea at all.

That’s impossible!

Now I heard Yuan Hanhai give a precious elf egg to a college student.

Yan Nianyan’s inner vibration could be imagined.

“Elder, you are so generous! Just give Bangila’s elf egg to a sophomore?! ”

“I thought you said that Gu Yu was your successor, but you were just optimistic about the younger generations, but now it seems that you really cultivated Gu Yu as a successor!”

Hanging up the mobile phone, Yuan Hanhai looked at Yan Nianyan, and his voice was full of appreciation.

“I am really optimistic about Gu Yu, this young man, there is a chance to become the second sword Ming!”

The second Fang Jianming!

Yan Nianyan’s eyes flashed with surprise.

She didn’t expect that Yuan Hanhai was so optimistic about Gu Yu!

“Champion, he’s not just a divine beast!”

“Can Gu Yu become the second champion in the future?”

“Why sleepy?”

The corners of Yuan Hanhai’s mouth smiled.

“Have you ever seen a stronger young man than Gu Yu at the age of 19?”


Yan Nianyan fell silent.

As Yuan Hanhai said, at least at this age.

Gu Yu is the Dragon Kingdom, even the strongest one in the world!

Not surrounded by one of the kinds!

Thinking of Gu Yu’s battle record, he looked at Yuan Hanhai with a smile on his face.

A sense of curiosity arose in Yan Nianyan’s heart.

“I really want to see what kind of trainer the vice base is, so that the old man can send out the elf of Bangila, and look good to become the future champion!”

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