Chapter 180 The Horned Crown of Czech Roma! Sleeping Gurador!!

Riding the wind speed dog, Gu Yu began to look for it in the huge cave.

Using the power of the waveguide, Gu Yu quickly locked on to the location of the treasure.

After a while, Gu Yu found a metal hill in front of him.

Metal hills are piled high with all kinds of precious metals.

For example, after eating, it can make the body harder and harder.

Blue jade that can make the metal on the surface of the body lighter.

For the Vybolskodora, the trainer of the Ultra Iron Tyrannosaurus.

The value of this pile of metal hills is no less than that of a secret treasure.

For Gu Yu, it was of little use.

After all, he was trapped with elves who did not have the attributes of rocks.

Release the Kirby Beast, Terra Ola, Gu Yu ordered.

“Remove these stones.”



Kirby Beast, Terra Ola with Wind Speed Dog.

The three elves quickly moved the metal hill away.

At the bottom of the metal hill, there was indeed something that Gu Yu needed.

A palm-sized shard of red armor.

A long gray horn thirty centimeters long.

Gu Yu took the lead in picking up the gray horn, and then looked at the information of the horn.

[Czech Roma Shattered Horn Crown: The Horn Crown of Czech Roma shattered by the battle with Gurado, contains dragon and electrical energy, and can be absorbed by elves with two attributes. 】

Fighting with Gurado…

Gu Yu looked at the gray horn in his hand and thought to himself, “What are these divine beasts fighting for?” The Czech Roma shattered even the lightning-shaped gray horned crown above his head. ”

“After the regiment, the information obtained by Yuan Hanhai is not without any basis.”

“Czech Roma, indeed came to the secret place of Taklamakan.”

While thinking about the circle, Gu Yu looked at the red armor fragment.

[Fragments of Gurado: Armor shattered from the battle with Czech Roma, containing ground energy that can be absorbed by the Rock Elves.] 】

Bangira is a demon and rock elf.

And Gurado is a ground elf.

After the original return, an additional fire system was added.

Although the rock system looks similar to the surface of the ground system, it is indeed two properties.

As a result, Bangira is unable to absorb the energy in the Gurado fragments.

Place the Gulado fragments and the broken horn crown of the Czech Roma into the backpack.

Riding the wind speed dog out of the cave, Gu Yu immediately began to think.

“According to what Regichkas said before, combined with the information I saw on the Three Dragon Mountains.”

“It is also difficult to see that when the elves came to this world, the divine beasts had fierce battles with each other.”

“Even the sleep of many divine beasts is related to this battle.”

“And according to the task given to me by Regichkas, and the attitude of the leader of the Dragon of the Three Dragon Mountains.”

“There will be a day in the future when battles will break out, but I don’t know if the time will be ten obstacles, twenty years, or hundreds of years from now.”

While thinking, Gu Yu and Reggie Locke continued to move towards the Furnace Mountain.

Although Reggie Locke does not look fast, he is a divine beast after all.

It’s still very fast.

One person, two elves, at 12 noon.

Rushed to the demarcation lake in the central area.

The reason why it is called is because the Demarcation Lake divides the central area and the two-sided Demarcation Lake was created by the elves using the Rain Seeking skill.

The water of the lake is crystal clear and transparent, like a piece of jasper embedded in the secret place of Taklamakan.

Usually, the elves in the surrounding water system of the lake play, and there are various elves drinking water by the lake.

But at this moment, I felt the overwhelming influence of Reggie Locke’s incomparably terrifying momentum.

All the elves disappeared without a trace!

In order to speed up the road, Gu Yu directly solved the lunch on the back of the dog.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, one man and two elves finally arrived at Furnace Mountain.

From the outside, Furnace Mountain looks like a huge volcano.

The old dark mountain mass, a stream of crimson molten slurry flowed down.

Affected by volcanic lava, the temperature of the furnace mountain is above 35 °C all year round.

During the period of volcanic activity, the temperature can reach more than 70 ° C.

Hence the name Furnace Mountain.

As a settlement of fire elves, Furnace Mountain is inhabited by fire elves.

The Coal Turtle Race, the Fire Lion Race, the Nine-Tailed Race and other ethnic groups have settled in Furnace Mountain.

But with Gu Yu and Reggie Locke came alongside.

All the elves are gone.

Looking at the towering furnace mountain, Gu Yu didn’t know where to start, so he asked Reggie Lock.

“Reggie Locke, do you know the sleeping place of Gurado?”


Reggie Locke nodded, then walked to the front and began to lead the way.

After signaling the wind speed of the dog to follow, one man and two elves quickly came to the foot of the Furnace Mountain.


Reggie Locke shouted, and his arm was covered with white light.

Brute force!

[Brute Force: Use amazing power to attack your opponent.] Your own attack and defense will be reduced. 】

In the next instant, Reggie Locke hit the mountainside directly.


The whole furnace mountain began to shake, but Reggie Locke clearly controlled the force.

Just penetrated a three-meter-high circular passage.

If it is an all-out shot, the furnace mountain is estimated to be beaten to pieces.


Hearing the sound ringing, Gu Yu subconsciously looked at it.

Countless molten slurries flowed out of the field of circular passages that had just been pierced by Reggie Locke, like a stream of water.

Hold on!

A huge white shield appeared in front of Reggie Lock.

Reggie Locke walked into the field of circular passages.


The molten slurry slammed into the huge white shield and was completely blocked by Reggie Locke as Reggie Locke moved, and the molten slurry was pushed back by Reggie Locke.

Gu Yu rode the wind speed dog and followed Reggie Locke into the interior of the Furnace Mountain.

A moment later, one man and two elves came to the molten slurry.

There is no road ahead, it is a sea of molten slurry.

The scorching breath made Gu Yu instantly feel like he was in the furnace.

A lot of sweat poured out from the forehead.

And he also saw the goal of the trip.


Gurado’s whole body is wrapped in red, flaky, armor-like skin.

The dark side of its body appears grey, with large spikes reaching from the head, torso and tail.

Each of Gurador’s hands has four claws, and four bulldozer-like teeth are cocked at the end of its tail.

Each foot is three paws long and has gray markings on the soles of the feet.

Although there was molten slurry blocking it, Gu Yu could see it faintly.

In the molten slurry a hundred meters apart, a huge red figure closed its eyes and slept in the molten slurry.

Immediately, Gu Yu’s message appeared in Gu Yu’s eyes.

【Gurado (ground) (sleeping)】



【Feature: Insolation (Appearance dish, will turn the weather into sunny)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, One Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Ghost Face, Primitive Force, Mud Shooting, Smoke Spraying, Power of the Earth, Bodybuilding, Earthquake, Arm Hammer, Ground Cracking, Sleeping, Cliff Sword, Big Character Explosion, Daylight Beam, Spitfire, Million Tons of Heavy Fist, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Sword Dance, Million Ton Heavy Kick, Tarzan Topping, Jet Flame, Destruction of Light, Daylight Beam, 100,000 Volts, Electromagnetic Waves, Thunder, Digging Holes, Explosion of Words, Rock Collapse, Rock Collapse, Double, Snoring, Guarding, Sandstorm, Hold On, Dream, Mysterious Guardian, Iron Tail, Big Sunny Day, Hard Support, Overheating, Splitting Tiles, Rock Blockade, Fitness, Dragon Claw, Earth Force, Ultimate Impact, Shadow Claw, Dragon Ball Wave, Iron Head, Spiky Attack, Heavy Charge, Invisible Rock, High Temperature Pressure, 100,000 Horsepower, Stomping Feet, Hot Sand Earth]

【Carrying: Vermilion Orb】

【Potential: God】

Seeing the moment of the five characters of the scarlet orb, Gu Yu thought to himself.

“Regiccas this guy’s task is certainly not so easy to complete!”

In the game, Gaioka and Gurado only need to carry the corresponding orb, and when sent out to fight, they will return to the original and become the original Gaioka and the original Gurado, and the corresponding orb of Gurado is the vermilion orb!

In other words, the sleeping Gurado at this time can carry out the original return!

The racial value of Gurado is 670.

The original regression of the Gurado race value is 770.

How big is the difference between 100 race values?

The difference between the racial values of Banjara and Gulador is only 70.

Although the race value does not fully explain the strength of an elf.

But also look at the field, the original return to the horror of Gurado!

Because of the agreement with Regichkas, he would have to wait five minutes before leaving.

Therefore, at this time, Gu Yu could not leave.

While waiting, Gu Yu pulled out his mobile phone.

Once the system is turned on, start recording the video.

While recording the video, Gu Yu stood in front of Reggie Lock.

Don’t let Reggie Lock’s figure appear in the pressure video.

When recording the video, Gu Yu was also secretly vigilant.

In case Gurado wakes up from his deep sleep, he will leave and run.

Fortunately, Gurador did not wake up after all.

5 minutes to arrive.

Gu Yu immediately spoke, “I have already determined the state of Gulador, now I can leave Reggie Locke!” ”


Reggie Locke nodded, then slowly stepped back.

Gu Yu saw the situation, rode the sun fast dog, and began to retreat rapidly.

Wait until you retreat to the mountainside.

The top of Reggielock’s right arm was instantly covered with cold air.

Hold the formation of the white shield and dissipate instantaneously.

Reggie Locke punches the field!

The frost formed by the Frozen Fist covered the small half-furnace mountain in an instant.

The lava instantly turns into lava rock.

Fill in the original cave.

At this point, Yuan Hanhai’s task was completely completed.

Regiccas’s mission is halfway done.

Gu Yu, who had finished his mission, prepared to leave…

On the other hand, because of the huge impact caused by Gu Yu or Reggie Lock’s battle, it had already alarmed the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance Headquarters.

Meeting room.

Yuan Hanhai had already arrived.

With a serious face, he sat down in a chair.

Beside him was Gu Yuwei’s father-in-law, Ye Hongyi.

Opposite Yuan Hanhai, Lin Yan was also frowning at this time.

The Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom had already arrived at three, and only the last one was left.

With a creak, the door was opened.

The last deputy of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom!

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