Chapter 157 The Pillar King! A gift from Regiccas!!

The windswept mountain at night.

It’s like a ghost!

With the help of moonlight, you can faintly see countless eerie black shadows passing through the mountains and forests.

At the same time, there are countless strange sounds of all kinds!

Pokékys flew fast through the dense forest.

Gu Yu rode on Pokkis’s back.

Using the power of the waveguide, he began to perceive the location of the Night Demon Spirit Clan on the Yin Wind Mountain.

When Pokékis shuttled to the mountainside, Gu Yu noticed that there were a large number of dark night demons in a place, and guessed that it should be here.

“Pokkis, fly 500 meters ahead!”


Pokkis shouted, and an acceleration came to the position Gu Yu said.

This is located on the mountainside of Black Wind Mountain.

With the help of moonlight, it is clear that there is a cave opening on the mountainside.

There were several Night Demons in front of the cave, and there were also wandering Night Spirits that had not evolved into Night Demons.

With a flash of red light, Gu Yu directly released the Wind Speed Dog and Gera Ola.

“Solve these elves!”



The two elves roared and began to attack.

The leader of the Night Demon Spirit was not there, and the strongest elves here were only Dojo-level Night Demon Spirits.

Nature could not be the opponent of the Wind Speed Dog and Terra Ola.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Night Spirit and gains 800 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Night Demon and gains 3000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Night Demon and gains 3000 experience points! 】


As soon as I entered the cave, all the light disappeared in an instant.

It’s like being in the middle of endless darkness.



This was Gu Yu’s first feeling for this cave.

Took out a flashlight and illuminated the road ahead.

The roads inside the cave are potholed and uneven.

The rocks on both sides are also strangely shaped.

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

In the dark cave, there is only the sound of the wind speed dog running.

After half an hour, Gu Yu finally came to the bottom of the cave.

With the help of the bright light of the flashlight, Gu Yu saw the situation at the bottom of the cave.

A white giant statue was lying quietly at the bottom of the cave.

Huge white body, erect golden structure, Big Dipper seven star-shaped round holes, six huge dim points of light.

It is a first-level god!

Pillar King!


Legend has it that the elves who drag the earth and create plate drift!

In addition to its own strength, Regichkas also uses special icebergs, rocks, magma, electricity, and dragon energy to create elves similar to his own form and give them life.

Also known as Reggie Locke, Reggie Ace, Reggie Chiru, Reggie Elepch and Reggie Duo Lago.

【Regichkas (General) (Sleeping)】



[Features: Slow start (attack and speed halved in a certain amount of time)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Slap, Strange Light, for Tooth, Retaliation, Stampede, Hold, Shoot Down, Million Tons of Heavy Punches, Punches, Light Domain Defense, Intentional Thought Hammer, Heavy Collision, Arm Hammer, Ultimate Impact, Crush, Flame Fist, Frozen Fist, Lightning Fist, Tarzan Pressure Top, Destruction of Death Light, 100,000 Volts, Electromagnetic Waves, Thunder, Earthquake, Sleep, Rock Collapse, Hit, Hold, Hold On, Dream Talk, Mysterious Guardianship, Hard Support, Brute Force, Revenge, Splitting Tiles, Earth Force, Iron Head, Thought Hammer, Heavy Stampede, 100,000 Horsepower, Stomping, Revenge, Round Singing]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: God】

Looking at the sleeping Regichkas, Gu Yu had to say.

The first-level gods are really terrible!

“I really didn’t expect that Regiccas would actually sleep here!”

“The last time I saw the flame bird, the flame bird was also in a sleeping state.”

“If I remember correctly, Number Seven said in the group before that he accidentally broke into the sleeping place of Reggie’s sleep.”

“These first-level and second-level gods are sleeping, what is the reason?”

Gu Yu was very curious about the reason for this, and he vaguely felt that there was a huge secret hidden inside!

“Forget it, this is not something that my current small body can mix.”

“I remember playing the game before and seeing the acceptance that when Regichkas was disturbed in his deep sleep, he would rage and emit powerful rays.”

“My small body will definitely not be able to resist the attack of Regiccas, so let’s get out of here!”

While thinking, Gu Yu was ready to leave.

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded in Gu Yu’s mind.

“Why don’t I remember that when I was disturbed, I would attack in anger?”

Suddenly, his pupils narrowed, and Gu Yu instantly understood the source of the sound.

Look at the sleeping Regichkas.

Seeing that Regiccas was still asleep, Gu Yu was relieved and immediately began to think about the purpose of Regichkas.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Yu said, “Regiccas! When you telepathically communicate with me, you should not just want to talk to me, right? ”

In the setting of the elven game, Regichkas communicates with the outside world through telepathy.

As the god of the earth, Regichkas trusts in the construction of mankind and therefore always goes all out to protect people.

His personality is simple and not easy to twist his brain, so most of his appearances he helps the protagonists as a friend.

It is precisely because of guessing that Regiccas will most likely not have malicious intentions towards himself, Gu Yu will take the initiative to speak.

The majestic voice of Regiccas sounded again.

“Worthy of being a waveguide brave! I was able to calm down so quickly and see my purpose! ”

“I do have one thing for you!”

“Since you’ve seen a sleeping flame bird, and you’ve dealt with the Phoenix King and Lokia, you should know.”

“For various reasons, most of the divine beasts in this world are in a state of sleep.”

“But they will wake up one day, and I now want you to help me check the current state of several of these gods.”

Hearing Regiccas’s words, Gu Yu frowned.

This obviously involves a struggle between divine beasts or gods.

His small body was mixed in, and even the bone slag could not be left with a little carelessness.

For the sake of his own life, Gu Yu was just about to refuse when he was interrupted by Regichkas.

“My strength is shallow, and once I awaken the gods, I am afraid that there is only one way to die…”

“Don’t rush to reject me! I gave the conditions, don’t you want to hear about it? ”

“Your Wind Speed Dog has absorbed the power of the Phoenix King and begun to transform towards the Divine Beast, but this is his limit.”

“The possibility of transforming into a Divine Beast is slim, but I can help the Wind Speed Dog transform into a Divine Beast!”

Divine beasts!

Gu Yu did not doubt Regichkas’s words, after all, Regichkas himself could create the Divine Beast.

Helping the Wind Speed Dog transform into a Divine Beast is completely possible for Regichkas!

“I don’t know anything about the beasts or the gods, and I can’t see their state other than sleep.”

“This is simple, you just need to get close to these gods within five hundred meters, wait 5 minutes, and see how they react.”

“Whether to continue to sleep, or to warn, or to attack.”

“When it’s over, you just need to tell me how these gods react, and I’ll reward you!”

Hearing Regiccas’s words, Gu Yu also began to think.

“If I ride Pokékis and fly within five hundred meters of the sleeping ground of these gods, if something happens.”

“Riding Pokkis, you should be able to escape in time, after all, these gods are sleeping.”

“And the chance to transform into a divine beast…”

Looking at the wind speed dog under him, Gu Yu made up his mind.

“I can promise you, but I don’t know where the gods are sleeping, and I want to know, I’ll help you check a few times before you can turn the Wind Speed Dog into a Divine Beast.”

“The sleeping place of the gods I can tell you!”

“Prem sleeps in the Himalayan secret of the Dragon Kingdom.”

“Gurado sleeps in the secret realm of Taklamakan in the Dragon Kingdom.”

“Dzernias slept in the secret Alpine lands of Northern Europe.”

“Ifeltar sleeps in the secret land of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.”

“As long as you can probe the state of any two gods, I will turn your wind speed dog into a god beast!”

Hearing these names, Gu Yu sighed in his heart.

“All are first-class gods!” Regichkas’s mission was certainly not so easy to complete! ”

Then he replied, “Yes, but I have two questions, and if I can, I hope you can answer them for me.” ”

“First, why did you choose me to go on a mission?”

“Second, why are the gods asleep?”

Regiccas did not continue to speak, as if thinking.

A moment later, the majestic voice sounded in Gu Yu’s mind again.

“Your first question, I can answer you.”

“In addition to the Waveguide Brave, you have two Divine Beasts in your hands… That’s why I like you. ”

“As for your second question, I can’t tell you all about it.”

“What I can tell you is that our sleep has a lot to do with the arrival of the elves in this world, and more news is not just something you should know about your current strength.”

It’s about the elves coming into this world…

A trace of curiosity flashed in Gu Yu’s eyes, but he did not continue to ask.

“I know, if nothing else, I’m ready to leave!”

“You can leave! That’s right! ”

“This thing will be given to you as a gift from me!” You can also help! ”

Regiccas’s voice just dropped.

A white streamer of light flew out of Regichkas’s body and stopped in front of Gu Yu’s body.

A white stone the size of a palm, and then Gu Yu’s eyes appeared with the information of the stone.

[Pillar King Stone: A prop given to humans who have been favored by Regiccas, holding the Stone of the Pillar King, you can get the help of Reggie Lock, Reggie Ace, Reggischiru, Reggie Elage, and Reggiedolago. 】

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