Chapter 156 The Curse Rune! The Secret of Longling!!

【Night Demon (Night Dark Man) (Ghost)】



【Characteristics: Perceptual (when playing, the opponent’s possessions can be detected)]

【Character Talent: Brave (+ Attack, —Speed)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(26), Attack (28), Defense (31), Special Attack (30), Special Defense (31), Speed (25)]

[Skills: Stare, Fixation, Frightening, Shadow Fist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak Attack, Curse, Pursuit, Black Gaze, Thunder Fist, Frozen Fist, Throwing]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Dojo】

[Note: Ordered by the Night Demon Spirit Leader to kill all humans who come here to avoid the secret of the Yin Wind Mountain being discovered.] 】

When he saw the last line, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a trace of curiosity.

“Interesting! Wouldn’t that be the layout of some big guy again? ”

“In the secret realm of Changbai Mountain, Pokkis is obviously the elf of some big man.”

“This Night Demon Spirit leader is most likely also the elf of some big man.”

“In the Yin Wind Mountain, there won’t be a divine beast sleeping, right?”

In an instant, Gu Yu thought of many possibilities.

Just then, the battle began again.


The wind dog barked and disappeared into place.

In the next instant, the Wind Speed Dog appeared in front of the Night Demon Spirit.

In the mouth of the blood basin, golden flames condensed.

A large character shaped flame erupted from the mouth of the wind speed dog and went straight to the night demon.

Although the Night Demon Spirit is a ghost elf, it is obviously inferior to the Wind Speed Dog in terms of speed.


With the sound of explosions, golden flames illuminated the night sky, and countless clouds of smoke and dust splashed.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Night Demon and gains 2800 experience points! 】

Shadow Ball!

Lightning Fist!

Seeing that their companions were knocked down, the two Night Demon Spirits on the side reacted very quickly and directly attacked the Wind Speed Dog.

Move at high speed!

The Wind Speed Dog turned into an illusion, dodging the attacks of the two Night Demons.


Golden flames erupted from the mouth of the Wind Speed Dog, turning into a sea of flames enveloping the two Night Demons.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Night Demon and gains 3000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Night Demon and gains 2600 experience points! 】

The three Night Demon Spirits were all defeated, and Gu Yu’s face did not have any ease, on the contrary, it was still dignified.

The strength of the Wind Speed Dog is very strong, but the sound and fire caused by the battle are like a bright light in the night.

In Gu Yu’s waveguide’s perception, many elves were approaching Gu Yu.

The most powerful one, simply comparable to the Bokis seen in the secret realm of Changbai Mountain!

Gu Yu released three elves, Pokkis, Menas, and Terraora, ready for battle.

In the next instant, a half-meter-high shadow ball flew out of the dense forest and went straight to the wind speed dog.

“High speed movement! Dodge! ”


The wind dog roared, turned into a phantom, and dodged the attack of the Shadow Ball.


A huge explosion sounded, countless dust and sand splashed, and the air wave turned into a fierce wind blowing towards Gu Yu.

Menas intimately blocked in front of Gu Yu.

The wind hadn’t stopped, and the second wave of attacks was coming again.

A shadow suddenly extended behind the wind speed dog, and then a dark night demon spirit with a height of nearly 3 meters suddenly appeared behind the wind speed dog.

Shadow Sneak Attack!

[Shadow Sneak Attack: Stretch out the shadow and attack from behind your opponent.] It must be possible to preemptively attack. 】

When the wind speed dog was about to be hit by the Night Demon.


Terraora turned into a golden light and flew to the Night Demon.

The right fist was covered with golden lightning, and the lightning fist went straight to the Night Demon Spirit and went to the Night Demon Spirit without thinking that Gera Ola was so fast.

With a thud, the Night Demon Spirit was directly hit by Terraora.

Gu Yu also saw the information of the Night Demon Spirit at this time.

【Night Demon (Night Dark Man) (Chief) (Ghost)】



【Characteristics: Perceptual (when playing, the opponent’s possessions can be detected)]

[Character Talent: Stubbornness (+ Attack, – Special Attack)]

【Individual Stats: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (22), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Frozen Fist, Tightening, Stare, Fixation, Frightening, Shadow Fist, Gravity, Shadow Sneak Attack, Strange Light, Night Demon Shadow, for, Ghost Fire, Black Gaze, Curse Not Alone, Curse, Shadow Ball, Foreknowledge of the Future, Frozen Beam, Destruction of Death Light, Mental Strengthening, Finger Wavening, Holding, Holding, Sleeping, Fighting, Dreaming, Chopping Tiles, Sealing, Meditation, Feature Interchange, Awakening Power, Rewarding Grace, Anger]

【Carrying: Curse Rune】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

[Cursed Charm: Strange and terrifying spell, when carried, the power of ghost attribute moves will increase]

“Just like I thought, this Night Demon Spirit really has a master!”

“I just don’t know, what secrets are hidden in the Yin Wind Mountain?”

At the same time as Gu Yu’s thoughts turned, the Night Demon Spirit had already launched another attack.


[Gravity: For a certain period of time, elves with floating characteristics and flight attributes will be hit by ground attribute moves.] Moves that fly into mid-air will also be unusable. 】

In the game, the gravity skill is such an effect.

In reality, the effect is to make the elves in a certain area be suppressed by gravity.


The ground suddenly sank, and the Wind Speed Dog and Terra Aura suddenly felt a huge pressure.

Both elves instantly felt that it was difficult to lift their legs.

The Ghost System ability in the hands of the Night Demon Spirit has gathered, and the Shadow Ball is about to be ready to attack.

“Menas! Charming! Then cast the Frozen Beam! ”

“Pokkis! Air chop! Then cast a foreknowledge of the future! ”

[Foreseeing the future: After using the move for a period of time, send a ball of mind power to the opponent to attack.] 】

“Wind speed dog! Mysterious Guardian! Then cast a digging hole! ”


Menas shouted, and countless pink lights emanated from his body.

The Night Demon’s eyes instantly turned pink, and the things in his hands were slightly stagnant.

However, due to the difference in strength between the two elves, the charm only affected the Night Demon Spirit for less than 2 seconds.

And that’s more than enough!

Pokékis flapped his wings and cast the air chop.

A blade of air nearly three meters long went straight to the Night Demon Spirit.

The Night Demon is affected by the Enchanting Ability, and there is no way to avoid it at this time.

Suddenly, a huge white shield appeared in front of the Night Demon.


Like the sound of swords colliding, the Night Demon Spirit cast its guardian skill to block the air slash.

“It’s now! Terra Ora! Plasma Lightning Punch! ”

Although Gera Aura is affected by the Gravity skill, it is not that even the skill cannot be released…


Gera Aura shouted, and the plasma lightning fist suddenly swung out.

A huge roar sounded, and the golden lightning turned into two ten-meter-long lightning beams and went straight to the night demon spirit that was casting its protection.


Hit by the plasma lightning fist, a clicking sound was heard above the huge white shield, and cracks began to appear.


Knowing that the future was launched, a huge force of thought, like a cannonball, directly hit the huge white shield.

The shield formed by the air chop, plasma lightning fist and the three skills of predicting the future was completely shattered.

At the moment when the shield shattered, Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded again.

“Menas is now, cast the frozen beam!”

“Wind speed dog! Rush out! Cast your eyes! ”

The endless cold air gathered in Menas’s mouth, turning into a blue glow and heading straight for the Night Demon Spirit.

The moment the Night Demon Spirit just wanted to cast the ghost fire, the wind speed dog that had just cast the digging hole broke through the ground.

As soon as his eyes narrowed, the Night Demon Spirit stopped attacking because of his fear, and froze in place.

In the next instant, the frozen beam successfully hit the Night Demon.

The Night Demon Spirit directly transformed into an ice sculpture.


Cracks began to appear on the ice sculptures, which were a precursor to breaking free.

“Let’s attack together!”

Hearing Gu Yu’s order, all the elves attacked together.

Big print explosion!

The Sound of Enchantment!

Air chop!

One hundred thousand volts!


With a huge explosion, the four attacks directly hit the Night Demon Spirit Smoke and Dust Splash, and the flames soared into the sky!

At this moment, a shadow suddenly extended from the smoke to Gu Yu’s back.

Gu Yu’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he directly began to command.

“Cosmogo! Teleport! ”

“Menas! Water Tail! ”


Gu Yu’s voice had not yet fallen, and Cosmogu took Gu Yu directly and instantaneously to avoid it.

The Night Demon Spirit appeared in Gu Yu’s position just now, and at this moment it pounced.

And the attack of Menas on the side has arrived.

The huge tail carries the raging waves and slaps at the night demons.


The Night Demon was directly hit by Menas and slammed into the ground with a bang.

The Night Demon Spirit was already at the end of the crossbow, and it had been hit by many skills, and even the Heavenly King Skill could not hold it.

The reason why I was not knocked down was because I had just cast the Hold Skill.

Now Menas made a move to completely knock down the Night Demon.

【Ding! Menas defeats the Night Demon and gains 50,000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Night Demon and gains 50,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Night Demon and gains 60,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Night Demon and gains 60,000 experience points! 】

After making sure that the Night Demon Spirit had been knocked down, Gu Yu came to the Night Demon Spirit.

Crouch down and start looking.

A moment later, a silver spell was picked up by Gu Yu.

“After all, the Night Demon is the elf of some big person, and it is not easy for me to subdue or kill it, but it should not be a problem to take away a secret treasure.”

Then Gu Yu accepted the curse charm.

Knight Pokkis, headed straight for the Yin Wind Mountain.

“I’d like to see what secrets Yin Feng Mountain has!”

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