In the next few days, the remaining cassette sales began to arrive.

Another four or five million receipts!

Now Ye Yu’s balance is already eight or nine million, of course, the hero’s simple accounting, in another card, only a month to clear into his card.

Everything is on track!

In addition, the mobile phone electronics factory has been successfully acquired, this is a large factory, it took 200W to completely acquire it, which is still the situation that this factory is about to close!

“Boss! Today I will go to Minghua Electronics Factory at one o’clock. The little secretary walked in, and today seemed to have changed even more, putting on light makeup.

“Okay, are there any documents I need to sign?” Ye Yu was looking at the information.

“There’s a document you need to sign here.” The little secretary was now completely obsessed with Ye Yu.

One month to take a factory up and fly, the next month already has another goal, to make a mobile phone ?

This is a handsome man full of ambition and charm, who can resist?

The little secretary approached the past, and I don’t know if it was intentional, the high heels were crooked, and the whole person stumbled and pounced on Ye Yu.

“Ah! I’m sorry…” Although the little secretary said this, he didn’t mean to get up.

Give full play to the advantages of your own business line.

Ye Yu was stunned, this Nima temptation is too obvious, right?

However, I have to say that the headlights of this car are indeed well maintained, and the model is also rare.

And inside the office, the atmosphere is just right.


Another call came.

The little secretary really wanted to curse in his heart, how could he feel that the boss called every time when he was a little moved.

It’s also too hard.

She herself is not that kind of green tea, but in the face of what she likes, she will take the initiative.

Although it seems easy to misunderstand.

The little secretary could only get up quickly, her pretty face was a little red, God knows how much courage she had to hold every time she made such a decision?

“Hello? Chen Fan? Ye Yu frowned.

“Brother Yu, you are awesome!! Final exams, first in the whole grade? Groove! You also took the first place in language, this Nima is outrageous! Chen Fan was a little stunned.

Ye Yu didn’t have time to go to class today, so naturally let Chen Fan take the test ticket back to his home.

“Your uncle’s, I thought it was a big deal.” Ye Yu scolded with a smile.

“Paralysis, Brother Yu, you are more and more able to pretend, isn’t this a big deal? Forget it, Za Xin, I always thought you were a scumbag, it turns out that you are the real big guy, but you were too low-key before, right? Chen Fan was convinced.

“Get out! Rory’s bar. Ye Yu could only do this if he chatted with him, scolded with a smile, and hung up the phone.

“… You are the big guy, you have the final say! Chen Fan was a little crying and laughing.

“Let’s go at one o’clock!” Ye Yu glanced at his watch and stood up.

“Uh-huh!” The little secretary’s pretty face was still a little red, and he turned around and walked out.

Ye Yu pouted a smile, the next time is to give full play to the advantages of PHS, and strengthen the routine even more!

Think back then, how successful was PHS’s routine?

The advantages and disadvantages are also obvious.

PHS in the island nation is known as the “honeycomb of the poor”.

Its construction cost is much lower than that of traditional 2G (GSM).

The cost is low, so the tariff is cheap.

One-way charge, no money for answering, monthly rent of 20 yuan, call fee only needs 0.2 yuan per minute.

This tariff standard was very sensational at the time, far lower than that of China Mobile and China Unicom (about 1/5), basically similar to fixed-line services.

In addition, the price of PHS mobile phones is also very cheap, only 300 yuan, so it attracts a large number of users to handle and use.

PHS was in technical preparation in 1996 and 1998!

Trials really began in 1998!

Therefore, Ye Yu still had plenty of time.

And the price change of the mobile phone is the largest, when it first came out, PHS three hundred pieces can be attractive, its own price is low, mainly because the call fee is cheap.

Later, didn’t a dollar appear to buy a machine and charge three hundred phone bills?

It’s not that the phone is worthless, but it’s that you are plagued in a different way.

Therefore, PHS can be said to be the most varied marketing.


“Huh! Little Fanzi, why are you here? Ye Yu is not at home. Li Chunmei was cooking, and suddenly saw Chen Fan appear at the door.

“Auntie! I’m not here to find Ye Yu, he doesn’t have time now, let me get the final exam ticket back.” Chen Fan coughed dryly, a little embarrassed, these few full score test coupons were taken out, it is estimated that he thought that he was partnering to cheat her, right?

“Gua Wanzi! It must be that the test score is too low to dare to get it back by yourself! Ye Hong snorted coldly.

“Swoosh… Brother, too smart. “Ye Ling’er is a little stunned.

“No… He got perfect marks in the test…” Chen Fan scratched his head.


Hearing this, Li Chunmei was dumbfounded, and the shovel fell off.

PS: The sixth is more to offer!! Thank you all for your flower ticket support! Plus more will not be less!! It’s almost 90,000 words, seven or eight days after the book was issued, proving that more than 10,000 words a day, this is a lot, right?

The author bacteria do not dare to be lazy, there will be more outbreaks on the shelves!

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