Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 774: Chance and coincidence

   Of course, the mysterious Eastern power is not the focus of Charlotte's current focus.

   "So, you used the members of the "Seven Deadly Sins" crew to create original sins to supplement your lost power?"

   Charlotte drew an inference based on the words of the snake demon Lilian.

   Regarding this, Lilian nodded frankly in acknowledgment.

"Yes, as I said before, from a long time ago before I was sealed, I used the weakness of human personality to create the original sin evil and eventually absorb it, or sell it to other monsters. This is my way of living-you The snake in the "Bible" may be a reference to the legend about me."

   "And after you have been in a sealed state for many years, your strength has been severely lost, so after the seal is lifted, you want to recreate the evil spirit of original sin immediately to replenish your strength?"

"That's it."

   Miss Snake Demon shrugged.

   "Just like humans feed on animals, our demon also feeds on humans. This is normal, isn't it?"


   Charlotte shook his head.

  ——He didn’t intend to tell a demon that he couldn’t eat people, it didn’t make sense. Moreover, he is not so virgin.

  —Especially, he also found a very interesting question. Speaking out for a while, the snake demon in front of you will be speechless.

   And now, he is more curious, but it is a problem.

   "So, how did you get sealed before? According to what you just said, you should have been sealed for thousands of years, right?"

   "Didn't you say that you saw it in the dream of that old bat demon?"

   the snake demon Lilian asked back.

   "Then don't you know that many of our demons were sealed by the method created by the guy named "Yu"?"

"you too?"

   Charlotte feels something is wrong,

   "What you call "Yu" should be the Great Yu who controlled floods in Chinese history and created the Xia Dynasty, right?"

   Seeing Miss Snake Demon nodded, he continued to ask,

   "He is a character in Eastern history, but are you not the prototype of the snake in the Bible?-Your area of ​​activity should be mainly in the West? How could it be sealed by Dayu?"

   "Did you forget the existence of the gap space?"

   Snake Demon Lilian rolled her eyes.

   "The spell that you used to trap the bat monster uses some of the characteristics of the gap space, right? Although I am not good at this type of spell, I still know the principle."

"I see!"

  Charlotte nodded.

  ——For the caster who can use the gap space, the end of the world is not difficult.

   "So, among the myths related to the prehistoric times, the geography is really global in scope!"

   Charlotte suddenly felt that the "Yugong Kyushu" that some people on the Internet used to divide the world on the basis of the world map might be true to some extent.

   "There is really "only" one China in the world!"

  ——This slanderous statement made Charlotte even more clueless as to what to say.


  Of course, Charlotte would not think that the myths of various countries in the world are all variants of ancient Chinese myths just because of the words of the snake demon.

   "However, because of the existence of the cracked space, the connection between ancient myths around the world may be unexpectedly close!"

   Charlotte feels that this seems to be one of the reasons why there are some similar elements and similar gods in ancient myths around the world.

   "Maybe some people have made cameo appearances in the myths of many countries!"

  Anyway, according to the snake demon Lilian, Dayu once used his own unique sealing method to seal the demon all over the world——

   "So, what happened during the thousands of years of being sealed, do you sealed monsters feel anything?"


   Miss Snake Demon shook her head directly,

"During being sealed, we fell asleep in the depths of your human consciousness, just like those ghosts and gods that you have completely forgotten—what I know now is what happened after the seal was broken. Seen in your human history."

   "This is understandable."

  Charlotte nodded,

"But how was the seal broken? According to the bat demon's dream, Yu's seal relies on Ding-although I don't know if it has anything to do with the legendary Jiuding-but you monsters can break the seal. Is it because he sealed your tripod and finally was destroyed?"

   "I think so!"

   Snake demon Lilian is noncommittal,

   "Anyway, when I broke the seal, it was already in 1993-there were a lot of demons who broke the seal with me. However, before that, there were some more powerful demons that broke the seal in advance."


   Charlotte was silent for a while, there was no expression on her face, but the waves inside her heart were already rough.

   After all, 1993 was the year he had just crossed into this world...

   "What is the specific date when you broke the seal? Where is the location!?"

   Charlotte digs into the roots and asks the bottom.

   "The specific date is probably one or two days before Christmas in 1993!"

   Miss Snake Demon recalled, and said another day that Charlotte didn’t think was a coincidence.

   "As for the location, it should be near Los Angeles!"

   "Near Los Angeles?"

   I was dizzy just now, Charlize, who finally recovered, couldn’t understand it.

"According to your statement, you should have been sealed by the water-controlling Yu in Chinese history. Then, shouldn't your sealed location be in China? Why did you break the seal near Los Angeles!? Is this also the case? Is that the role of the gap space!!!?"

"That's not the case. I heard from the big demon who broke out before saying that the guy Yu buried the tripod that sealed us in a place with a purple mountain-that should be near the southern capital of China. In Yu's time, There is still a savage land-he hid the tripod there, it is difficult for others to find."

   There was an ironic smile on Miss Snake Demon’s face,

   "And the Ding Neng who sealed us came to the United States, speaking of it, thanks to you humans!"


   "Do you remember one of the important builders of American West Coast cities and those Chinese workers from China?"

   Snake Demon Lilian smiled maliciously,

   "It's the Chinese workers who are mostly buried under the Pacific Railroad!-The tripod that sealed us was taken by the ship that carried them to Los Angeles secretly."


   Charlotte and Charlize looked at each other, and they thought of a name at the same time—

   "Ghost Tiger!!!"

   "It seems that the use of ghosts and monsters by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom back then was not just as simple as the mandrill!"

   Charlotte smiled bitterly.

   He guessed that after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom occupied the southern capital, it must be because of some reason that it unearthed the sealed tripod buried by Dayu.

   As for how this tripod arrived in the United States afterwards, it may be similar to the reason why Guihu came to the United States.

The issue is--

  Why did Ding’s seal break exactly one or two days before Christmas 1993! ?

  ——When did Charlotte come to this world?

   Is this just a coincidence?


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