Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 773: snake

   Actually, the matter is now, how Charlotte and Charlize sealed the evil spirit is no longer important to the snake demon Lilian.

   Anyway, she was caught in the trap and was "fished" out.

   At this time, facing the powerful Charlotte Booth, she actually has no ability to resist at all.

   However, Lilian boasts that her hiding of herself is perfect. She really doesn't understand how the other party discovered her flaws.

   "Well, it really has something to do with a long time ago."

   Anyway, the plane crossed the Atlantic Ocean and entered the North American air defense identification zone. There was still not a short time before Charlotte explained it to Miss Snake Demon.

  ——He wants to convince the other party to lose so that he can cooperate a little later.

"At the beginning, when Miramax invested in "The Seven Deadly Sins", Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Pitt had similar evils of original sin in their bodies, but later, these evils concentrated on Harvey. · Weinstein, shouldn't you guys do this thing too?"


   Lilian nodded.

"That was one of my attempts-I was already lurking by Bob Weinstein's side, and I took the opportunity to try to create the evil of original sin in the film project of Miramax. As for the evil, it finally converged. Harvey’s body was an accident."

   "It's not an accident, right?"

   Charlotte shook his head.

   "According to my previous research, evil is always the weak subject to the strong-and Harvey Weinstein, even among the many scumbags in Hollywood, is one of the best villains."

   "But I didn't know it!"

   Miss Snake Demon shook her head helplessly.

   "I just mixed up with the Weinstein brothers at the time. Compared to the overly arrogant Harvey, the low-key Bob is more suitable for me to hide."

   "That's true!"

  Charlotte nodded,

   "So, you became Bob Weinstein's "secretary"?"

   Charlotte made a quotation mark gesture with both hands, and the allusion was obvious.

   Lilian Snake doesn’t feel ashamed at all about this.

   "I am not the old bat demon stubbornly obsessed with the glory of the demon. For me, as long as necessary, it is not a problem to charm humans."

   "You can think about it."

   Since the other party was not ashamed, Charlotte wouldn't be boring.

   He directly turned the question to the aspect of evil,

   "But what are you trying to create original sin in the film crew for? Is that something important to you?"

   "That's my food!"

   Miss Snake Demon is very frank here.

   This aspect is because she was completely arrested by Charlotte, and now there is no point in concealing it;

   On the other hand, Charlotte quietly summoned the Baskerville Hound with a little lie detection ability to prevent her from lying. After that, he used the Baskerville Hound as a medium to borrow part of the power of Sherlock Holmes, who was successfully created by him in "The Detective Sherlock Holmes".

  ——Under the subtle influence of the deified Sherlock Holmes, Lilian Snack is instinctively hard to lie. Even if you lie, you will be easily seen.

   Lilian actually felt something about this power.

   Although she can't feel it particularly clearly, she can still feel what is going on.

   So, in order to avoid unlucky after lying, she simply told the truth.

   "As a snake demon, I feed on the evil spirits of original sin, don't you think of anything yet? The offspring of Adam!?"

   "Shit! Wouldn't you say that you are the snake in the Bible that lured Ada and Eve to eat the fruit of wisdom!?"

   Charlize was surprised while listening.

   and Charlotte pondered for a while, then shook his head.

"According to the information I have seen from the dream of the bat monster, the existence of the monster is actually longer than the ghosts and gods-so it is not that she is the snake, but she is the prototype of this story in the Bible, right? "


   Lilian rarely smiled reservedly,

   "Many of the prototypes of demons and ghosts in your mythology are actually our demons. After all, your gods and ghosts were created instinctively to fight our demons from the beginning."

   "This is really an exaggeration!"

   Charlotte sighed, and took Charlize’s hand next to him to comfort him.

   "However, if you are really the prototype of the snake in the Bible, then you should at least be a great demon that has existed for more than two thousand years. Why are you so weak now?"

   "Who said the longer the existence, the stronger the power should be?"

   Miss Snake Demon rolled her eyes full of bitterness.

   "Among you, is the oldest old person the strongest?"


   Charlotte smiled bitterly and shook his head.

   "This is really an irrefutable example! However, as a person who practices magic, I can still feel that my strength is gradually getting stronger as my practice time gets longer!"

   "That's because you haven't existed long enough, human!"

   Snake Demon Lilian is polite and authentic,

"When you exist for more than a certain period of time-for example, after a thousand years, you will find that the erosion effect of the passage of time will become stronger and stronger. At that time, the meaning of your cultivation is no longer to become stronger. Just to survive."

   "So, is this another story about Xia Chong's unspoken words?"

   Charlotte used a very Chinese saying, but Miss Snake Demon understood it all at once.

"That's how it is! For us monsters, it will take thousands of years to cultivate to become a monster—so our strength often reaches its peak soon after becoming a monster. After that, I just tried to keep it up."

   "That sounds a bit sad!"

   Charlotte shrugged.

   "But even so, you, the bat demon, the power displayed is too weak after all!"

   "It doesn't fit the feeling of a demon that has existed for thousands of right?"

   Miss Snake Demon nodded.

"This is natural, because we have been sealed for thousands of years. The seal has just been broken in the last ten years, and most of the strength we have accumulated before has been exhausted-of course, I am not the kind of good at fighting. That’s it."

   "Not good at fighting?"

   Charlotte glanced up and down at Miss Snake Monster's snake-like figure.

  ——As a result, Charlize on one side of his palm suddenly squeezed.

"Then what are you good at? Since you said that using the contradictions between people, it is your ability to create the evil spirits of original sin in people, and that evil spirits are your food-maybe what you are good at is creating this evil spirits Right? Can this evil spirit restore the power of the demon?"

"more or less!"

   Lilian Snake nodded.

   "According to the statement in the recent game, I am an auxiliary profession in the demon, so I am a nanny!"

   "...You are a snake monster, right?"

   was silent for a while, and Charlotte asked such a question.



   In Charlotte’s heart, a guy with the surname Huang suddenly thought of...


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