Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 768: Mad Max

Although Charlotte is not a fighting faction who advocates physical fighting, his fighting ability is still good compared to ordinary people.

Of course, this is not worth mentioning to non-human beings like the red-faced man who claims to be a "demon".

Charlotte's reliance on daring to fight close to the red-faced man is more of the deduction ability he obtained by using dream spells.

——Although the red-faced man is immune to Charlotte's spells, he cannot prevent Charlotte from using spells on himself.

To put it simply, Charlotte used the dream to deduce the possible reaction of the opponent in the blink of an eye, and prepared accordingly.

——Like Sherlock Holmes in "The Detective Sherlock Holmes."

Although Charlotte does not have the perverted reasoning and reaction abilities of Holmes, he can do the same with the help of the dream world. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

——This is actually a kind of variant ability he acquired after the release of "The Detective Sherlock Holmes".

However, as one of the best directors in Hollywood, he rarely has the opportunity to fight with others, so this ability is basically not available.

Only when encountering opponents like today's red-faced man who are immune to spells for some reason can this ability have a chance to play.

Therefore, before the start of the fight, Charlotte had already calculated the position and various possibilities-

Whether it was the serial kick of the red-faced man at the beginning, or the counterattack of the opponent now, he had considered it in advance and had his own response plan.

Therefore, he can still laugh at this moment.

And Charlotte's smile did make the red-faced man a little strange, but his fists were ready, and he couldn't wait any longer, so he didn't think about it anymore and punched Charlotte. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Charlotte, who had calculated this step before, was naturally not hit, but he did not take the opportunity to fight back either.

He let his opponent hit the side wall of the cabin next to him with a punch, and at the same time, he also shot, grabbing the red-faced man who was too late to close his punch, and hit the side wall of the cabin together.

With a "bang", the side wall of the cabin suddenly opened--

Charlotte and the red-faced man rushed out of the cabin together.

But it turned out that Charlotte was grabbed by the red-faced man and hit the side wall of the cabin at the location of the emergency exit of the plane...


Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to forcibly open the emergency exit of the aircraft, especially in the case of flying, without a few tons or even dozens of tons of force.

However, the word "forced" is not necessary for Charlotte——&1t;i>&1t;/i>

After pulling most of the people on the plane into a dream, he has let Charlize temporarily take over control of the plane.

In this case, letting go of the control of the emergency hatch will naturally become possible.

——Of course, Charlize himself doesn’t know how to open the emergency hatch, but it can’t hold anyone from knowing it!

Anyway, all the crew members have been dreamed by Charlotte, and it is not difficult to guide them to open the emergency hatch.

However, even if Charlize unlocked the emergency hatch in advance according to Charlotte's request, it still takes a lot of effort to actually open the hatch.

——That’s why he guided the red-faced man with far more power to hit the emergency hatch with all his strength, and then forced the opponent to crash into the hatch. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

——All of this was calculated by Charlotte before.

—— Including how he happened to be hit by the emergency door on the side wall of the cabin after being caught by the red-faced man.

——It also includes the situation where the emergency cabin door was finally knocked open by several impacts, and the two of them rolled and fell out of the cabin together, and began to free fall in mid-air...


Yes, Charlotte did not intend to sacrifice herself and die with the red-faced man.

the reason is simple--

He can fly!

This ability was obtained by the mana he had gathered from the game "Fantastic Quidditch".

——He used this ability to take Charlize to the hospital once before giving birth.

But now, Charlotte is using this ability to make a move to draw salaries from the bottom of the pan——&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Just as the red-faced man said, in the cabin, he was immune to Charlotte's spells because of a large amount of original sin and evil spirits and his own "anger".

Charlotte tried to crack it, but couldn't succeed in a moment.

Therefore, he decided to drag the red-faced man out of the cabin.

——In that case, the red-faced man who has escaped the evil spirit will become like a big fish out of the water.

At that time, the opponent couldn't be immune to spells, and it should be easier to deal with.

Not to mention, if the red-faced man who claims to be a "monster" can't fly, then once he is dragged out of the cabin, the gravity of the earth will be enough to solve him.

For Charlotte, who can fly, falling out of the cabin is not a dangerous thing-he can fly back as soon as he turns around. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Of course, it does not mean that there is no danger.

At least, when the plane is still at an altitude of 12,000 meters, the low temperature outside the cabin and the strong wind that can tear the body are enough to kill Charlotte.

Therefore, he asked Charlize to control the plane's dive.

——Able to use "Foshan Shadowless Feet" attacks on red-faced men, but it is only a side effect.

Charlotte's real purpose is to lower the altitude of the aircraft as soon as possible.

In this way, after leaving the high altitude and returning to a lower altitude, the temperature and wind outside the cabin will not cause much damage to him.

At the same time, when the altitude of the aircraft is relatively reduced, the air pressure difference between inside and outside the cabin will also become smaller, which can prevent people or objects in the cabin from being easily sucked outside by the air pressure...


To some extent, Charlotte's plan is actually quite crazy.

But he is usually a person who doesn't like dangerous sports very much, and often uses "safety" as a reason to prevent Charlize from seeking excitement.

So it's no wonder that Charlize felt unfair after listening to his plan.

But in any case, this plan was successful-

After being dragged out of the cabin by Charlotte, the red-faced man became obviously panicked.

However, this panic is not the kind of desperate, overwhelmed panic, it's more like an unexpected panic.

——The heart of Charlotte, who is now making the plan successful, sinks.

"It looks like this guy might also fly!"

Charlotte wondered.

Sure enough, a pair of huge black bat wings stretched out from behind the red-faced man, and his body slowly shrank in mid-air.

"What's this? Feitian Yasha!? Or a bat spirit!?"

Charlotte guessed wildly However, the most important thing at the moment is not this——

"Do you think this is a robot cartoon!? No one will take advantage of the opponent's transformation! !?"

Charlotte spit out while casting spells in the air, pulling the red-faced man who was transforming into a dream.

——At this time, it was outside the cabin, free from the blessing of evil, the other party has no way to be immune to his spells!

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